
Ainoi: The poet of the | of the Kinsei Ancient Road

Editor's Note On January 31, 2021, the Fourth National Member Congress of the Chinese Poetry Society was successfully held, and 170 people were elected as members of the Fourth Council of the Chinese Poetry Society. This WeChat public account will select the selected poems of directors and members on the basis of merit for the benefit of readers.

Ainoi: The poet of the | of the Kinsei Ancient Road

Ai Nuoyi, a young poet and writer, a contracted author and gold medal lecturer of The Reader New Media, a member of the China Writers Association, a student of the 36th Advanced Research Class for Young and Middle-Aged Writers of Lu Xun Literature College, and a student of the 3rd Advanced Research Class for Young and Middle-Aged Writers of Lao She Literature College. He has published "Ten Thousand Flowers of Mountains and Rivers", "And Come to The Flowers to Listen to Sheng Songs", "Chaser of Light", etc., won the Bingxin Prose Award, the "Reader" New Media Annual Most Popular Author Award, the National Political and Legal Theme Outstanding Original Script Award, selected into the Chinese Public Security Literature Seventy Years Fine Library and other selected books, primary and secondary school language theme learning extracurricular tutoring series, and won the support project of the China Writers Association.

Gyeongseo Ancient Road



All about the beginning of early spring

It was just a premeditation of the thermometer

Unnoticed, Spring had more clues

Crack dramatic expressions, and much more

The dawn involving rain and snow

Any kind of subject you are familiar with, means

The rest of the scenery cannot penetrate the echoes that come from afar

In another chaos, the rift of the derivative season

A soul renders the base color

A soul opens the void

And the old sick body is still pulling

The corner of the spring day

Those that contain the coldness of the scenery

Leads us to identify gaps in our hearts

Chasing amnesiac migrations


Outside the window

Sit at the window facing the street in a tall building

The tassels of time ripple in the whirlpool

The horizon slowly lit up

Only light grows in the abyss

Between the buildings, people in yellow vests came out

Then there were black, red, and blue

A pedal bike goes around

The slow car disappeared around the corner

Staring at the crowd away from home

Decades of flesh and sky sat side by side again

Free from the shackles of the land

At this moment, it is no longer heavy and staggering

Unlimited flocks of birds

Burst into bloom in an instant

When I wrote these words, I also forgot

The so-called long life

Blood and bone are being stripped with dirt

Ainoi: The poet of the | of the Kinsei Ancient Road

Photo in this issue: Lonely City


Occasionally, he moved in the chair he used to sit in

The building complex is available in several colors

How many windows are lit

Shake off tiredness and wait to hear the snapping footsteps

Sometimes, there was a pause at his desk

The eraser of the crack in time has rubbed the mouse and the pad

The lamp's button turned off the moonlight

Fingers tap the keyboard to fade the aftertaste of the wind and rain

The fibers of those old clothes, from invisible crevices

Grow crazy insomnia with murmurs

Refracted clouds, lying on the wooden floor

Accept the fate of a lifetime

The road, ah, looks like a condensed figure

The last three minutes are left for the night

We are so similar

Stronger than the diffuse floral fragrance

Purer than the dead branches of winter



I remember, the flowers around me

Drive anywhere you want to settle down

I remember, can't have it again

How wonderful the old days were

At that time, simple rooms, hearty laughter

Light layers of stove fire

Day next to night

Dusk is all twilight

At that time, the location was vacated

No one wants to sit down

The sorrow diluted by the wind Faces the tiny things

I saw it salute silently

At that time, in a strange story

Having heard birdsong, I couldn't do it for them

One by one, they come up with nice names

The ancient dialect became a large piece of light

Illuminating a grain of soil, it has its dead and alive

Ainoi: The poet of the | of the Kinsei Ancient Road

Falling cherry blossoms

The last seven days of March

The wind stopped at the unusually wide riverbed

Move your steps at the winter ferry

The water under the shade is clear and soaked in greenery

With the flaunting of cherry blossoms

Wash away the sufferings of the world

There is no room for hypocrisy

The mottled flower dress lifted up my shadow

Give it the power to be born again

Soft pink, ethereal white

Clouds meet like clouds

Drift to the place where the sun sets

Slip off, slip off

See the journey of return

Destined to be a dazzling and short-lived meteor

With the years, the bell shakes

Sealed in the prayers of the multitudes

