
"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

author:Happy mom after 70

Double Golden Soup: A nutritious soup that can be eaten all year round

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Function: Healthy spleen appetizer, digestion and accumulation

Children do not like to eat, the stomach is bulging, stool is difficult to take a grain, sleep is unstable, the bed is rolling around can be drunk

It can be drunk at least one year old

The reference method of double golden soup is as follows:

There are 6 kinds of materials for double golden soup, each time boiling water or soup, take 1 sachet of each of the 6 ingredients

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

The six ingredients of the soup bun

Lean meat 200 g, one-legged gold 2 g, chicken inner gold 3 g, prince ginseng 5 g, dried yam 10 g, figs 2, dates 2 (2 servings)

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Place in a bowl and rinse well

1. Boil rock sugar water: Taizi ginseng and yam dried soaked for more than half an hour, other ingredients to clean, put into the pot, add water over the ingredients about 5 cm, boil after low heat for 30 minutes, add rock sugar to melt to filter the residue to drink water.

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Add water and soak for half an hour

2. Boiling broth: soak the ginseng and dried yam for more than half an hour, clean other ingredients, add blanched lean meat and ingredients together into the pot, (casserole: boil for 1 hour after boiling), stew pot: simmer for 1.5-2 hours after boiling. Season with salt to drink soup and eat meat.

It is recommended for children to cook rock sugar water, so that children will be willing to drink, and adults can drink broth.

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Cut the lean meat open

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Blanch the water in a cool underwater pot

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Bring to a boil to skim off the foam

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

So put the ingredients in a stew cup and simmer for 2 hours

"Double Golden Soup" Children have a poor appetite, accumulate food, and sleep unsteadily, try to use one-legged golden soup

Add salt at the end

Children do not like to eat, accumulation of food, liver fire, sleep unsteadily, you can try [double gold soup] one-legged gold and chicken inner gold with others.

【There are various soup buns in the window that you are interested in to see】

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