
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of January 15, 2022


You may need to end some personal things so that you can focus on the powerful shifts that may occur in your career. A huge shift is happening in your family and career fields, which means you may be considering a new position that will give you a high salary but will require you to move. Jump bravely, even if you don't feel comfortable — sometimes you don't get without sacrificing.


You may have received shocking news at the end of last month, and today you may get a replay. Everything gets very serious in terms of the direction of your career and life, and previous agreements may be reviewed. This will not be the last discussion, thanks to the cunning retrograde of Mercury. He's retrograde through your career palace, helping you redefine what you think needs to happen to guarantee your success.


In the past year and a half, you may have encountered considerable legal challenges and bureaucratic red tape. As Mercury retrogrades in the regions that govern these in your astrolabe, it may be time to revisit these scenarios. If a protocol doesn't work exactly for you, now is a good time to ask for further discussion. You may not be able to see a clear picture immediately, but you can definitely get the ball to roll in the right direction.


Pluto's closest relationship to you may have been ruined for years, and people may leave your life in unfriendly ways. You may also attract powerful and domineering people into your circle. As the full moon approaches, your emotions may be greatly enhanced and a relationship either ends or transforms into something life-changing forever. Everything that happens next week should be important and stand the test of time.


Last year, you may have found yourself in a revolving door with your love life and most intimate relationships. Maybe you've found the perfect partner, but for some reason can't move forward with the TA. You may also experience a split with your partner. Now, though, the situation seems to be improving, and your partner seems to have his own misgivings. By mid-March, you should know if you are destined for each other.


You may still be missing someone from your past, which can lead to conflict between you and your current partner. After two days, the moon will illuminate your social palace, and its powerful beam may persist for a long time. Try to be as objective as possible about what happened and know that you can definitely rebuild and move forward here. New love may be on the way.


You may focus on finding a balance between your family and career, while one or both aspects of your life can change dramatically. The full moon will peak on Monday and will see a low tide of power struggles and tensions. You may resist at first, but Venus is not far from our action, and she assures you that the result will be worth it.


Just when you think you've settled all the things about your living circumstances or your parents, Mercury comes along, he's a master of reflection, and that will make you reconsider your plans. Uranus will also contribute his abilities, so the news you hear now may shock you. In fact, last month, you may have experienced this problem. There may be a third time in the future that you will need to go through this, so it is better to do research now than to reach an agreement.


Now that the lunar eclipse is over, Jupiter will begin to show his best. He is cutting the ribbon for your new beginnings and preparing you for the journey of your life. Recently you may think of moving, and if that's the case, you might get the green light to start exploring the market. It would be better to postpone the final decision until mid-February, as Mercury will not be in a supportive position until then.


You seem to be tapping into your own power, thanks to Pluto breaking down your perception of yourself and rebuilding you into a person with a solid structure. As the full moon approaches, at the climax on Monday, you're likely to cement an emotional and financial partnership. The ball is in your hand, so you are the one who gives the shots. If you decide to end something, remember to be gentle with your audience. On the contrary, love should change now.


You can now strike a lasting deal, though the terms may change as Mercury will retrograde for most of the first week of February. Mercury in trick mode, you may be the cause of the change, but the universe has a way to give you time to adjust to finer points. If things deviate from your original understanding, try not to get discouraged. A relationship can be balanced, and the question now is whether you're willing to give commitment.


Thanks to jupiter's bounty, the New Year may have already begun, bringing you a cascade of blessings. You are now the darling of the universe, and every dream in your heart is easy to fulfill. All you have to do is make a wish and get the ball to bounce. Today you might think of a love affair, and as the full moon approaches, your emotions are sure to become more pronounced. It's time to decide what exactly you and that special person want.

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