
Bangs become exclamation points! It was revealed that the iPhone 14 will use a dual-hole design

Previously, it was widely said that the iPhone 14 series would cancel the bangs, but how Apple will place the front camera and Face ID module has always been controversial. According to Ross Young, a consultant in the display industry, the iPhone 14 Pro model will use both punched holes and pill-shaped cuts near the top of the display, that is, exclamation point-shaped openings. ‘

Bangs become exclamation points! It was revealed that the iPhone 14 will use a dual-hole design

It is reported that the round hole is prepared for the Face ID dot matrix projector. The pill-shaped cut will hold at least the front camera and face ID infrared camera. According to the leaked screen panel internal test photos, the pill-shaped opening is actually on the left, while the circular opening is on the right.

Guo Mingji, who has previously exposed the high accuracy of the news, has always claimed that Face ID will not be transferred to the screen until 2023.

Coupled with this revelation, perhaps the design of the iPhone 14 Pro really will not use the design of face ID under the screen as previously rumored.

After all, since you can achieve off-screen Face ID, Apple has no reason not to bring the off-screen fingerprint back to the iPhone.

In addition, some netizens have made a rendering of the top of the next generation of iPhones based on this information, which looks at least much more pleasing to the eye than the bangs.

【Source: Fast Technology】

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