
The first Steamdeck-certified game is out: Portal 2!

The V-society Steamdeck handheld is expected to ship its first shipment in February this year. It combines the portability of a handheld with the features of a PC and a game lineup. It does have a lot of differences from the average PC, though, and isn't 100% compatible with all Steam games. To this end, V has launched a "compatibility rating" function to show whether a game can run on Steamdeck. Recently, the first game to pass the "compatibility rating" has appeared.

The first Steamdeck-certified game is out: Portal 2!

According to Steamdb, Portal 2 was the first game to pass steamdeck's "compatibility rating", which was "verified", which means that the game can run smoothly on deck without any additional operation, which is equivalent to "perfect compatibility".

The marker pointed to by the arrow indicates that Steamdeck is fully compatible

The first Steamdeck-certified game is out: Portal 2!

Compatibility-related information

Portal 2 is a first-party puzzle game launched by V Society in 2011, using a first-person perspective, players use a unique device to launch 2 interconnected portals, using their physical characteristics and some other props to solve a delicate puzzle.

The first Steamdeck-certified game is out: Portal 2!

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