
Drink the milk of the goat, and the 2-year-old child will die of convulsions! Chinese superstitious "pure nature" has harmed many people?

Author: Nguyen Quang Feng (Coxin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center)

Scenes like this are often seen around the community:

Someone pulls a goat and sells milked goats;

Someone pulls an oil press and sells freshly squeezed oil;

And there are often long queues behind these stalls...

Are these all-natural foods better? This is what went wrong!

Recently, in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a 2-year-old child had a fever for 4 days after drinking street milk, a rash for 3 days, and even a convulsion, and was finally diagnosed with "cloth disease".

Drink the milk of the goat, and the 2-year-old child will die of convulsions! Chinese superstitious "pure nature" has harmed many people?

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What is cloth disease? Can I still drink fresh milk? What is the pit buried in the "all-natural" we like?

1. Why do I get cloth disease when I drink freshly milked goat's milk?

Brucellosis is short for Brucellosis, an infectious disease caused by the invasion of Brucella into the body [1].

Brucella generally parasitizes animals such as cattle, sheep, dogs, and pigs, so sick sheep, cattle and other animals are the main source of infection of cloth disease. Humans are also susceptible to infection by these infected animals [2].

The reason why drinking raw goat's milk can infect cloth disease is related to its non-sterilization.

"Raw milk", also commonly referred to as raw milk, refers to raw milk that has not been sterilized and other processes.

Because "raw milk" is rich in nutrients, there are a large number of bacteria in the environment that are eyeing it.

For example, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas, fungi, etc., as well as zoonotic pathogenic bacteria such as Brucella and Mycobacterium tuberculosis that originate from animals, can contaminate our fresh milk [3].

Therefore, if the sterilization of "raw milk" is not sufficient, and you drink it directly, it is easy to cause the spread of zoonotic diseases, and brucellosis is a very common one.

If cattle and sheep are infected with Brucella and we drink this milk, we may get brucellosis [4].

Reports from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization indicate that the main routes of brucella infection are now unpasteurized dairy products and undercooked meat products.[5][6]

Drink the milk of the goat, and the 2-year-old child will die of convulsions! Chinese superstitious "pure nature" has harmed many people?

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

2, the nutrition of milked cows/goats is not better

Many people risk their lives to drink fresh cow/goat milk, nothing more than to make it pure and natural, and will feel that raw milk is not processed and has a higher nutritional value.

However, after comparing raw milk with heated sterilized milk, scientists found that the nutritional value of "raw milk" was not better, and there was no significant nutritional difference between the two compared with pure milk that had been heated and sterilized [7].

In general, the nutritional value of fresh milk is not higher, because it has not undergone any disinfection treatment, there is a great food safety hazard [8], it is recommended that you do not drink directly.

3, the three words "pure natural" may be toxic

The reason why raw milk is popular is nothing more than the three words "pure natural" that make people feel healthier.

But the three words "pure natural" may be "poisonous", and many foods are harming people under this guise.

(1) Soil pressing oil

Many people have to bring a few pots with them when they go to the countryside.

In fact, the "soil" of soil pressing oil refers to the traditional soil method of manual oil refining. However, with the traditional method, the biggest problem is that the equipment and process are backward, and it is usually impossible to have supporting crude oil refining equipment, and many impurities cannot be removed.

For example, water, mechanical impurities (dust), colloids (phospholipids, proteins, sugars), free fatty acids, pigments, hydrocarbons, metal compounds, and may also contain toxic heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury and residual pesticides.[9][10]

Because there are so many health risks to these unrefined crude oils, China's food safety standards stipulate that unrefined plant crude oil cannot be eaten directly, but can only be used as refined oil raw materials [11].

Everyone should not be superstitious about soil oil, and must buy brand cooking oil in regular supermarkets or online stores.

(2) Mountain spring water

Mountain spring water, because it comes from nature, and is said to be rich in mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, strontium, metasilicic acid, etc., is also loved by people.

However, mountain spring water may actually have safety hazards.

Although mountain spring water does contain some minerals, it is a little difficult for you to use it to replenish minerals.

For example, the most common calcium intake is 800 mg per day. The calcium content of mountain spring water per liter is also 20 mg, and drinking it to supplement calcium means that you have to drink 40 liters of water every day to make up for it. If it is purely to replenish minerals, it is better to eat green vegetables.

Moreover, mountain spring water is not disinfected, it is easy to contain a large number of bacteria and impurities, if directly drunk is easy to lead to food poisoning [12] [13]

Drink the milk of the goat, and the 2-year-old child will die of convulsions! Chinese superstitious "pure nature" has harmed many people?

(3) Vegetables

Eating wild vegetables has also become a trend, but in fact, it is full of dangers.

In fact, many wild vegetables are poisonous, and they may also have a variety of plant toxins such as alkaloids and saponins, especially some uncommon wild vegetables, which may pose greater safety risks when eaten blindly.[14][15]

A few years ago, there were media reports of a family of three in Changping, Beijing, where the hostess grew her own vegetables, but she couldn't figure out the varieties she planted, and as a result, she planted a wild vegetable commonly known as "sweet eggplant" (scientific name "dragon sunflower"), and the family of three was poisoned and hospitalized .[16]

Drink the milk of the goat, and the 2-year-old child will die of convulsions! Chinese superstitious "pure nature" has harmed many people?

(4) Self-brewed wine

Home-made wines, while trendy, are also risky. Its biggest problem is possible contamination with bacteria.

The operational requirements for the sterilization of industrially produced wines during the brewing process are stringent.

The sterilization conditions of self-brewed wines are difficult to control, and it is likely to be mixed with weeds, which will destroy the normal fermentation of wine and affect the taste of wine.

If the sterilization is not thorough, the bacteria are likely to grow inside, resulting in toxic substances.

Home-brewed wines are also often affected by technical conditions and knowledge levels, and face a higher risk of methanol, which is converted into formaldehyde with strong toxicity in the human body.[17][19]

So, don't be superstitious about home-brewed wines.


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*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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