
Kuang Liehui walked the ancient city of Qianzhou at night

Kuang Liehui walked the ancient city of Qianzhou at night

Night walk ganzhou ancient city

Text/Kuang Liehui

The air conditioner fan kept blowing, got up and turned off. Outside the window, there was another humming of air conditioners elsewhere, mixed with the speeding sound of distant cars from far and near and from near and near, and constantly pounding back and forth in the ears. Feeling a little annoyed in my heart, I couldn't sleep, so I rolled over, sat for a while, and closed my eyes, and the night of Qianzhou City clearly floated in my mind.

Come to Jishou and listen to your friends say that the ancient city here is worth a visit. However, during the day, sitting in the venue and listening, it was a day. It was too sleepy, so I slept with my head covered by a jumpsuit hat, and I don't know when, confused to hear a stir in the quiet venue, but opened my eyes but at the end of the meeting, everyone got up and went outside. With a quick wit, I quickly lifted my hat back, rubbed my misty sleeping eyes and followed the people out of the gate to get into the car.

Jishou City is not big, looking forward is a mountain, and looking back is also a mountain. It is rare that there is such a flat land under the mountain, and such a city has been built. The whole city is like a cradle surrounded by a mountain, except for the noise of traffic, a glance at the mountain, and the large and small buildings in this cradle, and the pedestrians who are not hurrying on the street, it feels that everything is very quiet. We came from outside the mountains, and the people in the city were in a hurry, and the old trees on the street were dead and the cold wind of pulling the branches seemed to disappear at once. Even in the deep winter, many of the trees next to this road are still green and verdant, and when the sun shines, the leaves can emit many bright colors.

The ancient city that I was thinking about in my heart was actually not far from the residence, and I had not seen enough of the green on the street, and there were several red plum blossoms of different shades that flashed in the corner of the gray house, and the car stopped.

At this time, the sky darkened. The lights came on, and in front of me was the tall gatehouse of the ancient city. Stop and look up, only to see that the gate tower under the lights is particularly stable and thick, and above the city tower, the red and yellow pennants are gently moving with the slight evening wind, which reminds people of the scenes in the Three Kingdoms or the Shui po Liang Mountain. Are these thick, neatly fortified bricks piled up by modern people with cement bricks? He quietly asked his companion on the side, whose hometown was not far from here. He said where, this is more than 4,000 years of ancient architecture, ah, has long had it, but with the erosion of the wind and rain of the years, some of it was destroyed, but the local people know how to cherish and protect, broken in time to repair, only to have today's appearance.

I approached the city wall suspiciously and pushed it with my hand, not moving. After taking a closer look, I found that it was really the craftsmen who used the polished hemp stone strips of bricks on the spot to build up one by one, and the bricks were tightly combined with the bricks, and there was no gap. The surface of each brick was covered with countless small protrusions, which were chiseled out by the masters in the dark red Mars splash of iron and stone in their hands.

I have visited many ancient cities across the country, and the appearance is similar, and the paths are similar. They all enter the tall city gate, and then do not rush to look at those ancient buildings, and those buildings, really less ancient, often antique, at most in front of the door to put an age of stone pillars, troughs or stone lions and the like, stained with a little old meaning is quite good. However, the ancient city in this big mountain has found some different differences.

To enter the city gate, you have to step on several steps made of stone to cross it. Along the stone steps, passing the corridor of the city tower, suddenly there was a lot of darkness in front of me, and only the dim light outside the building had a little afterglow that leaked in obliquely. I wanted to catch up with the line in front of me, and I was worried about the steps under my feet, my eyes were staring down, and I was walking high and low, and suddenly my forehead was slammed, and I screamed. His forehead immediately swelled up in a small piece, and while he gently rubbed it, he secretly cursed in his heart, such a low wall. When I looked up, I saw that the city wall was still far away. When I first came in, I didn't notice a crane under the city gate with a long iron arm extending toward the door, and my head touched the iron lump hanging at the end of the arm. It's like being hit with a stick, remembering that danger is everywhere, and you have to be careful everywhere. I quickly tilted my head and left.

