
In 2021, SAIC-GM-Buick sold 825134 vehicles: Yinglang sold 263017 vehicles

In 2021, SAIC-GM Buick's total sales volume was 825134 units, down 10.0% from 917742 in 2020, of which 801212 fuel vehicles and 23,922 new energy vehicles. In 2021, saicid-GM Buick's monthly sales were 90,821 units in December, the lowest monthly sales were 46,767 units in May, and the average monthly sales of Buick cars in 2021 were about 68,761 units.

In 2021, SAIC-GM-Buick sold 825134 vehicles: Yinglang sold 263017 vehicles

In 2021, Buick Yinglang sold 263017 units, down 11.0% year-on-year. Regal's annual sales were 96,605 units, down 28.9% year-on-year. LaCrosse sold 49,875 units for the year, down 9.2% year-on-year. Veyron sold 30,077 units for the year, up 77.6% year-on-year. Buick Micro Blue 6 sold 22,843 units in the whole year, an increase of 50.4% year-on-year.

In 2021, SAIC-GM-Buick sold 825134 vehicles: Yinglang sold 263017 vehicles

In 2021, Buick Encore sold 146476 vehicles, down 12.7% year-on-year. Onco Banner sold 33,601 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 47.2% year-on-year. The Oncola GX sold 4,677 units in the full year, down 73.3% year-on-year. Oncola sold 3,239 vehicles in the full year, down 84.2% year-on-year. Buick Micro Blue 7 sold 1,079 units in the whole year, an increase of 23.3% year-on-year.

In 2021, SAIC-GM-Buick sold 825134 vehicles: Yinglang sold 263017 vehicles

In 2021, the Buick GL8 sold 170011 units, an increase of 8.3% year-on-year. Buick GL6 sold 3634 units in the whole year, down 70.5% year-on-year.

Summary: In 2021, the overall sales volume of SAIC-GM Buick cars has declined compared with 2020, although the sales of Models such as Weilang, Weilan 6, and Encore Banner have increased, but the sales of the main models Yinglang, Regal, LaCrosse, and Uncorve have declined year-on-year, and the decline in sales of main models has led to a decline in the overall sales of Buick cars in 2021.

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