
Every frame of the French les lily drama "Portrait of a Burning Woman" is a beautiful oil painting

Every frame of the French les lily drama "Portrait of a Burning Woman" is a beautiful oil painting

Both the form and the connotation have reached a very high level. The photography is extremely beautiful, the framing is extremely comfortable with light grading, full of classical charm and beauty, worthy of "every frame is a beautiful oil painting", the end of the soundtrack ended with Vivaldi's "Summer" urgent edition,

The turbulent emotional ups and downs of the characters are set off magnificently, accompanied by the gaze of the woman, which makes people think of many thoughts and make people cry. The script of the coincidence has a similar sense of refinement like photography,

The story of Orps predicts that their love will not be good, but it also achieves the ultimate romance and eternity, like the burning portrait, fast decay, but beautiful to the peak, evocative and long-lasting.

Every frame of the French les lily drama "Portrait of a Burning Woman" is a beautiful oil painting

Delicate and accurate, layered, static braking performance makes this work more expressive, full of stamina, do not have to have a perfect result, but because of each other's concerns and eternal.

There is no male image in the whole film, and they are separated from the male gaze but they are not free from the confinement of the patriarchal society. The first half is a kind of forbearance, and the end loves people more than themselves. Every frame is beautiful.

The meaning of the subtle look, tearing the masks of each other, you enter me and retreat, and then enter I have nowhere to retreat, this tension is good enough. It's pretty good, the tone and plot are excellent.

Every frame of the French les lily drama "Portrait of a Burning Woman" is a beautiful oil painting

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