
Babies are born with what they know: born to know

Life is the essence of happiness

Heaven and man are the original light of wisdom

Listen to the light Chinese welcome to follow

If someone asks: What happens to a baby when it is born?

It is estimated that many people who are parents are not clear.

In fact, in simple terms, it mainly includes three kinds of capabilities:

Babies are born with what they know: born to know

The first is innate ability – innate.

For example, breastfeeding, sleeping, avoiding danger (such as falling), etc., this is instinct, babies are "self-taught", do not teach, do not learn and know.

For example, many babies are actually born to swim, will naturally float, and even can be dog planer, will turn over and swim backstroke. This has something to do with the fact that babies grow up in amniotic fluid, but in essence, it is more of an instinctive or instinctive response – the ability comes with itself.

Similar to bees nesting for honey, spiders weave gossip arrays. As we all know, the hive and spider webs are very precise and powerful, but nature is very magical, this ability does not need to be learned, bees, spiders are born.

So babies' innate abilities are magical, but they are not magical.

Born to be, no need to learn!

Babies are born with what they know: born to know

The second is to know good and evil – to know it.

Mencius said that at the beginning of man, nature is inherently good; Xunzi said: At the beginning of man, nature is inherently evil.

To a certain extent, Xunzi's point of view also has a certain truth.

But the more mainstream concept is the former, that is, the inherent goodness of nature.

This is the fundamental concept and position of human development, which determines the direction of the progress of human moral standards.

Humans are born with love and compassion, and they are born to recognize good and evil.

Therefore, Mencius said: "The nature of man is good, and this heaven is with me, and he can know without learning, and he knows without worrying."

Is this really the case?

The answer is true.

For example, people have seen that babies often cry when they see other babies crying, or they often cry when they see adults crying, because babies are born with compassion.

For example, scientific experiments have shown that, in general, if you choose one or the other, babies will identify with and choose "good" and "good" things, and dislike and discard "bad" and "evil" things.

For good and evil, including the ability to discern, the ability to choose, etc., babies are born to know.

Babies are born with what they know: born to know

The third is enlightenment–innate.

Babies have a very high level of understanding, in short, to learn anything quickly.

Including learning to speak, learning language, learning to walk...

Babies' eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body are highly sensitive, they are very sensitive to things, the whole "body and mind" are very smart, and the body's response is "natural".

There are many things that babies can understand once they read, or learn them a few times. Including the words of adults, expressions or comparisons, sometimes they are understood almost instantaneously.

The high level of understanding of infants shows that many human abilities are innate.

In fact, understanding is not mysterious, it is super learning ability, that is, the ability to learn instantaneously, that is, the ability to "understand", "know" and "understand" at once.

This ability is either an innate ability or a quick ability to learn.

Although infants are relatively gifted, as they grow and are affected by the environment, their acquired abilities are improved, but their innate abilities are prone to degradation.

Therefore, in terms of innate ability, wisdom and morality, the ancients said that they should return to simplicity and return to nature.

Therefore, whether adults or children, people must maintain a heart, a child's heart, and a "child's heart".

Like Lao Tzu said, "Can baby care"?

Just like a baby!

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