
What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

I am Mr. Senmei, welcome to the Rich Thinking Class!

Unlock the Rich Man's Mind Code and unlock your treasure of wealth;

Thinking like a rich person will be enlightened like a rich person;

Acting like a rich person will develop like a rich person.

This column reveals 50 ways of thinking that millionaires can think very differently from ordinary people, and is designed to enable people to think and behave like rich people, so that they can achieve finances faster.

The "Matthew effect" tells us that the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer, and the gap between the two will not shorten over time, but will only get bigger and bigger.

Some people may say, "The difference between the poor and the rich is money, and if you have the resources and wealth of the rich, you will not do worse than them!" ”

Is this really the case? Ma Yun, who went from scratch to China's richest man, doesn't think so, saying in an interview: "The biggest gap between the poor and the rich is not money, but the gap in thinking." Because the gap in thinking leads to different ideas and different choices, there will be two completely different lives. ”

Hearing this, many people will have doubts, always saying that there is a gap in thinking between the poor and the rich, so in what ways is there a gap, and what is the difference between the two thinking? In fact, this gap is not difficult to find, from the purchase of a car between the two, you can see the whole leopard.


The poor buy a car to be convenient, and the rich figure the façade

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

Many people think that the car is just a means of transportation, so when buying a car, it is mainly to figure out its practicality. For example, because it is inconvenient to commute to work, it is difficult to go out on rainy days, and it is more troublesome to go home to relatives in the New Year, so I decided to buy a car to make my life more convenient, which is also a improvement in the quality of life.

In real life, many people who are successful in business have more than one luxury car. Many people think that this is to pretend face, but in fact, because they all know the unspoken rules of a shopping mall: what kind of car to drive, in order to negotiate what kind of business.

In the past, when I was working at a company, I went out with the boss to talk about business, and his car temporarily broke down, I wanted to take a taxi over, he stopped me and took me to rent a luxury car.

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

After the business was negotiated, he said to me: "People are animals that are easily swayed by emotions, if you go to talk to others about business, and the result is a van or a car of tens of thousands of dollars, then this business is mostly not big business, otherwise the other party may have a very bad first impression of you, and suspect that you do not have enough financial strength." ”

So for the rich, the car is not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of a person's strength, the grade of the car determines his social status, so whether the car is good or not, driving out and having face is the key to their choice of a car.

Of course, some people will say that they also want to buy luxury cars, but without this strength, what can they do? What is said here is mainly the gap between the two intentions to buy a car, buying a car must be based on their own real strength, it is impossible to earn thousands of dollars a month to buy hundreds of thousands of car to charge the façade.

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

But every circle has cooperation, need to make friends to talk about business, buy a car because of the convenience of life or in order to make their career have a better development, this thinking also determines the upper limit of our lives.

From the intention of buying a car, we can see the difference in thinking between the poor and the rich, and the poor are more concerned about solving the immediate problems and getting immediate benefits, and often do not think too much about the long-term things.

And the rich know how to put long-term fishing big fish, willing to invest in themselves, can attract others through packaging, gain the trust of others, and thus obtain greater benefits, which is one of the reasons why rich people can get richer and richer.


Poor people buy cars when they succeed, and rich people buy cars for more success

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

Ordinary people often take buying a car as a goal in their life, and when they achieve the desired achievements, they go to buy a car to treat themselves, or to change to a better car, they regard the car as a treasure, very cherished and cared for, often for a little scratch and heartache.

But for the rich man, buying a luxury car is not because of the struggle to succeed, but in order to be more successful, he must buy a car, the car is a tool for him to achieve his goals in life.

After Li Ka-shing earned the first bucket of gold in his life by doing plastic flower business, he took out a loan to buy a luxury car and a good outfit for the first time, and some people advised him to save money or use it to invest better, but he said: "After having a car, there will naturally be business, and naturally there will be money." Sure enough, there was an endless stream of people who came to him later.

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

The reason why Li Ka-shing borrows money to buy a car as soon as he has money is because he knows that the business field pays attention to the naked exchange of interests, and only if you show value will others be willing to listen to you and cooperate with you.

Therefore, rich people never think about how much money they have and need to buy a good car, but they will think that if they want to make a lot of money, they must first have a car that is up to the best grade.

This is one of the gaps in thinking between the poor and the rich, the former being complacent about having expensive things, and the latter being larger and able to maximize the value of the various things around them, thereby creating more value, which is one of the reasons why they are getting richer.


Poor people pay attention to cost performance when they buy cars, and rich people pay more attention to brands

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

When poor people buy cars, they often think twice, is there a leather seat electric sunroof? Will the price be reduced in a few months? Save or not save fuel? Can the design of the rear seat put more things? How about the interior? ......

After thinking about these questions and referring to many models, you will make a careful choice. Once you exceed your expectations, you are likely to shelve the idea of buying a car, or take a second place and choose another model.

And the question that the rich people are often concerned about is how the brand's car reputation is? How about international visibility? Are there many people driving this car around?

For them, the brand is the most important factor to consider when buying a car, a good brand can show their taste, of course, there will be an element of vanity, but this is the common sentiment of people, there is nothing strange.

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

This is also a manifestation of the thinking gap between the poor and the rich, which although it is affected by pocket-determined ideas, the former is often more persistent and entangled in some small things, and often gets angry about some unnecessary things in life.

The rich are more cheerful in their dealings, do not care much about some insignificant things, some small problems in their view are completely indifferent, only care about some general direction changes.

People who do this will seem to be very free, able to win people's hearts, so as to get more people's support, so that their careers can go much smoother.

What is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich? From the purchase of a car, you can see the whole leopard

The above is the reflection of the thinking gap between the rich and the poor in buying a car, I don't know if you have gained something after reading it?

Thinking determines the attitude of life, but also determines the height of life, if you want to change your poor life, then first of all you must change your thinking, and finally hope that everyone in life can continue to make good changes, career is booming, running to the rich Road.

Author: Mr. Senmei

Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, a little knowledge of one or two; worry about the glass heart, explain three or four.

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