
Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

When Lang Ping took charge of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the second time, the Chinese women's volleyball team was full of talents in the main offensive position: Zhu Ting was the world's first main attack in the four or five years before and after the Rio Olympic Games; Hui Ruoqi and Zhang Changning were also among the world's famous main attackers; Li Yingying was born in 2018 and now enjoys a good reputation in the world.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

So, how to arrange the top 10 of the active Chinese women's volleyball team? The author combines the players' own strength and the opinions of the majority of fans to make the following rankings.

1. Zhu Ting

The former MVP harvester Zhu Ting is still the best main attack in China as long as her wrist is healthy. Despite being 27 years old, her strong offensive firepower, the pass and defense that is not inferior to the world's top freeman, and the natural excellent feel have not disappeared, and all we have to do now is to wait for the news of her successful wrist surgery.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

2. Li Yingying

From the attacker who can only slam the ball to the first-class all-round warrior in China in various technical links, Li Yingying spent 3 years. Many people think that her ability has surpassed Zhu Ting, but the author believes that she still needs more tests in major competitions, after all, she has too few opportunities to play in international competitions.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

3. Zhang Changning

Recalling the 2019 Women's Volleyball World Cup, Zhang Changning has become the "second main attack in the world" in the minds of fans with a smash success rate second only to Zhu Ting. Unfortunately, because of the knee injury and the increase in age, her state has declined, and she is already at a disadvantage in the comparison with Li Yingying.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

4. Zhonghui

Being able to win the best attack of the 2021-2022 Women's Volleyball Super League, Zhonghui naturally can naturally occupy a relatively high position in this list. Tenacious personality, pleasing jump serve, make up for her lack of height, the new women's volleyball training list, there should be her name.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

5. Wang Yizhu

Whether you like it or not, Wang Yizhu is one of the more talented players born after 2000. If it were not for the fact that the Tianjin women's volleyball team can only play substitutes, she should be able to get faster progress. With Liu Yanhan leaving the Tianjin women's volleyball team, I believe that Wang Yizhu's "spring" will soon arrive.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

6. Wu Han

The Jiangsu women's volleyball team broke into the final in the Volleyball Super League, and Wu Han's contribution was indispensable. As a small man, she has played her own characteristics with tireless bouncing and rich use of techniques. More importantly, her pass was slowly able to protect herself.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

7. Wu Mengjie

As the biggest discovery in the main offensive position in the league, although the 19-year-old Wu Mengjie cannot be compared with Zhu Ting and Li Yingying at the same age, she has also shown great potential. Good ability to stay in the air makes her appear richer in the choice of slam route, with the increase of game experience, I believe she will become the new heavy gunner of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

8. Liu Yanhan

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and Liu Yanhan's state has declined significantly, and he can still find his position in the top 10 main attacks in China with rich experience.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

9. Liu Mengya

In the league, Liu Mengya was in a state of explosion before being injured (when she was injured against the Shandong women's volleyball team), the success rate of the slam ball reached more than 50%, and the Yunnan women's volleyball team also created a threat to the strong team in many games, and many fans directly called that she should return to the national team. However, after the injury, her state plummeted, and with her old age, it was difficult to return to the national team.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

10. Chestnut

The spicy style of the ball adds points, but unfortunately the thunder and rain are small, and the success rate of the slam is always low. Happily, her passing and defense have strengthened.

Domestic active main attack TOP10: Li Yingying hit the top position of Zhu Ting, and Jiangsu young players can be shortlisted

For the above rankings, do you have any different opinions on the Chinese women's volleyball team? Welcome to leave a comment in the comments!

——Pay attention to the small fish and feel the temperature of sports!

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