
Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

Draw the point

★ Pregnancy is indeed a heavier burden on women, and older pregnant women will face more risks.

★ When you become pregnant at an advanced age, your baby is more likely to have health problems.

★ Doing a good job in pregnancy testing and obstetric examination is an important guarantee for safe birth.

Recently, an economist issued an article saying that the central bank should be allowed to print an additional 2 trillion yuan to encourage fertility, and the economist also warned that instead of counting on the "post-90s" and "post-00s", we should seize the 75 to 85 part of the population, because they still have the concept of having many children and many blessings.

As soon as this remark came out on the Internet, it was fried, and the "post-90s and post-00s" said that "you really know us [dog head]", while many "post-70s" and "post-80s" directly began to spit out fragrance...

I don't know if it is because of this violent speculation that the economist has now been silenced.

Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

From Weibo

Regardless of whether the matter of printing money and giving birth to children is unreliable, pointing to the "70s and 80s" to have children, it is indeed a bit difficult to be strong, because compared with young women, older women do have more risks of pregnancy.

Whether or not to give birth to and when to give birth is of course a woman's own business, but the risks that may be faced when giving birth are things that must be understood. Next, let's briefly talk about these risks for female friends who are willing to have children to judge for themselves.


Pregnancy at an advanced age is burdensome

It is said that pregnancy should be early, and the main reason is that pregnancy can bring great challenges to women's bodies, especially for "elderly" women. Medically advanced pregnant women refer to pregnant women over the age of 35. Compared with younger women, as they age, their physical function declines, the burden is heavier when they become pregnant, and they are more likely to have health problems.

Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

Figureworm creative

Taking the circulatory system as an example, in order to meet the needs of blood supply during pregnancy, the blood volume of pregnant women is increased by 30 to 45% compared with usual, which will bring great challenges to the heart. And women's lungs, squeezed by the increasingly enlarged uterus, also have to supply the oxygen consumption of the mother and child at the same time, and they also have to "overclock" work. The kidneys also have to work overtime to remove the waste products of the double... In short, pregnancy is not a trivial matter, and it requires the pregnant woman's body to exert its full potential in order to adhere to the "one drag two" until a smooth delivery.

For healthy pregnant women of the right age, they can adapt to these changes better, and the adaptability of elderly pregnant women in this regard is worse. In addition, the burden of pregnancy is already relatively heavy, if the pregnant woman itself has health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., it is tantamount to worse, and the elderly pregnant women, with age, the possibility of health problems will also increase. Moreover, compared with pregnant women of appropriate age, the risk of obstetric complications such as gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, contractile weakness, postpartum hemorrhage, and obstructed labor will be significantly increased compared with pregnant women of appropriate age.

So in general, pregnancy at an advanced age is indeed more burdensome and riskier.


Your baby's risk increases

Maybe some mothers think, it doesn't matter, I have to endure it, the baby's health is no problem, but in fact, the advanced age of pregnancy, the baby's health will also bring a series of dangers.

Pregnancy at an advanced age increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Usually everyone most often hears of Down syndrome, is a disease caused by chromosomal abnormalities, the main characteristics of patients are backward intelligence, there is a special Down's face, growth and development will be delayed, there is no effective treatment for the disease. Giving birth to a Tang child will bring great pain and burden to the family.

Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

Patients with Down syndrome have abnormal chromosomes in the twenty-first pair | Figureworm creative

The occurrence of Down syndrome, in addition to genetic, environmental and other factors, is also directly related to the age of the mother. Statistics show that when you are a mother at the age of 30, the incidence of Down syndrome is less than 3 ‰, once you are 35 years old, the incidence rate increases to 6 ‰, when you are 40 years old, there are 45 ‰, and when you are over 45 years old, it is as high as 5% (note, here is the percent sign). Doctors have repeatedly emphasized that prenatal examinations and Down-related examinations are aimed at finding hidden dangers in time, and elderly pregnant women especially need to pay attention to relevant examinations.

There are three main ways to check whether the fetus is at risk of disease, including Down screening, noninvasive DNA screening, and amniocentesis. Ordinary Tang screening and non-invasive DNA screening, are screening rather than diagnosis, the purpose is to find out high-risk pregnant women, if the screening results are high-risk, it does not mean that it is necessarily sick, and the final diagnosis of whether the fetus will be sick, must do amniocentesis, because this method is more accurate. The specific method to be used should follow the doctor's advice according to the specific situation of the pregnant woman.

In addition, as mentioned above, elderly pregnant women are more likely to suffer from diseases such as gestational hypertension and gestational diabetes, and these diseases may also affect the development and delivery of the fetus, and even affect the health of the child later.


Elderly women conceive children

Both husband and wife should do a good job of examination

So many precautions during pregnancy are talked about, but this is all based on the premise of "smooth pregnancy". In fact, women are most likely to get pregnant at the age of 23-29, after which the ovaries will slowly age, the quality of the eggs will decrease, and the difficulty of pregnancy will increase.

Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

Therefore, before officially starting to prepare for pregnancy, women are best to do preconception examinations to see if the body is healthy, whether there is high blood pressure, whether the hormones are normal, how the reproductive system is, and the screening of some genetic diseases, etc. These pre-work are very important for having a healthy baby.

Here by the way to correct a common misunderstanding, that is, many people always think that pregnancy must not be a woman's physical problem, but in fact, the cause of infertility, there is also a lot of possibility in men, and men with the rise of age, fertility will also decline, so the old pregnant can not just do their own examination, but also let men do the examination. In addition, if natural pregnancy is really difficult, artificial assisted reproduction can also be adopted.

Seeing this, I believe that everyone themselves have come to the conclusion that if they really want children, then whether it is considering the burden of the body, the health of the child or the energy consumption of breastfeeding and baby in the future, it is still necessary to plan well and have better children when they are young.

However, the reason is the truth, the reality is the reality, many women out of various considerations and objective conditions, often decide to have children when the age is older, but in this case do not need to be too anxious.

Because at present, China's medical conditions have made great progress, the primary medical conditions have also been greatly improved, pregnancy tests, obstetric examinations can find out a lot of hidden dangers, assisted reproduction is also quite effective, and most pregnant women can also get proper obstetric examination and protection, since the opening of the multi-fetal policy, many elderly women have successfully conceived a second or even a third child.

Fertility can not be counted on after 90s and 00s? 75-85: But I am old

In short, although advanced pregnancy does bring certain risks, but these risks we have a good understanding, want to have children, physical conditions and allows for older women, should understand these risks, with the doctor to actively do a good job of examination and intervention.

Finally, here is also a special reminder to those who plan to have a second child, three children of the mothers, do not feel that they have been born before, have experience do not take the necessary examination seriously, after all, the age is not spared, the body load during pregnancy increases, even if the previous birth and maintenance is smooth, but there may be new health problems, not good obstetric examination, failure to find hidden dangers in time, often lead to risks.

Author | Ding Song

Audit | Tang Qin, Director of the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Medical Association, is a researcher

Editor-in-charge | Ding Song

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