
Russian media: The Sino-Russian combination is the antidote to the "color revolution"

Source: Global Times

Russian "political expert" network January 11 article, original title: Russian Orientalists regard the Russian-Chinese combination as the antidote to the "color revolution" Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently spoke with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. The two sides said that they will continue to deepen coordination and cooperation, oppose interference by external forces in the internal affairs of Central Asian countries, and guard against "color revolutions" and "three forces". The two sides expressed common concern about the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of Kazakhstan.

Russian sinologist and political scientist Boris Podtopligola said that in the past three or four years, China has shown more obvious interest in Central Asia. For China, it is very important for Kazakhstan and other countries in the region to maintain a peaceful situation. The topic of stabilizing the situation in the region has been highly concerned by the Chinese side for many years, especially after the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan. Mutual cooperation in resolving any conflict on the territory of Central Asia is an important part of the Russian-Chinese military-political mix. Joint action by the two countries can bring peace to the region.

Well, who is the instigator of turmoil in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Podopligora believes, the traces of the West are obvious, which is beyond doubt, "first and foremost the Americans." Recently, the United States has become more and more arrogant to claim that China, which is allied with Russia, is its main opponent. This is mainly because Russian-Chinese cooperation is a major obstacle to the establishment of a unipolar world and hegemony by the United States." The political scientist said that Russia and China share a common view of the events in Kazakhstan, which shows that the two countries will become the antidote to the "color revolution" in Central Asia. (By Nikita Techenko, translated by Liu Yupeng)

"Russia Today" website January 11 article, original title: Why the Kazakhstan crisis may lead to worse Sino-US relations The situation in Kazakhstan has begun to stabilize. While Russia has taken the lead in the Kazakh crisis, beijing's consensus is not to stand idly by. This has brought new variables to Sino-US relations.

The United States competes with China in an attempt to turn the global geopolitical environment into an ideological battlefield. This inevitably makes it more difficult for China to work with democracies. Moreover, as part of the "Indo-Pacific strategy," the United States is also trying to encircle China with hostile powers, as it has done with Russia. This creates a strategic dilemma, how can China remain neutral when domestic shifts in neighboring countries could pose an unacceptable risk to China's national security?

In this regard, Kazakhstan was one of the first major tests for Beijing. This is a country of strategic importance, a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative that connects Europe and china's energy security. The trend is clear: In a Cold War situation, giving an adversary a political foothold on your doorstep is seen as a strategic disaster, a situation that is dangerous for Beijing. Therefore, China cannot sit idly by.

China will not engage in ideological crusades like Western countries, nor is it likely to adopt the aggressive militarist posture of the United States, but inaction is no longer an option. (Translated by Tom Foday and Jo Heng)

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