
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant

author:A sail in Shantou
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant

After the eighth year, many families in Chaoshan have the custom of brineing pork head meat. Everyone loves the brine pork head meat, the color is rosy, fat but not greasy, salty and sweet moderate, and very chewy, the more chewy the more fragrant, and then with garlic, white vinegar and sugar blended with dipping sauce sticky to eat, not only very under the rice, but also a very good appetizer.

Chaoshan brine has a tempting brine taste, and it is often seen that the brine production method is written on the Internet in an extremely exquisite way, and some foreign friends are very curious, and even have a very mysterious feeling. In fact, as a Chaoshan person, in life, brine can be seen everywhere. Especially after entering the winter, many families like to prepare a brine, prepare brine, with fat and lean three layers of pork belly as the main ingredient, and the brine flavor is made, which has both the tender taste of the meat and the rich taste of the brine, which is particularly good.

In the production of brine, in addition to soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, brown sugar, salt, chicken essence, ginger slices, green onions and garlic, but also cinnamon, star anise, tangerine peel, galangal, grass fruit, licorice, fragrant leaves, luo han guo, dried pepper, dried pepper, lemongrass, white root, male cloves and white cardamom, etc., these spices should be packed in a slag bag, the bag mouth is tightly tied, and boiled in the brine. If you are too lazy to do it yourself, go to the brine shop to ask for some brine, and then add the right amount of soy sauce, garlic, ginger slices, cooking wine and brown sugar to fully flavor, you can also. In any case, the more brine the more fragrant it is.

Brine pork head meat with a marinade of pork belly that has been marinated is perfect. Pork head meat is well known for its delicious taste and rich nutritional value, providing high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, as well as heme, promoting the absorption of iron by cysteine and improving iron deficiency anemia. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, the meat of the pig's head is flat and sweet and salty, and has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the yin, relieving heat and moisturizing.

Fortunately, the pork head meat bought from the market is now split and removed from the bones, removed from the pig hair and dirt, and grilled with flames. After purchasing home, you only need to remove the eyeballs and cartilage, scrape and wash again, and then blanch, wash and put into the brine. After bringing to a boil, turn to medium-low heat and simmer slowly for about an hour or two. After the cook has cooled thoroughly, remove it, cut it into thin slices with a knife, and then you can dip it into garlic vinegar and eat it.

Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant
Brine pork head meat, fat but not greasy, very chewy, and the more chewy the more fragrant