
American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

On 12 February 1945, as more and more German youth were sent to the front, supplies in the rear became increasingly strained. The Nazi authorities had to run into the streets to mobilize people to donate clothes, and the slogan on the car body was to the effect that": "The sacrifice of the ego is a contribution to the country, and the sacrifice is the glory of the family." So, open the closet and send what's inside to the front. ”

It is the duty of the government to take care of the interests of a few or even everyone, and every citizen is protected by law. When a government claims that it can sacrifice the interests of minorities for the benefit of the country, it must be a dangerous government. It was in the name of the state that the Nazis sent millions of people into the abyss.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

In 1959, marilyn Monroe was invited to kick off a soccer match between the United States and Israel. This sexy object is the focus of the audience everywhere.

1959 was the peak of Monroe's life. The year before, she starred in the romantic comedy film "Passion like Fire", which eventually won her the Best Actress Award at the 17th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. Her love life was also in better shape, and she had a stable relationship with her third husband, the famous playwright Arthur Miller, although the marriage lasted less than 5 years.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

In April 1945, the forces of the "Free France" captured a group of Frenchmen who had volunteered to serve in the German army, and General Leclerc was giving them a lecture. The captives were dressed in German military uniforms, while Leclerc and his men were dressed in American military uniforms.

After the German invasion of France in 1940, while thousands of Frenchmen joined the French Resistance, many Frenchmen also served Germany. The latter may harbor far-right, anti-Semitic, and anti-communist views that are consistent with the ideology of the Third Reich. On June 22, 1941, germany attacked the Soviet Union, and many Frenchmen signed up to join the French Volunteer Army against Bolshevism.

In the following years, various volunteer units were established in France to assist the German army. Although the French Volunteers took part in some battles, the German leadership in general did not pay much attention to them.

This changed after the allied liberation of France in 1944. After the fall of the Vichy government, thousands of pro-German French emigrated eastward. Faced with a dwindling manpower reserve, the Third Reich decided to use these collaborators to form the Waffen Grenadier Brigade of SS Charlemagne, an all-French unit within Waffen SS Charlemagne whose name was inspired by the kings who ruled France and parts of Germany in the 8th century.

In 1944, this force had between 7,400 and 11,000 soldiers, which were later deployed to stop the Soviet advance, and their numbers soon decreased, and by April 1945, only about 700 men remained. These men eventually took part in the futile defense of Berlin, and only 60 survived.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

The group photo of Patton, Bradley, Eisenhower, and the famous generals of the US military is actually not small, but the fun of this album lies in the style of the three people's clothing.

Patton's helmet and boots, belts, and guns around his waist, as well as the way he wears trouser legs into riding boots, plus his standing posture with his hands behind his back are quite elegant, full of wealth and handsomeness. Barton came from a well-known background, and he showed a distinct personal character trait throughout his life, which left a deep impression on people.

Admiral Pershing called him "a bandit in the U.S.Army"; many considered him "a genius and the most aggressive vanguard officer who commanded the army"; Eisenhower said that Patton had an "extraordinary and cruel driving force"; military scholars pointed out: "As a commander-in-chief, General Patton's greatest characteristic is to inspire his subordinates with his own martial spirit, and to use his personality to influence his subordinates to move forward on the battlefield." ”

Bradley's steel helmet, glasses, and the lack of tucking his pants into his boots, as well as the way he carried his gun and his calm expression, made him look like a school teacher in military uniform. The serene, discreet, unassuming general was less remarkable, both then and later, but in World War II he commanded the largest army in American history to defeat the Germans on the Western Front, making an indelible contribution to the Allied victory.

Eisenhower's big cap, leather shoes, casual standing posture, cigarettes in his hands, a pair of leaders. Eisenhower may not have had superb military talents, but he was a natural leader, and as the supreme commander of the Allied forces, he ensured the smooth operation of the huge allied machine with extraordinary coordination ability, and served two terms as president after the war.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

In March 1933, during the outbreak of the German boycott of Jews, four Nazis sang in front of the Berlin branch of the Woolworth store. This move, in today's parlance, is a smashing of the field, and they believe that the founders of Woolworth are Jewish and can do whatever they want.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

In 1901 (the twenty-seventh year of the Qing Dynasty), a roller coaster in a playground in New Jersey, USA. Unexpectedly, a hundred years ago, Americans played a roller coaster.

American inventor and businessman Ramacus Adena Thompson was the first to register patented roller coaster-related technology (January 20, 1885) and built several 10 roller coaster facilities, known as the "father of gravity".

New York's Coney Island is the cradle of the American roller coaster, where America's first roller coaster was born in 1884. For roller coaster fans, this is their "holy city of Mecca". Coney Island still retains the earliest wooden roller coaster, the Hurricane, built in 1927.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

Empress Nanfang, the last emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam, Emperor Bao the Great, was born into a wealthy merchant family in the then French colony of Egung, Qianjiang Province, and was sent to a prestigious Catholic school near Paris, France at the age of 12 to naturalize French nationality.

After returning to Vietnam, Nguyen Met Bao Da, who had also just returned from France, at a ball. On March 9, 1934, Bao Da announced his marriage contract with Nguyễn Huện Thi Lan, saying: "The future empress combined western elegance and Oriental charm in her body. We are sure that her actions and example are fully worthy of the title of the first woman of the Empire. ”

On March 20, Emperor Bao married Nguyen Hue in Hue in a Buddhist ceremony. The marriage, which crossed religious beliefs, caused so much controversy that some of the nation could not accept a Catholic queen. The New York Times reported that the country was "outright discontented" over Nguyen's refusal to leave catholicism.

