
Visit the archaeological site of Troy

author:World Heritage tour

There is probably no place in the world with so many myths and legends as the history of Troy. The Trojan War took place during the Mycenaean civilization. The Greek city-states formed a coalition to cross the sea to expedition to the ancient city of Troy, and the war lasted for 10 years, and Troy became known to the world. The "Trojan Horse Scheme" narrated in the epic "Iliad" has become a famous passage in the literature and art of Western countries. In 1998, the Archaeological Site of Troy was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as a cultural heritage.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Archaeological site of Troy

Troy, with its history of more than 4,000 years, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. The ancient city of Troy is located at the western tip of Turkey, bordering the Dardanelles. Troy was built around the 16th century BC for the ancient Greeks to cross the sea, and flourished from the 13th to the 12th century BC.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Replica of a Trojan horse from the ancient city of Troy

Excavations of the ruins of the ancient city of Troy began in the mid-19th century and continued into the 1930s. In 1870, the famous German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann carried out the first excavation of the site, found the ruins of the city walls, and saw the traces of war burning, especially in the tomb to obtain a large number of amazing artifacts, including gold crowns, bracelets, necklaces, wine glasses, bowls, plates, etc., thus confirming the richness of the city of Troy described in Homer's epic poem and the treasures of the royal palace. Heinrich Schliemann's discovery shook the entire Western academic community, thus unveiling one of the most glorious scenes in the history of world archaeology.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

The author of this article investigates the archaeological site of Troy

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

The passage of the Trojan horse into the city

Archaeologists have found the remains of the ancient city of Troy belonging to 9 periods in the 30-meter-deep formation, including ancient buildings, castles, royal palace ruins, etc., and also found many gold and silver jewelry, bronzes, pottery, stone tools, etc. The numerous remains of the archaeological site of Troy are the most important proof of the beginning of contacts between Anatolia and Mediterranean civilizations. This site is of great significance for understanding the critical period of the early development of European culture.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Tour route

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Ruins of the ancient city

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Archaeological sites

The ancient city of Troy was besieged by Spartans and Acacias from Greece in the 13th or 12th centuries BC, and the Trojan War was fought over the world's most beautiful woman, Helen, and the "Trojan Horse" described in Homer's epic poem The Iliad took place. At that time, the Trojan prince Paris came to the palace of Menelaus, the king of Sparta in Greece, and was warmly received by Manelus. However, Paris has a crush on McNairus' young and beautiful wife, Helen. Paris is personable, charming, and very attractive to women. Helen fell in love with him at first sight, and was magically taken back to Troy by Prince Paris of Troy. In 1193 BC, the Greek spartan king Menelaus led an army of 100,000 and more than 1,000 warships to attack Troy. Because the city of Troy was strong and easy to defend, the Greek army failed to achieve its wishes for 10 years. Finally, a resourceful Greek general, Odyssey, came up with a brilliant plan to have the Greek soldiers burn their tents, board their warships and leave, creating the illusion of retreating home. One day the battleships of the Greek Coalition suddenly sailed away.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Remains of the ancient city

Visit the archaeological site of Troy
Visit the archaeological site of Troy

The Trojans thought that the Greeks had withdrawn their troops and returned home, but they ran outside the city, but found that there was a huge wooden horse left on the beach, and it was the Greek soldiers who deliberately left a huge wooden horse outside the city, and the Trojans dragged the Trojan horse into the city as a victory. That night, while the Trojans were drinking and celebrating their victory, the Greek soldiers hiding in the wooden horses sneaked out, opened the gates, and put in the Greek army that had long been ambushed outside the city. The 10-year war was finally over. The Greeks plundered the city of Troy, and the treasure was loaded into the Greek warships. McNairus snatched the beautiful ship back to his homeland. The Trojan horse slaughtered the city, and the Trojan War ended.

Visit the archaeological site of Troy

Author of this article at the archaeological site of Troy (2014)

The city of Troy was eventually breached by the Greeks with a "Trojan horse", a war known as the "Trojan War", and the city of Troy became famous all over the world. The smoke of the war at the ruins of the ancient city of Troy has long since dissipated, and there are ruins and broken walls everywhere, and the remaining city walls, broken walls, and stone pillars seem to tell the world everything that happened here. Today, it is transformed into a world-famous archaeological site park and has become one of the most important cultural landscapes in Turkey, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world every year.

Sun Keqin wrote and photographed


Sun Keqin, 2005, An Introduction to World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press.

Sun Keqin, 2008, World Heritage Studies. Beijing: Tourism Education Press.

Sun Keqin, Sun Bo, 2018, Into the World Heritage Site. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Keqin Sun, Bo Sun, 2020, World Heritage Site. Beijing: Peking University Press.

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