
Hepingqiao Street held the 2022 annual reform and development seminar

author:Information News
Hepingqiao Street held the 2022 annual reform and development seminar

In order to quickly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Economic Work Conference and the Second Plenary Session of the Second Plenary Session of the District Committee, on January 8, Hepingqiao Street held the 2022 Annual Reform and Development Seminar, focusing on the goal of "elevating the first place, Jiangsu Province to strive for the position, and building a new Chongchuan of socialist modernization at a high level", and planning and studying the goals, tasks and work priorities of 2022.

The meeting organized the participants to observe the life and health industrial park of Baoyue Lake in the north of the city, the Longhu Jiayuan Community of Tianshenggang Town, the Sightseeing Agriculture of Happiness Street, and the "Flying Bull Little Craftsman" Volunteer Service Club of Zhonghai Bilinwan Community in Tangzha Town, and learned the advanced experience and characteristics of the development park and brother streets.

During the meeting and discussion, all communities and departments in the street focused on the shortcomings and problems in the work in 2021, and exchanged development ideas and work measures for the new year. The leaders in charge of each line of the street analyzed the current situation and talked about the reform path around the target positioning of "double strokes and double introduction breakthrough year, resource asset revitalization year, urban renewal and upgrading year, and grass-roots foundation consolidation year" proposed by the district party committee and the district government.

Zhu Jianxin, director of the subdistrict office, presided over the meeting. Zhu Jianxin demanded that in the planning work of the whole street in the new year, the target positioning should be higher, the problem orientation should be clearer, and the integration of forces should be better. In the implementation of tasks, we should take the wall chart operation, strengthen responsibility, and follow up supervision as the foothold, and think of officers, real officers, and accomplish things.

Finally, Lu Zhiming, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the subdistrict, elaborated and analyzed the current economic and social situation, orientation and existing problems facing Hepingqiao Subdistrict. Lu Zhiming pointed out that at present, the economic and social development of Hepingqiao Street is in a period of important strategic opportunities, and the whole street should quickly unify ideological understanding and mental state with the decision-making and deployment of the district party committee and the district government, and implement it in implementing the new development concept and building a new development pattern. In the new year, the streets should adhere to the general tone of being steady in the word, seeking progress in a stable manner, adhere to the general goal of being brave in the tide and daring to be the first, and focus on the main theme of "setting a high benchmark, striving to grasp implementation, and welcoming the Twenty National Congresses", strengthen political determination, do their own things well, and do a good job in the "six articles" in a down-to-earth manner. The first is to adhere to the "six stability" and "six guarantees" and do a good job in stabilizing growth. In the face of the triple pressure of economic development, ensure effective investment, stimulate market vitality, and do solid corporate services. The second is to focus on "double strokes and double introduction" and do a good job in the article of excellent industry. Closely combined with the actual situation of the street area, focus on the direction of the industry, revitalize the carrier space, and increase the double stroke and double introduction. The third is to exert efforts to "urban construction and urban management" and do a good job in articles with excellent environment. Make every effort to promote the transformation of old residential areas, housing relocation, pollution prevention and control, and continue to do a good job in the long-term management of civilized cities. The fourth is to coordinate "cultural civilization" and do a good job in the article of excellent governance. Vigorously implement the strategy of "cultural rejuvenation of the street", create a cultural highland, cultivate cultural heritage, and strengthen the cultural tourism industry. The fifth is to consolidate the "grassroots foundation" and do a good job in articles that optimize people's livelihood. Always maintain a clear understanding, make every effort to do a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, and ensuring the people's livelihood at the bottom, and strive to make greater efforts in grass-roots social governance and compacting the responsibility for safe production. The sixth is to innovate the "system mechanism" and do a good job in the article of the good brand. Adhere to the goal-oriented and problem-oriented, vigorously carry out the "three focuses and three strengthening" action, focus on the leadership of party building, civilization leadership and work style construction, comprehensively promote the implementation of various goals and tasks, and promote high-quality development on a new platform to a new level.

More than 100 people attended the meeting, including all the street leadership groups, middle-level directors and deputy directors of organs, secretaries, directors, deputy secretaries of various communities, directors, deputy directors of platforms, deputy directors, and heads of subordinate units.

(Source: Chongchuan District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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