
"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

author:FILM Barn
"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

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There is a small barn on the edge of the city

The shelves are stacked with stories and hopes

Zhang Jiajia said: When a person has a rift in his heart, it is quiet, and no one in this world can detect it. Only when he slammed open would everyone hear it.

There is such a group of people, they walk between the peaks and cliffs every day, the mood is like riding a jumping machine, it is a cycle of weightlessness, they are bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder) patients. If major illnesses and accidents are the two demons that rob lives, then bipolar disorder is the third.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

Antoine is a man with bipolar disorder who endures the extreme pain of emotional disparity every day, living with his father in a narrow, dim rental house. Every day he thought of his mother, the woman who also suffered from psychological disorders during his lifetime, the woman who had been killed by mistake.

The mother's illness is so serious that she cannot take care of herself, and Antoine takes care of her day and night, becoming a venting pot for her mother, but in exchange for her girlfriend's incomprehension, as well as the repressed emotions accumulated in her heart.

And what the mother thinks in her heart and on her lips is always the eldest son who is far away in the United States, the eldest son who never returns home, and the husband who has been working outside for many years is scolded every day, and this second son, Adong, who is also not out of work.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

During manic attacks, Antoine will become confident and talkative, full of hope for life, feel that any problem can be solved, overexcited, but sometimes, but also over-acting, can not consider the feelings of others.

When he has a depression attack, he will lie in bed crying day and night, lose his appetite, stink on his body and do not want to take a bath, do not want to see people, feel that there is no point in living at all, as if falling into the dark, reaching out and not seeing five fingers, not seeing the light.

He has always been a good person, but also a person who knows respect, not a bad person. You know, it is often some kind people whose soul is more vulnerable. He would be eager to help the neighbor repair electrical appliances, the neighbor would put the child in the rental house when he went out, let him and his father help take care of it, and would criticize the impolite person at the friend's wedding.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

However, after people learned of Antoine's mental disorder and the killing of his mother, he showed a strong sense of unfriendliness.

In their view, Antoine is a mental illness, a mental illness who eats chocolate in the supermarket, a mental illness that even kills his own mother, so they have to stay away from him, they protest like Antoine's father, asking the father and son to move out of the rental house, and not letting their children contact Antoine.

Most people are ignorant, and once they have prejudices, they will look at everything according to their own thoughts and beliefs, and will not pay attention to your heart at all.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

In fact, crazy eating chocolate is just that Adong is too painful, depression he can't control, he wants to be happy, I heard that eating sweet will make people happy, so he will eat fiercely without restrictions. And he didn't want to and wouldn't hurt his mother.

Although people with bipolar disorder are miserable, they will never hurt others, they will only inflict all their suffering on themselves, they will only hurt themselves. So again and again, Antoine fell into self-blame, believing that his mother's death was all his fault.

In the stage of fighting against psychological diseases, the most affected are always the families of bipolar patients, who cannot empathize with the patient's pain, and are more helpless at the same time, and finally, after the patience is worn out, they also have to choose to send the patient to a mental hospital.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

Thankfully, Antoine's father did not give up on him.

The father gave Antoine unconditional support and warm companionship, and when everyone did not understand Antoine, the father chose to believe, so he silently followed him, talked about his heart, sat down, and did not choose to hand over everything to the mental hospital for management.

He said: "It's easy to be an asshole, just throw it aside if you don't want to, but he's my son, and not everything can be outsourced to someone else." ”

Man, a high-class animal, always lives more and more confused, forgets his original intention, loses his original heart, and is no longer as pure as the children of the past. Like the neighbor and her child in the movie, the child cares about the heart of others, and the neighbors care about what they have to do with themselves. But this is not because children are immature.

"A Thought of Ignorance": Why can't you understand them a little more?

In the trees of reinforced cement and soil, people gradually live into a virtual appearance, after all, the survival of the fittest, the unchanging law, the product of the times. But why can't we do what children can do? In the final analysis, it is not human beings who have created the times. With just a little change, a better future is just around the corner.

I hope that people can have more understanding of the bipolar disorder group, can not feel empathy, then try to compare the heart to the heart, simple companionship, firm encouragement, sometimes as long as a smile, a hug, bipolar disorder patients will get some spiritual comfort.

If you can't understand, you can choose to ignore it, but don't say something brainless to stimulate it.

They're not pretentious, they're not strong enough, they don't think too much, bipolar disorder is like a cold, it's all a disease, no one wants to get sick.

Overcoming bipolar disorder is a difficult and long process, but I believe that with love and understanding, there will always be a bright future, if you have bipolar disorder around you, please care more about them.

The pictures in this article are all from the movie "A Thought of Ignorance", which was invaded and deleted

I've heard that anyone who pays attention to the barn gets what they want

Thank you for appreciating my little unknown corner

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