
Xinhua Times: Carry forward the spirit of struggle, master the tactics of struggle, and cultivate the skills of struggle

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua Net

Beijing, 12 Jan (Xinhua) -- Carry forward the spirit of struggle, master the tactics of struggle, and cultivate the skills of struggle

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Huaipi

A few days ago, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a special meeting on democratic life for the study and education of party history, and General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Under the conditions of the new era, we must sum up and make good use of the great experience of struggle accumulated by the party, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, enhance the sense of distress, carry forward the spirit of struggle, master the strategy of struggle, train the ability to struggle, maintain the fearless spirit of the more difficult and dangerous the more forward, effectively cope with all kinds of predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges on the road ahead, and promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics to chop waves and forge ahead." ”

The courage to struggle is the distinctive character of the Communist Party of China. The establishment of the Communist Party of China, the founding of the People's Republic of China, the implementation of reform and opening up, and the promotion of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era were all realized in the course of struggle. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means something that can be achieved easily by beating a gong and beating a drum; in the face of major changes in the world that have not occurred in a hundred years, in order to overcome various risks and challenges on the road ahead, it is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle and face difficulties.

Struggle is an art, and we must not only dare to struggle, but also be good at struggle and master the tactics of struggle. In all kinds of major struggles, it is necessary to persist in enhancing the sense of distress and maintaining the unity of strategic determination, the unity of strategic judgment and tactical decision-making, and the unity of the process of struggle with the actual results of the struggle. In the struggle, it is also necessary to grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions, persist in being reasonable, advantageous, and restrained, rationally choose the mode of struggle, grasp the heat of the struggle, not give in to any step on the issue of principle, and be flexible and flexible on the issue of tactics. In light of the changes in the situation of the struggle, we should grasp the timing, degree, and effectiveness, and promptly adjust the tactics of struggle. Strive for unity in the struggle, seek cooperation in the struggle, and strive for win-win results in the struggle.

The ability to struggle is not innate, and only by learning to struggle in the course of struggle can we cultivate the ability to struggle. Party-member leading cadres at all levels should enhance their ability to know the deer when the grass is shaking and the wind is blowing together, knowing the tiger together, and knowing the small things in the autumn of the world as the leaves change color; they must grasp the Marxist stand, viewpoints, and methods, consolidate the ideological foundation of daring to struggle and being good at struggle; they must have the momentum to take the initiative to plunge themselves into all kinds of struggles, undergo strict ideological tempering, political experience, and practical tempering, and withstand the wind and rain, see the world, and strengthen their bones and bones in the complicated and severe struggle. We should dare to show our swords in the face of major issues of right and wrong, dare to face difficulties in the face of contradictions and conflicts, dare to stand up in the face of crises and difficulties, and dare to resolutely struggle in the face of unhealthy trends and evil tendencies.

Those who do not seek easy things will succeed, and those who do not seek refuge will enter. Dare to struggle and be good at struggle is an invincible and powerful spiritual force for the party and the people. No matter how powerful the enemy is, how difficult and dangerous the road is, and how severe the challenges are, we must never be afraid or shrink back; we must adhere to the posture of struggle of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and biased toward the tigers and mountains," show the stubborn will of "smoothing the rough road into a road, fighting and overcoming difficulties and dangers, and setting out again," unite all forces that can be united, mobilize all positive factors, and struggle to the end against all forces that are trying to delay or even block the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and constantly win new victories in the great struggle.

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