Emperor Bao obviously did not care about the outside world's opinion. At the end of the 4-day wedding feast, a state ceremony was held to confer the title of "Empress" on Nguyễn Huện Đại Đồng Đại Đồng

Emperor Bao and Empress Nanfang had a total of 5 children. In March 1945, on the eve of the end of World War II, BaoDa declared independence from France and became the Vietnamese Empire within the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Soon after, the Viet Minh leader Ho Chi Minh prompted the Grand Emperor to abdicate. In 1955, Empress Nanfang separated from her husband, and on December 16, 1963, she died of a heart attack at her home in a small village in the French province of Corrès, and Emperor Baoda did not attend the funeral.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

Author of the nature of the Wind Moon Site in Streeville, New Orleans, USA, 100 years ago.

At that time, it was the golden age of the United States, the rapid development of the economy, the increase in people's incomes, and the blessing of the general environment of ideas and values underwent earth-shaking changes.

In 1897, after studying wind and moon venues in Germany and the Netherlands, the City of New Orleans designated sixteen blocks as a dedicated place. It's right next to the train station, and the dense crowds provide plenty of visitors, calling it Storyville.

At its peak, There were more than 40 wind and moon venues in Stirleville, and more than 200 female workers were employed. In order to better attract tourists, there is even a service guide to guide tourists to spend.

By 1900, Stirleeville was New Orleans' largest source of revenue, earning as much as $15 million (about 100 million yuan) a year, equivalent to more than $360 million (about 2.4 billion yuan) today.

Recently. World War I broke out and U.S. naval forces were ordered to deploy in New Orleans. In the eyes of Newton Baker, the minister of war at the time, the bustling Stireville would undoubtedly prevent the sailors from concentrating on preparing for war, so he ordered the closure of all the Wind moon places here. The famous Stirlee has since withdrawn from the United States, and future generations can only get a glimpse of its former scenery in the photo.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

August 1945, Guilin, Guangxi. The scene photographed by the American Life Magazine reporter: a Soldier of the Nationalist Army wearing straw shoes, carrying a long gun, holding a tattered fan in his left hand, and his face was full of happy smiles. The Resistance was victorious, and the Japanese troops there surrendered their weapons to the Nationalists.

The dawn of peace is visible to the naked eye, and perhaps he can't wait to look forward to a better future. He could not predict that the 3-year brutal civil war was coming. No one knows what his fate will be afterwards.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

In 1929, in the United States, girls were taking sex education classes, as if shocked. At that time, male and female students were separated from those who took such courses.

The United States began to introduce sex education classes into secondary schools in the 1920s, and after a century of tortuous development, it has become an important part of school education today. Because the United States is federal, the situation varies from state to state, and the following takes the situation of secondary sex education in New Jersey as an example.

Sex education in New Jersey begins in the third grade of elementary school and is conducted separately between men and women. In the seventh grade (the second year of junior high), men and women start to attend classes together, and the topic generally begins to talk about contraceptive methods, respect for women, the process of having children, and popping.

After high school, you will begin to learn common sense after starting a family, such as how to deal with domestic violence, how to care for each other, how to deal with female dysmenorrhea, and so on. An important part of family education is to let high school students experience how to take care of babies.

In the fourth year of high school, there was a two-week program in which every man and woman had to take home a "baby" who would "cry" from time to time, and then had to shake him for a while and then insert a special key behind him to make it stop crying.

The funniest thing is that this thing often starts ringing at 3:30 a.m., and you can't throw it in the basement, because if you ignore him for five minutes, the thing will be recorded, and you will be deducted points and affect your grades.

American girls who were taking sex education classes, and a large number of Frenchmen who joined the German army were captured

On August 13, 1961, the East German government began construction of the Berlin Wall. It is 169.5 km long and extends throughout the east-west border: with an average height of 4.2 m and a thickness of 50 cm, it seals off 192 streets, surrounded by a 3.5 m high electrified barbed wire, and between the barbed wire and the Berlin Wall is a famous "no man's land" 50-100 m wide, which was demolished and left behind by a large number of original buildings. 253 watchtowers, 136 bunkers, 270 police dog piles, 108 kilometers of anti-car and tank trenches, power grids with alarm devices, and machine guns that call for death at any time ensured that East Germans could not flee to the West.

However, from the day the Berlin Wall was erected, the East Germans did not stop trying to escape. While there are constantly more inspiring success stories than movies, it's more of a cold and ruthless punishment for losers. Behind the 5,043 wall-crossing successes, between 270 and 780 (statistics vary from agency to agency) losers were killed and about 60,000 were accused of "attempting to defect" and were imprisoned for an average of 16 months.

Today, the Berlin Wall Museum displays the creativity of a large number of successful fugitives: Tunnel 5 dug by 37 semi-professionals in 6 months; two hot air balloons handmade by the family in two years; submarines modified from motorcycle motors; ropes thrown along high-voltage wires into West Berlin; disguised as Soviet officers; shelters left by modified car engines; and doors that were sealed with concrete by those who saw death as if they were driving a car crashing into the wall... People used almost all their talents in order to escape the fence.

According to official East German statistics, by 1988, 53% of east German households owned cars, and the number of refrigerators per 100 households was 152, 105 washing machines, and 122 television sets (including 47 color TVs), which was not a low economic level and still could not stop people's desire. A year later, the Berlin Wall fell.

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