
Xinhua Times: Green and low-carbon life, let's start with our table

author:Xinhuanet client

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 13 Title: Green and low-carbon life, let's start with our table

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Libin

Xinhua Times: Green and low-carbon life, let's start with our table

Three times a day, we put down everything we had and walked over to the table and sat down. This precious time is used to eat, but also to shape and reflect our way of life, the table is a well-deserved platform for eating habits. To practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, let's start at our table.

Green low-carbon life starts from the table, we must firmly grasp the "family small table", seize our youth education. Starting from the table, starting from the parents and elders leading by example and self-education, combining the table education of adults with the table education of minors, helping young people establish the concept of saving glory and wasting shameful food consumption. From the table to the classroom, from the family to the school, cultivate the awareness of conservation, advocate a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle and a modern dietary model of green conservation, and strive to promote the formation and consolidation of healthy eating habits of the people, so that our social customs are healthier and more civilized.

Green and low-carbon life starts from the table, and we must grasp the focus of the "social table". The data shows that the occasion where the most wasteful food and beverage stalls occur is to invite guests to eat at the large table. Large restaurants, tourist groups, primary and secondary school students, and official dinners are particularly prominent. According to the special research report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, more than 40% of the wedding banquets in urban and rural areas are wasted, about 30% of the "event banquets" such as birth banquets are wasted, 30% to 40% are wasted at business banquets, and about 40% are wasted on friends' dinners. Therefore, we must grasp the key points of public occasions, official consumption, public canteens, etc., take the grain and food industry, the tourism hotel industry and the emerging takeaway platform as the starting point, give play to the role of big data, promote the construction of smart catering, demand side, supply side two-pronged approach, both abandon bad catering habits, but also change the supply mode based on large portions, large quantities and large packaging.

The mode of production determines the way of life, and the way of life has a negative effect on the mode of production. Under the concept of high-quality development, catering consumption is driving the "next generation of agricultural revolution" as never before. Our table profoundly affects the entire agricultural supply chain and shapes the future of agriculture to some extent. Let us advocate conservation, health and nutrition, promote the production revolution with the consumption revolution, promote the deepening of the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, and create a scientific, reasonable, safe and efficient agricultural product supply system, so that it can better adapt to the new needs of the people's high-quality life and reduce the waste caused by the mismatch between supply and demand.

The grain comes from the fields, and the table is connected to the ground. Let our table be a platform for rebuilding the beautiful relationship between human beings and nature.

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