
Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

When losing weight, fat friends have such an experience: keep your mouth shut, open your legs, why did you lose weight quickly at the beginning, and then slower and slower? Even heavier than before?

The so-called "heavier than before", you may think that this is a rebound, but still have to distinguish it. Because weight gain isn't necessarily a bad thing, there's a situation that we call a "positive rebound." It is a sign of success in weight loss.

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

It sounds like a lot of winding, in simple terms, in fact, weight loss is not equal to weight loss, the key is to look at the body fat content, that is, the change in body fat rate. When fat is reduced and muscle is increased, there will be a situation where the weight does not change and increases. But the whole person looks actually thin, like most fitness trainers.

Therefore, you can measure the three circumferences, or try on clothes that could not be easily worn into, and if the waistline is reduced, you can easily wear it, indicating that you are thin.

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

If you do not belong to the above situation, there is slow weight loss, weight loss stagnation, there are also countermeasures. So Minus suggests you make the following 3 changes.

1. A varied diet

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

Regarding how to control diet, in the subconscious of many fat friends, they will feel that they should eat low-calorie foods, such as vegetables and fruits. In short, what is healthy, what is low calorie to eat is finished.

In fact, whether you are fat or thin has nothing to do with what you eat, even healthy foods, if the calorie intake exceeds the standard, it will also lead to fattening. This is also in line with the principle of weight loss.

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

What's more, for example, vegetables, there is a type of vegetable, which should be classified as "staple vegetables", potatoes, lotus roots and so on. This kind of vegetable, the calories are actually not as low as you think.

Therefore, the essence of controlling the diet is actually to eat a little bit under the premise of controlling the total calorie intake. That is, to diversify your diet. On the contrary, a single diet can easily lead to malnutrition, which in turn reduces metabolism.

Therefore, according to the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, each person should eat more than 12 kinds of food per day, and more than 25 kinds of food per week. Cereals and potatoes, proteins, vegetables and fruits.

2. Eat one more bite of meat and one bite less of your meal

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

According to the eating habits of Chinese, there are cases where staple foods are eaten too much and carbohydrate intake exceeds the standard. This can cause insulin levels to rise, which can easily lead to fat accumulation.

Therefore, when losing weight, it is recommended that everyone consume more protein-rich foods. Because under the same calorie, considering that the molecular base of protein is larger, the feeling of fullness is stronger, and it is less likely to cause blood sugar fluctuations, which is conducive to weight loss.

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

Not only that, protein is also an important raw material for muscle growth and repair, and developing a little muscle is conducive to the improvement of basal metabolism. The figure will also look better.

In summary, if you encounter a bottleneck period of weight loss, you can follow such a dietary principle: increase the intake of high-quality protein (meat, eggs and milk) and reduce the intake of high carbohydrates (staple food).

Adults who exercise infrequently/exercise need to consume 0.8-1 g/kg of protein per day.

3. Adjust your mindset

Losing weight doesn't equal losing weight! Make 3 adjustments to boost metabolism and double fat burning efficiency

Whether you can get thin smoothly depends not only on whether you can control your mouth and open your legs, but also on your mentality. Many times, we have to give ourselves a little more patience, after all, fat is not piled up in a day, and it is impossible to lose weight in a day.

You don't have to doubt yourself because your weight hasn't changed for a short time, and it's right to reflect, but it takes some time for your body to change. In the bottleneck period, the fluctuations up and down the body data are normal, considering that the update time of fat is 90-180 days, and the cycle of weight loss is at least 3-6 months.

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