
The bride saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed and angrily slapped the pregnant woman, what happened?

The pregnant woman sat on the bed and was slapped by the bride.

After the wedding, the bride and groom returned home and intended to go back to the room to rest, but after opening the door, they saw a pregnant woman sitting on the bed, and the bride slapped the pregnant woman angrily.

The bride saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed and angrily slapped the pregnant woman, what happened?

Why should the bride beat the pregnant woman?

The bride does not like pregnant women sitting on the marriage bed, and the groom also helps the pregnant women talk, so she slaps the pregnant woman.

Weddings should be happy. The bride and groom are the protagonists, marriage is a big event in life, and no one wants some bad things to affect everyone's emotions when the wedding is held. But not every wedding can be held smoothly. Many unexpected things happen when a wedding is held, which will seriously affect the wedding.

After the wedding, the bride and groom go home. They had been busy with the wedding all day, felt tired, and planned to go back to their room to have a good rest. However, as soon as they opened the door of the room and saw what was going on inside the room, the bride's face changed.

The bride was nearsighted, wearing a pair of glasses and a white wedding dress. She took the groom's arm and returned to the room. After opening the door, the bride saw two women inside her room, one pregnant woman dressed in white, the other in black pants and purple clothes, both of whom were sitting on the bed.

The bride saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed and angrily slapped the pregnant woman, what happened?

The bride was very angry when she saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed. She walked over, pointed to the pregnant woman and said, "Why are you sitting on my bed?" Before the pregnant woman could speak, the bride grabbed the pregnant woman's arm and tried to pull her up and stop her from sitting on her bed. At this time, the groom broke the siege and said, it is okay to sit down. It didn't matter if the groom didn't speak, the bride became even angrier. She pushed the groom and said to the groom, "Is it your turn to speak, shut up."

The bride turned around and slapped the pregnant woman, and then said to the pregnant woman, who told you to sit here, hurry up.

The bride hit hard, leaving red palm prints on the pregnant woman's face. The pregnant woman cried after being beaten. The woman in the purple dress quickly stood up and helped the pregnant woman out.

The bride saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed and angrily slapped the pregnant woman, what happened?

The groom and bridesmaid stood beside the bride, not daring to say a word, for fear that their words would irritate the bride and do something excessive

Still upset after the bride beat the pregnant woman, she threw everyone out of the room and closed the door. The groom comforts the beaten pregnant woman in the living room and apologizes to the bride so that she does not take the matter to heart.

The whole thing was recorded by a friend and posted online, which caused a heated discussion among netizens. Some netizens said that the bride is too much, even pregnant women are beaten, is not to make a bed, what is the big deal, and the other party is still a pregnant woman, if you hit the problem, then it will not cause trouble.

Some netizens also said that the groom was too useless, and after the bride said a word, he was too scared to speak out. After the pregnant woman was slapped, he did not stop the bride, which was really a disgrace to the man.

The bride saw the pregnant woman sitting on the bed and angrily slapped the pregnant woman, what happened?

In my opinion, the bride slaps the pregnant woman, which is a bit excessive. Whatever the reason the pregnant woman is sitting on the bed, she shouldn't hit anyone. When a pregnant woman is pregnant, the pregnant woman herself should be careful about everything, and the emotions should not be too excited, let alone be bumped, which can easily lead to physical problems.

Of course, pregnant women also have things that go wrong. She should not sit on the bed without the consent of the bride and groom. This behavior is also very bad and impolite. Some people don't like others sitting on their own beds, and if they see someone sitting on their own bed, they get very angry, but they can't hit people either, hitting people is a very serious thing and can cause a lot of trouble. If they don't like someone sitting on their bed, let him get up and drive him away, there's no need to do that.

The groom looked at the pregnant woman and could not stop it. This kind of behavior is not the behavior of a big husband. If something unreasonable happens, he should stand up and stop it in time. This behavior is very irresponsible, and he is not only irresponsible to himself, but also to the bride and pregnant women.

The most important thing in marriage is happiness. A lot of unexpected things happen in marriage, good and bad. For those bad things, it is better to turn big things into small things, and small things into nothingness. Don't make big trouble and affect the wedding. Whatever you do, you should think twice.

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