And spring is already on the way to waking up from a dream

Spring Feast

Think of spring

I thought of the young shoots that were upturned in the branches

Thought of the warm sun falling on the side of the petals

Think of the first rain in April

Soaked with thousand-year-old trees

Every spring day seems to be closely linked

Huansha River, under the Ramie Mountain

Walk through the alleys, or stop at the bluestone slabs

You can always hear the echoes of the past

Every spring day seems to be different

Tiny delicate tea leaves look

That doesn't matter

But it's wonderful

The slow-growing chamfern bears the fruit of a thousand years

The accompanying tea leaves meditate on the red dust

The stretch of sinking into the bottom of the purple sand pot completes the mission of a lifetime

The fragrance is fragrant and gradually fills the heart

Between the floats and sinks, open the window of memory

There are some old ones. Some are thin

The feast of spring is so vast

The pots and teas that pass by in this life return to the years

Dragon Boat Festival

You pass in front of the mountain temple

Suffering, tears

Bumps away from the nightmare

There is not a trace of it in the rippling waters of the river

At this moment, the candle flames that lit up inside were trembling

The dragon boat slowed down, and the wheat was yellow

The fragrance of mugwort leaves is faint

No more rushing to appointments. The rest of the time

Some things try to start over

Ascend, travel far, or hide in the house

Cut the winding silk thread

The grains of rice precipitate a long taste

The wooden comb carefully hid the white hair

He sang the tune in a low voice and sat upright like a twilight bell in the distance

The lights have been extinguished and life has shed its mask

The silhouette of the tacit understanding of heaven and earth

Tonight, the body is a real mountain and river

Moonlight accompanies you back home

Ainoi: The poet of the | of the Kinsei Ancient Road

Thousands of years of memory are like a window

Push it open and it's hard to close it again

So, I'll take a look at you

Senyama Arch Protects Shinkyo's right arm

The ancient road under the mist is mysterious

Crisscrossed, more tactile

The thickness and vicissitudes that have gone through the vicissitudes of the ups and downs

I'll take a look at you

I have seen it many times in the photos

Walking in or can't help but exclaim

Narrow trails steep hills

It is the road that ancestors have worn out with their feet for generations

The caravans are non-stop around the clock

Countless suns, moons, and stars followed

The hard stone surface leaves a deep hoof nest

When the pupils of the city, find a height

I'll take a look at you."

Nestled between the mountainside and the mist, there is little road

The hoof nests of the ancient road are denser and clearer

The camel horses that used to rely on long-distance transportation came in full swing,

A thousand grinds

I don't know how many years it took

How many mules carrying coal have passed

How much coal was shipped to Beijing

It is to create such a spectacle

Time turned around and the sky just brightened

At that time, the city of Beijing was quiet in the mountains and near the water

The sound of camel bells rings for ten miles

Mules and horses hissed in wisps

The shop welcomed and the caravans shuttled

The mountain echoes the human voice, and the water returns to the camel shadow

The ancient road goes all the way west

Over the mountains and mountains string together one ancient village after another

Overlooking the depths of the peaks, hidden in the thorny jungle

The ancient post road is as dense as a weaving net

In the blink of an eye, the hidden joy and sorrow no longer reappeared

The fire of the glazed brick kiln has been exuberant to this day

look at! Almost every house opens a guest house and flies a wine flag

Just like the old ancient road station

A stroll from yesterday

Today, modern highways have taken away the traffic that once existed on the Jingxi Ancient Road

The mountain road covered by National Highway 108

The walls are ruined and everything around them is abandoned

Above the steep peaks, the copper wall and iron wall stand

Between the barriers, the industriousness and hardship of the predecessors make people surging endlessly

No amount of obstacle can stop the progress

Those who have accumulated manpower over the years

Only to give the power to engrave mountains and rivers

In the closest place to the sun, stand tallest in the sky

The trail stretches until it disappears into the mist

O laborer, you are determined to create a new life without complaint or regret

Let the spring breeze touch the living veins of the earth

Those old stories spread

Let your thoughts drift as far as you want, how rich your imagination is

Can seep into the dirt with time and shade

Endless, silent

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