
Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

All over the body, where is the easiest to get fat? It is not the "waist".

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Words like "bucket waist", "beer belly" and "swimming circle" are used to describe the waist, waist thickness means more fat, more fat means that the clothes you want to wear can't wear, hey, sad.

I. China's thick waist "hardest hit area"

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Of course, the waist thickness is not yours alone, yesterday I looked at a data, saying that it is Chinese waist thickness shows the characteristics of regional distribution: the sample of this data is 440,000 adults, and nearly 30% of people are thick waist.

On the whole, there are more thick-waisted people in the northeast, southwest and east, and fewer in the south of the Yangtze River.

On the "hardest hit areas" of thick waist, it is concentrated in Tianjin, Tibet, Beijing, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Henan and other places, of which Tianjin is the most serious, and the abdominal obesity rate has reached 52.3%.

Not sure which city you're in?

2, Koshigoe coarse, life span

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Many people may feel dissatisfied, the waist is thick or something, but the problem is that it not only affects the appearance, but also the harm caused to health can not be underestimated - to some extent, the thicker the waist, the shorter the life expectancy.

Because with the increase of waist circumference, according to relevant studies, it will increase the chance of cancer. For every 11 cm increase in waist circumference, the risk of ten cancers associated with obesity increased by 13 percent.

And waist thickness means more belly fat, more belly fat, considering that most of the body organs are concentrated in the abdomen, visceral fat will not be less: this will affect the body's normal metabolism, but also increase the risk of high blood pressure, high blood lipids, fatty liver and so on.

Third, the waist is not thick, how to see?

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Measure the waist circumference: find the middle point at the bottom of the ribs and the top of the hip, keep the abdomen relaxed, circle horizontally with a leather ruler, and repeat the measurement two or three times to ensure accuracy.

If the waist circumference of men > 90cm and the waist circumference of women > 80cm, this belongs to the high incidence of waist thickness and visceral fat.

Fourth, the waist is too thick, what causes it?

1. Fine diet

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

There are many reasons for waist thickness, combined with the above "hard-hit areas", you will find that the reason why the abdominal obesity rate in Tianjin and Beijing is high is related to the "refinement" of diet.

Diet can be summarized in four words: fine, fine, fat, and greasy. Such a diet is not only easy to exceed the calorie intake, but also not conducive to controlling blood sugar, blood sugar soaring, stimulating insulin secretion, abdominal fat is more sensitive to insulin, it is easy to accumulate fat.

2. Sedentary

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

In addition, it belongs to the economically developed area, with more mental activity and less physical activity, and sitting for a long time will cause abdominal fat accumulation, resulting in a thicker waist.

3. Backward concepts

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

In Tibet, northeast China and other places, the winter is long and cold, in order to resist the cold and accumulate calories, these areas eat more meat, and will also stimulate the body fever by drinking.

It turns out that people go up the mountain to cut firewood to do farm work, and with the improvement of living standards, after the reduction of physical activity, eating habits are still retained, which will cause fat accumulation.

Fifth, the waist is too thick, what should I do?

1. Correct the concept: waist thick ≠ crazy to practice abs

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

It is said that many fat friends' "journey to reduce their abdomen" starts with making a curl, but the truth is that doing this often does not make the waist circumference shrink and make the abdomen flat.

The real reason you get thicker and thicker is that you only practiced your muscles and didn't lose fat.

You know, fat and muscle are two kinds of body tissues, under the stimulation of strength training such as curling abdomen, although the abdominal muscles will become larger, but if the abdominal fat is more, it will not be exposed. The total size increases, and the waist is naturally thicker.

2. Simple 6 moves to get rid of the thick waist

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

(1) Increase the intake of dietary fiber: the diet is too fine, like to eat sweets or too many times of processing of food, fat is easy to accumulate, so it is recommended to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber.

It not only provides a feeling of fullness in the body, but also delays the absorption of sugar and avoids the secretion of insulin in large quantities, thereby reducing the accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen. It is mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains.

(2) Increase protein intake: Protein is an important raw material for muscle growth and repair, and growing a little muscle is very helpful for improving the efficiency of fat burning. You can eat: fish and shrimp, chicken breast, lean beef, eggs, milk, beans.

(3) Eat less greasy food: how did you get fat? When calorie intake is greater than consumption, it is converted into fat storage.

The growth of fat is systemic, and there is bound to be a part of it accumulating in the abdomen. So for you who are greedy for greasy foods such as fries and fried chicken, if you want to reduce your waistline, you still maintain a light diet every day, and eat less greasy food.

(4) Reduce alcohol consumption: Although the "beer belly" is not necessarily caused by drinking beer, the calories of many drinks are not low, and during the drinking period, you will eat a lot of appetizers, which will increase the probability of gaining weight. And excessive alcohol consumption will affect the metabolism of fat by liver cells, increase the probability of fat synthesis, and be detrimental to fat loss.

(5) Aerobic exercise + abdominal strength exercises

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Aerobic exercise helps to exercise the heart and lungs, but also promotes fat burning and metabolism. Jogging, swimming, cycling, skipping rope, etc., you can choose any way you like, guaranteed to exercise no less than 4 times a week, each time for more than 30 minutes.

During the process of body fat reduction, it can be interspersed with strength exercises aimed at the abdomen, which can sculpt the abdominal line to make it tighter and reveal the coveted vest line.

Recommend a few training movements for the abdomen, do 12 times per action, do more units every day, stick to it for a while, and you will find that your waist circumference is significantly reduced.

Touch the knees to curl the abdomen

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Lie on your back and raise your legs

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Lying on the side and holding the hips

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Bend your knees and roll your abdomen left and right

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

Plate support (hold for 1 min)

Where in China is the thickest waist? The thicker the waist, the shorter the lifespan! 6 tricks to teach you to reduce your waistline

(6) Drink plenty of water and pay attention to sleep

Drink enough water about 1500-1700 ml a day, about 7-8 cups, can promote metabolism and help the body detoxify; ensuring sleep every day is also helpful to improve fat burning efficiency, and a reasonable sleep time is about 7-8 hours.

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