
Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

Zhang Fei is a typical historical figure who is plumped by works of art. Nowadays, people's impression of Zhang Fei is basically inseparable from the labels of leopard head, ring eyes, black face, beard, rough, reckless, grumpy, and thunderous sound, but most of these are the products of artistic processing such as legends, scripts, miscellaneous dramas, and novels of later generations.

From the historical narrative of Zhang Fei's words like gold, it is difficult for us to see his appearance characteristics, and we can only know that he is a brave warrior who is on a par with Guan Yu. Cao Cao's strategist Cheng Yu said, "Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are enemies of all men. Liu Ye said: "Guan Yu and Zhang Feiyong are generals in the three armies." These comments come from enemy mouths, when not excessive praise.

There are three main examples of Zhang Fei's performance in the war in the history books, one is that when Yang Changsaka broke the bridge according to the water, the Cao army hesitated to advance, which bought valuable time for Liu Bei to retreat; the second was to go up the river to pacify Yizhou County, interpreting Yan Yan righteously, showing a brave and scheming side; and the third was to break Zhang Guo in the Canal and smash Cao Cao's plot to invade Ba County. Zhang Fei's character defects are also obvious, "love and respect the gentleman and not sympathize with the villain", he can humbly visit Liu Ba, a famous man who despises himself, but abuses punishment and lashs out at his subordinates, and eventually dies at the hands of the villain, killed by Fan Qiang and Zhang Da, which also makes him a tragic hero who makes people sigh.

After Zhang Fei's death, the title huanhou ,although he was not conferred the title of emperor by his descendants like Guan Yu, he was synonymous with fierce generals in all dynasties and was widely praised. In the historical biography, it is said that a certain general is brave and brave, and is often described as "Ancient Guan, Zhang" and "Guan Zhang Fu Guo". During the reign of Emperor Dezong of Tang, he was given sixty-four famous generals for the Temple of King Wucheng, and during the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, he was given seventy-two famous generals for the Temple of King Wucheng, and Zhang Fei was among them.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

Zhuozhou Zhangfei Temple is located in Gujing Road, Songlindian Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, only 5 kilometers away from the village of Dashulousang, which is rumored to be Liu Bei's hometown, and is now a cultural relics protection unit of Zhuozhou City.

According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Fei was a native of Zhuo County, and He County was not detailed. From Liu Bei's chengdu title of Empress Dowager Zhang Fei as the Marquis of Xixiang, it can be speculated that Zhang Fei's origin may have been in Xixiang County, Zhuo County. Xixiang County was in the northwest of Zhuo County, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was merged into Zhuo County, so Zhang Fei and Liu Bei could be called the same township. According to the "Examination of the Old News under the Sun", "Huanhou Old Li is in ZhongyiZhuang, ten miles southwest of the prefecture, there is a special shrine in the east of Guanlu Road, and there are two stones in the temple, one is the hometown of Huanhou, and the other is the ancient well of Huanhou, and the well has been flooded." According to the "Zhuoxian Chronicle", "The hometown of Marquis Zhang Huan, formerly known as Taozhuang, is now Zhongyidian, and the ancient well left by Marquis Zhang Huan is the former site of Taoyuan Jieyi." "It can be known that Zhang Fei Temple is the place where the legendary Liu, Guan, and Zhang Taoyuan three knots are righteous. Zhang Fei Temple was built in the early Tang Dynasty and has been repaired many times, and there are often literati and inkers who leave nostalgic poems here. During the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Fei's temple was destroyed and deserted for many years.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

In 1991, the local restoration of Zhang Fei Temple, the temple is in the form of a two-entrance courtyard, from south to north in turn arranged with the mountain gate, horse hall, main hall, east and west side hall, enjoyment hall, Zhang Fei tomb and so on. In the main hall, Zhang Fei sits in the middle of the standard image with black face and eyes, and on the left and right sides are statues of Zhang Bao, Zhang Shou (or Zhang Shao's mistake), Feng Jinding (rumored to be Zhang Bao's wife), Zhang Zun, Wu Ban, and Ma Qi (which should be Ma Qi's mistake). The East-West Hall is dedicated to Sanqing and Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhuge Liang.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan
Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan
Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

The tomb should be a commemorative crown tomb.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

Inside the temple, there is a stele of "Han Huan Hou Zhang Yide Temple" erected in the 22nd year of the Ming Wanli Calendar, the stele of "Rebuilding the Temple of Zhang Xianwang" erected in the 57th year of Kangxi, and the stele of "Hometown of Marquis Huan of Han" erected in the sixth year of Qing Xianfeng.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

Directly south of The Zhang Fei Temple, there is Zhang Fei Peach Orchard and Zhang Fei Ancient Well, it is rumored that Zhang Fei was engaged in slaughtering meat in his early years, and in the summer, the meat was stored in the well and covered with a stone grinding plate, so that the meat would not rot. Later, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei fought and lifted the stone millstone, and Liu Bei rushed to persuade him to fight, so that Liu Guanzhang and Zhang met. Next to the ancient well there is a stele of "Han Zhang Huan Hou Hou Gujing" written by Tong Guoyi of Zhuozhou Zhizhou in the 39th year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

When the author visited Zhang Fei Temple, the most impressive thing was that the speaker next to the ticket office was repeatedly playing the episode "This Worship" of the first episode of the 94 version of the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", with the scene of the Taoyuan in front of him, it was really a blood boiling, and the heart was fascinated by that heroic era.

Return to the scene of the Three Kingdoms: where to find Zhang Fei Taoyuan

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