
In the world's first case, a doctor in the United States transplanted a pig heart for a patient, and the postoperative condition was good

In the world's first case, a doctor in the United States transplanted a pig heart for a patient, and the postoperative condition was good

The United States completed the world's first pig heart transplant human surgery, and the current patient is in good condition and has no rejection reaction.

A few days ago, the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the United States successfully transplanted a gene-edited pig heart into the body of a 57-year-old man. It is understood that the donor pig is a one-year-old, more than 200 pounds of pigs, it has been genetically modified, the entire feeding process is for the purpose of organ transplantation. As of 10 January, the man was recovering well after surgery.

The data shows that 17 people die every day in the United States while waiting for organ transplants, and the number of people on the waiting list exceeds 100,000. Organ shortages are a global problem, and although organ donation exists worldwide, very few organ transplants can be achieved. In China, about 1 million organ failure patients each year, 300,000 of whom are in urgent need of organ transplantation, but only about 20,000 people have access to transplants. Based on this situation, researchers around the world are trying to solve the shortage of organ transplants in a variety of ways, of which Xenotransplantation is the most promising application.

In the world's first case, a doctor in the United States transplanted a pig heart for a patient, and the postoperative condition was good

First, the research status of cardiac xenotransplantation

1. The immune rejection reaction caused by the graft entering the receptor

2. Whether the transplanted organ can survive and play its normal physiological role for a long time and effectively

3. The potential pathogen transmission and the risk of causing the disease are also a key factor restricting the successful clinical application of pig organs

In the world's first case, a doctor in the United States transplanted a pig heart for a patient, and the postoperative condition was good

2. What do I need to pay attention to after cardiac bridging?

1, diet: should eat more digestible, rich in protein and vitamins food, but should not be too full, should not eat salty food, should also prevent indigestion and intestinal infections. This is also a postoperative consideration for heart disease.

2. Activity: Can heart disease be cured? If the condition allows, some activity can be increased daily, and excessive activity can increase the burden on the heart. Sternal wounds usually heal in six weeks, so it is not advisable to lift heavy objects within six weeks.

3. Incision care: After the stitch removal, as long as the incision is healed, you can take a bath, but do not use harsh soap, and do not rub the skin at the wound. If you find that the wound is red, swollen, swollen, runny or feverish, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination. Postoperative considerations for these heart conditions are important.

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