
Want your baby's eyes bigger? Eating grapes is not necessarily reliable

The eyes are the windows of the soul, many expectant parents want their babies to have bigger eyes, and the society spreads that expectant mothers will eat more grapes during pregnancy, will have larger eyes, is this true? Let's let Anusi Xiaobian answer it for you!

Want your baby's eyes bigger? Eating grapes is not necessarily reliable

The size of the eyes is actually not much related to eating grapes, from a biological point of view, the size of the eyes is determined by genetics, if one of the parents has a big eye, then the baby's chance of having big eyes will be greater. Of course, heredity is not all the decisive factor, from these aspects of hard work, maybe the small eyes parents will also receive the big eyes of the big son Oh!

Vitamin A supplementation first, have you ever heard of night blindness? Night blindness is a manifestation of the lack of vitamin A, the main role of the so-called vitamin A is to maintain people's ability to see objects in low light. If you want to supplement with vitamin A, you can eat egg yolks, animal liver, cod liver oil, carrot apples, etc. Nutrition experts in our country recommend that the daily intake of pregnant women is 1200 micrograms!

Let's talk about taurine, the ability of infants to synthesize taurine and renal tubular cells to reabsorb taurine is relatively poor, so it needs to be supplied externally, such as the content of taurine in fish, sardines and other taurine is relatively rich China's nutrition experts suggest that in the second trimester, you can accumulate 6-8mg of taurine per day!

Vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 are important sources of nutrition for the optic nerve, and may cause visual fatigue if vitamin 1 is insufficient, and keratitis if vitamin B2 is insufficient. Foods rich in vitamin B are animal offal, meat, legumes, peanuts, kelp, seaweed mushrooms and so on. Nutrition experts recommend that pregnant mothers eat 50-100 grams of offal every day, so that they can meet the vitamin needs of pregnant mothers for a day.

A-Linolenic acid can reduce the neural tube malformations of newborns in the fetus and have the effect of improving the baby's vision and intelligence. Common foods include nuts, walnuts, cinnamon tuna, etc. The World Health Organization recommends that pregnant women need to supplement 1000 mg of a-linolenic acid per day in addition to a normal diet.

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