
(Weekly Fortune) Rob Benzny_ Horoscope for 13-19 January 2022


The coming months will be a great time for you to explore the art of "soul show off". Do you deserve any of the titles below? If so, feel free to use them in 2022.

1. Practical idealists with flexible strategies.

2. The genius of interesting intimate relationships.

3. A lively healer who has a deep understanding of the way of the soul.

4. A free clown who laughs for righteous reasons.

5. Skilled strivers.

6. A master of empathy who excels at creative empathy.

7. Smart lust reserves.

8. Bold communicators full of wisdom and cuteness.

9. Cunning summoner of happiness.


Most smokers are likely to live longer than they would otherwise. Smoking is harmful to health and not beneficial. Those who smoke in their twenties and thirties may reduce their lifespan by a decade. But here's the good news: If you quit before age 40, you'll get this back. I draw this to your attention because I hope it serves as a motivational story for you in 2022. According to my analysis of the astrological signs, you will have more power than ever before to get rid of any of your harmful obsessive-compulsive disorders – and begin to regain vitality.


In May 1974, the Band Grateful Dead introduced a new twist to their live music performances. While performing at San Francisco's Cow Palace, they amplified their music through the "Wall of Sound." 604 loudspeakers piled together to deliver a total of 26,000 watts of energy. Have any band ever treated their fans with greater volume and crisper tones? I want to use this groundbreaking event as one of your first metaphors for 2022. According to my analysis, this will be a great year for you to raise the signal. Publish your message with maximum confidence and clarity. Show the world who you are and evoke all the energy.


The philosopher Joland said he despised smart people. Why? Because they are cautious, and they think it is empty and invigorating. In Jolan's view, these profound thinkers avoid strong feelings so they can live in calm security, unaffected by life's stressful paradoxes. I agree with him that this state is not advisable. However, Joland contrasts it with the lives of normal people he admires, which are "full of irreconcilable contradictions" and "suffer from infinite anxiety". Is there no other option between these two extremes? My answer is, of course! You can be proof of that in 2022, Cancer. I expect you to be filled with deep feelings, eager for new experiences, and infused with a desire for life – while with less anxiety and irreconcilable contradictions than before.


In 1838, the 29-year-old naturalist Darwin had not yet developed his theory of evolution and was not yet a superstar in science. He began to reflect on the possibility of proposing to his cousin, Emma Wedgwood. If married, he wrote: "a lasting companion and a friend in later life; the charm of music and the small talk of women — good for one's health." "If not married." No children; no one to take care of in old age; less money to buy books, lost time, and work for money. I draw your attention to this, Lion, because I suspect that in 2022 you may be tempted and inspired to intertwine your fate deeply with the fate of interesting characters. Spouse or partner or collaborator? Possibly. Maybe a beloved animal or a spiritual guide? Have fun working on your list of pros and cons!


What was your favorite toy when you were a kid? Now is a good time to get back fond memories of them and even get a modern version so you can regain the joy they brought you. In the analysis, when you engage in a wide range of playtime activities, you'll wisely invite your inner child to play a bigger role in your life. So yes, consider buying yourself the possibility of crayons, LEGO bricks, dolls and puppets, video games, water guns, roller skates, yo-yos, skipping rope, and board games. Don't overlook the joy of cardboard boxes, mud pies, and regular sticks, too.


In the novel The Marriage Story, Andrew Sean Greer asks, "Is love always like a pearl, formed around the hardened part of life?" My response was, "No, not always, but when it happens, it's usually particularly sweet and lasting." "Libra, one of my wishes and predictions for you in 2022 is that love will form around your hard body. For the best possible outcome, be open to the possibility that difficulties can develop into elegance. Look for those opportunities that have been sown by hard work.


"Live a little longer, no matter what grievances you get, it's worth it." Author Marilynne Robinson writes that I recommend her idea as one of the exhilarating meditations of 2022. According to my interpretation of astrology, the next few months will be a favorable time to eliminate and resolve as many old grievances as you can. This is the year when you can and should free yourself from spiritual garbage—for your own mental, physical, and spiritual health, as well as for the health of others.


Some critics consider the writer Diana Wayne Jones to be a genius in her chosen field—fantasy fiction for children and young adults. She was generous, saying, "I have a strong feeling that everyone can be a genius in some way; The problem is just finding this. "If you're not yet sure what your unique talent is made up of, shooter, I'm sure 2022 will show you detailed glory. If you already know that, the next few months will be time for you to dig deeper and express your talents.


Capricorn biologist Robin Wall Kimmel wrote a meditation book about moss. It was her answer to the question she had always wanted to know: Why did this humble plant survive for 350 million years? When so many other species are extinct, why can moss survive all of Earth's climate change and upheavals? What does its success teach us? Here's Kimmel's conclusion: Moss teaches us values of "small and unimportant, giving more than taking, following the laws of nature, and uniting." According to the 2022 horoscope, Capricorn, I believe moss should be your example.


Writer Joyce Carol Oates was very successful and won several major awards. But she thinks her job is laborious and time-consuming. "I work very slowly," she said. "It's like building a ladder, you have to build your own ladder one by one and then climb up. It's not the best way to build a ladder, but I don't know of any other way. "Aquarius, I wouldn't always recommend her approach to you, but I would recommend it in 2022. As long as you are willing to accept incremental progress, you will do a lot of great work.


I urge you to take concrete action in the next 24 hours to prove that you take this seriously. This is the wisdom of the Pisces philosopher Marc-Alain Ouaknin: "People must break the illusion that their lives have been determined and their paths have been planned." It's time to recreate, dear Pisces.

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