
Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

In general, most babies start at month 8 with monosyllabic sounds, similar to "baba" and "mama", and don't learn to call mom and dad until after 10 months of age. So babies can't speak until they're 8 months old, so how do they express their emotions?

Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

Don't look at them as young and can't speak, but tell you in another language how much they love their mom and dad. Although the baby can't speak, his body language is very strong. If your baby often has the following behaviors, it means that they love you very much and like mom and dad.

1. Gaze

Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

I don't know if you have noticed that newborns like to stare at people's faces, especially the faces of parents and mothers. Studies have found that newborns often use the act of looking at their parents' faces to get the attention and care of their parents, which is an instinct of newborns.

Although it is an instinct of babies, it is also a way for them to express their love. If your baby likes to stare at you, it means that you are very important in your baby's heart and makes him feel safe.

2, like the taste of mother

Newborn babies have poor vision, similar to myopia of more than four hundred degrees, and they rely entirely on smell to identify their parents. There are many kinds of good smells in the world, if you choose for your baby, they must like the smell of their parents, even if it is the smell of milk and sweat. If your baby likes to be stuck in your arms, it's also a way for them to show their love.

3. Smile

Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

Smiling is definitely one of the expressions of kindness, but it is a little special for babies. Before your baby is 6 months old, smiling is an unconscious reflex, without any expression of emotion, and may just want to fart. At 6 months of age, babies begin to smile socially, often used to express their happiness and love for a person, parents can pay attention.

4, want to talk to you

Babies can't talk, but that doesn't mean they don't want to. Babies are the first to speak to their parents, who often look at you and babble. When the baby has this behavior, parents must respond more, which not only means that they love you very much, but also tells you that they have begun to learn to speak.

5. Imitation

When Mom and Dad are doing things, there will be a little guy staring at it not far away, and then start imitating, and this imitation behavior mostly happens to 9-month-old babies. Babies like to imitate you, which means that he treats you as someone he likes and always pays attention to the things you like.

Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

6. Hide behind you

Many babies begin to recognize babies as early as they are 6 months old, and they often like to hide when they see strangers. If your baby chooses to hide in your body or behind you, it means that you are the one who makes him feel safe and the person he likes the most.

7. Dancing with your hands

Newborns who can't speak often say "I love you" in 7 ways, which one your baby uses

Although the baby can't speak, his body movements are also abundant. When Mom and Dad approach her, they will keep waving their arms, kicking their legs, and even making babbling sounds, which is a sign that the baby likes you.

Dear mothers, have you ever discovered in your life how your baby expresses "love you"? Welcome to leave a comment.

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