
Cherish, those who dare to tell you the truth

There are countless people who know each other in this world,

He who can tell you the truth,

But there are always very few.

Sometimes people play tricks on you,

In fact, you can understand,

Just not good to break.

Cherish, those who dare to tell you the truth


Sweet talk is good, but it is not reliable

Some people say it nicely,

but he acted hypocritically, and the city government was very deep,

Some people even have a poisonous mouth,

But they are just and sincere.

Sweet talk is good,

Some can even speak to the heart,

But the good words spoken by others are not necessarily reliable,

Maybe it's because of you,

Maybe it's playing tricks with you,

Faithful words against the ear, good words,

Not necessarily out of sincerity.

Cherish, those who dare to tell you the truth


Everyone can say good things, but they may not be willing to tell the truth

Everyone knows that good words come out,

Can please people, make people like,

Speak the truth, although it is beneficial to people,

But it's disgusting.

It's easy to say nice things,

The lips move, the eyes roll,

It takes no effort to make people happy,

Everyone in this world wants to hear the truth,

But I can't resist the temptation of good words,

Everybody says good things,

Because good words bring benefits.

Cherish, those who dare to tell you the truth


Only people with good relationships dare to tell the truth

Unless there are people in this world who are intimate,

Only then do you dare to pick out the truth.

Point out your faults, suggest corrective opinions,

Make you better,

Such a person must be someone who knows you,

It is also the one who has you in his heart,

Tell you the truth, not afraid of your alienation,

And not afraid of your multi-heartedness,

More unafraid of estrangement from each other.

Cherish, those who dare to tell you the truth


Be loyal to your word and cherish the one who tells you the truth

Listening to good words is harmful,

The truth is not good, but the medicine is bitter.

A man who dares to tell the truth,

Not everyone around him deserves his integrity,

Not everyone is worth his lungs and hearts,

If it's not about you,

And why should you set yourself on fire and be bored with yourself,

If you don't value you, why bother?

There is no benefit to yourself.

Don't give up on each other because the truth is hard to hear,

And don't hurt the heart of the man who told you the truth.

Cherish the man who is willing to tell you the truth,

After all, every sentence is connected with sincerity,

Every time with sincerity.

Because he has you in his heart,

Speak without fear,

Also because he really cares about you,

I know everything about you.

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