
The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

author:Gong Liuhui

At the eastern end near the Mediterranean Sea, there was a large city that was very rich and powerful, and had a great reputation, which was the most famous big city in the world at that time.

This is the famous city of Troy.

In fact, the main reason for the Troy's uproar was the fierce war recorded in the world's greatest epic, the Iriad.

The reason for the outbreak of this protracted war came from a contest between three beautiful goddesses.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war


A golden apple sparked a fight between three of the most powerful women

It is said that although the goddess of the sea, Thetis, lived in the sea, she always slept in a cave on the shore.

Under the guidance of the gods, After a fierce battle, Peleus grabbed Thetis, who had transformed into a lioness, a water snake, and a seawater, and made her agree to marry her.

Soon, the gods decided to hold a grand wedding banquet for Peleus and Thetis at the top of Pellion Hill.

This peak of Pelion is a place where the gods maintained contact with humans and where the Centaurs lived.

All the gods of mount Olympus attended the wedding feast, but they did not know whether they had a heart or an intention.

When the great warrior Perius and the goddess of the sea, Thetis, held a wedding, they invited the gods to the wedding, but forgot to invite the "goddess of discord", and in anger with the goddess, they were determined to take revenge.

She carved a line on a golden apple: Dedicated to the most beautiful goddess.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

Then quietly among the cheerful guests, she threw a golden apple on the table, which read:

To the most beautiful goddess in the world.

At this time, the queen of heaven, Hera, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, and the goddess of love, Aphrodite, all thought that they were the most beautiful and deserved to get this golden apple, and they actually quarreled over it.

At this moment, Zeus, the king of the gods, did not know how to judge who was the most beautiful, so he had to give the golden apple to a young man named Paris and let him decide who the golden apple belonged to.

This Paris was the son of Priamus, king of Troy. After The death of Raomedon, his son Priamus succeeded to the throne.

That said, this Paris is still a young prince!

He felt that Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was the most beautiful, so he gave the golden apple to the god of love.

From then on, he offended Thea hera and athena, the goddess of wisdom, and later lost his great wisdom and revenge from hera because of love.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

Since then, three women have played a wonderful Trojan War.


The fuse of the Trojan War | the god of love made Paris fall in love with the great beauty Helen

Why did the Greek army attack Troy?

Many small kingdoms were established on the Greek peninsula, one of which was called Sparta.

One day, an uninvited guest came to the spartan palace, and it was Paris, the son of the Trojan king.

Located in northwestern Asia Minor, Troy is a wealthy city.

King Menelaeus of Sparta, out of respect, together with Queen Helen, received the prince from a foreign land.

However, upon seeing the stunning Spartan Queen, Paris immediately understood that this was the most beautiful woman promised to him by the goddess of love. And Helen saw the handsome and dashing Prince Troy, and she was also secretly in love.

Parris put the purpose of the expedition behind and encouraged Helen to elope with him.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

For love, Helen abandons everything, including her newborn daughter Hermione.

In this way, the fierce Paris took Helen and plundered the Spartan palace.

When he heard the news of his wife's abduction, the king was furious.

He immediately rushed to McKenny and told his brother Agamemnon about the incident. As the supreme leader of the small Greek kingdoms, Agamemnon had long coveted the wealthy kingdom of Troy.

At the same time, the news of Parris's abduction of Helen quickly spread throughout Greece, provoking the wrath of all the Greek states because it was an insult to all Greeks.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war


The Trojan War began

Soon after, the Greeks gathered a large army, led by Menelaus's brother, the great Agamemnon.

In addition, there are many great heroes, such as Achilles, who was the greatest hero of the Trojan War and the greatest warrior after Hercules.

He was the son of Thetis, the goddess of the sea, and when he was first born, Thetis wanted him to be a god, so he burned him in a heavenly fire every night.

But when she was about to make Achilles about to become a god on the last night, her husband saw it, cried out in fright, and from then on, her son did not become a god, but became a fighting hero.

In fact, the myth of the Trojan War has a fascinating plot:

Helen, who was later used as a symbol of beauty, was seduced and abducted by Paris, triggering a war between Greece and Troy, which provided a stage for countless heroes and villains to write epic plots with their bravery and cruelty.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war


The Trojan War was very brutal and protracted

In the past, there used to be a city of Troy very close to the northern coast of Asia Minor.

It was here that the war between the Greeks and the Trojans broke out.

In this war, Achilles and Hector, as well as many other heroes, gave their lives, but gained a good reputation that will never die.

It is said that the gods also joined the war, some with the Trojans and some with the Greeks.

It had been ten years, and the war had not yet reached a final outcome, and the Scamandros rivers in Troy, and the Simoise rivers, were all stained bright red with blood.

Later, one of the captives said to the Trojan king, "You should bring the wooden horse into the city, so that you can get the protection of the gods." The king of Troy heard this and ordered the prisoner to be released and his men to take The Mumara into the city.

At this time, the priest of the Trojan kingdom, Raokun, rushed down from the mountain, reminding everyone once again not to fall for the Greeks, and to burn the wooden horse quickly, otherwise it would cause great disaster.

He even threw spears at the wooden horse as he ran.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

Just then, a frightening accident happened. Two huge water snakes swam out of the sea and pounced on Laocon's two sons, tightly wrapped around the child's body.

Therefore, he could not stop the Trojan from entering Troy City.

In fact, Greece built a huge wooden horse and hid a commando force in it.

In the evening, the Greek soldiers drilled out their wooden horses, opened the city gates, and the Greeks who had been waiting outside invaded in one fell swoop and conquered Troy.

Although Troy was conquered, it still deserved respect, and later "beware of the gifts of the Greeks" and "Trojan horses" became synonymous with conspiracies.

At that time, the gods who manipulated the heavens and the earth did not want this massacre between humans to survive, and the god of the wind and poseidon not only sank countless Greek ships and let the sea engulf the heroes who returned with a full load, but also the fierce winds and huge waves swept away the city of Troy and washed away all traces of the war.

The Trojan War | a contest between three beautiful goddesses sparked a protracted war

After more than ten years of the Trojan War, except for the great Greek poet Homer who wrote many moving stories for it, everything was destroyed, and even the place name Troy later disappeared from the map.

Few people were able to return home and enjoy happiness after the war, and many more Greeks were buried at the bottom of the sea.

Later, the city suffered destruction, but many Greeks fled.

In short, the war lasted for 10 years and ended in the "Trojan Horse Scheme".

The Greeks, though victorious, also consumed their own strength, and from then on the Mycenaean city-states declined.

Let's discuss the Trojan War, welcome to follow me!

The author | Gong Liuhui

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