Entering the ancient city, the street surface is very flat, the lights are suddenly brighter, there are young girls in Miao costumes walking lightly from the side, like a breeze in the spring peach forest, in addition to the crisp sound of the soft ear silver jewelry small devices, there is a leisurely fragrance in the wind, and a trace of incense effortlessly sneaks into your nose. I inadvertently saw the young face under the light, it was so quiet and so beautiful, the black eyes reflected the light, like a smiling elf in the night sky, gently and spiritually, before I could see clearly, and then walked forward and disappeared into the traffic. Only the incense, as if it had not gone away, lingered around if there was nothing.

Kuang Liehui walked the ancient city of Qianzhou at night

Night view of the ancient city of Qianzhou. Photo/ Kuang Liehui

Hungry, the reception unit was very polite and thoughtful. After eating, walk down the winding stairs and keep going.

Nocturnal travel has the advantage of being able to use the Twilight Gang to omit many of the details of things that you have to unconsciously see during the day, such as door numbers and window frames. Under the dim light, under the shade of the tall trees, everything is so freehand and hazy. If it is after dinner, drink a few drinks, take advantage of the wine, on this bluestone paved street, let the street lamp suddenly stretch the figure left and right, listen to the songs in the wind that night, look at the young face that is also shopping, and then, sit on the stone along the river, watch the meandering river quietly flow around the mountain city, think of nothing, do not have to do anything, it will be a pleasant night. However, today we did not drink, and our eyes appeared much clearer. On the black stone slab, there is a quadrilateral pattern, deeply engraved with bats flying with wings, and the four are connected together, as if holding hands and dancing in a cheerful circle. In this side of the city, there are all kinds of carvings everywhere. In front of the famous artist museum that walked out of the city, there stood two stone figures carved in white stone, standing there solemnly, sheathed swords clenched under his hands, majestic, looking at the introduction of the soles of his feet, he knew that this standing was more than a thousand years. There are also running water railings, the pillar head is carved with curly hair of the little lion, the lion's body of the gully has long been covered with green and black dust, but the lion's head is particularly smooth to be touched.

Not far away, there is a large house made of wood, wooden pillars, wooden window ledges, wooden walls, and carved patterns of different shapes and postures such as dragons and phoenixes on the walls. The dragons, small, but their scales and claws were very fine, and they seemed to be struggling along the wall upwards, upwards, to break through the black roof and go straight up to the Ninth Heaven. The phoenix, dancing with its long tail feathers and spreading its flowing wings, has no intention of flying away, but is like a hospitable host, who warmly greets tourists in the distance. I looked at this dazzling array of small animals, and felt that the texture and color of this wood had been touched for a certain period of time, but the animals' looks and postures had always been maintained, so vivid. Maybe it was too late, and the door of the house was tightly closed, and the main door hung high with a vicious mask with a long tongue and fangs bulging round eyes, which was a character in the play. Hanging next to the door is a long plaque with the words "Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Carving" and so on.

Closed places don't want to stay long. After a few days of going out, they poured into the local snack shops where the lights were shining, picking out special sugar toys and the like. My footsteps stopped in front of a silver jewelry store. At the counter in the store, a variety of silverware burst out under the direct light of the snow. The model wears festive embroidered brocade and glittering silver jewelry on her head and hands. The Miao family girl in Xiangxi may have known about the incident, and she was moved by the beautiful wedding dress in the future wedding days. In the wind and rain for more than ten years, I only worked hard to be able to float this beautiful and bright marriage dress in the future. I didn't dare to look closely and carefully, as if I was afraid of alarming the girl in front of the cabinet, knowing that she was just a shy posing person who would never speak. I was more afraid to make a noise, because in the cabinet sat an old entertainer under the lamp, wearing thick glasses and holding a small hammer with a sharp mouth, and he was tapping on a slender and curved silver bar, and all of a sudden, it was so focused. After years of using his eyes, the thick lenses slid down the tip of his nose and stuck to the silver strip. For a long time, he looked up and saw me looking at him from a distance, and his eyes shot out of the frames of his glasses, and there seemed to be a cold light, very sharp. Immediately, however, he lowered his head again and picked up the hammer again.

The night is deeper, there are many fewer tourists on the road, and the dark road is much wider. At the end of the road, there is a railing cloister, and the companions are still picking things, leaning on the railings to wait for their companions. Looking down the corridor, a few feet below, is the black river, flowing quietly, the light of the street lamp in the river dragged out the dim flame, swaying, silently flashing. I don't know from which green brick and black tile house by the water's edge, there is a song like the glimmer of this dark flame, the voice is low and deep, with the flow of water in this quiet night, floating in the cold night of the ancient city.

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