
Why do you say "big face and small nose, poor to old age"? Is the ancients' skill of recognizing people accurate?

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

In ancient times, a mystical connection was given between physiognomy and fate. The saying "big face and small nose, poor until old age" expresses the ancients' concept of the relationship between appearance and fate. Facial features such as a large, broad face and a small nose are believed to be able to reflect a person's inner qualities, while the fate of poverty is seen as the fate of most people.

Behind this proverb is the special background and cultural traditions of ancient societies. In those days, physiognomy was seen as a symbol of a person's character, and as a result, physiognomy was associated with a person's destiny. This notion may provide some reference in some cases.

Why do you say "big face and small nose, poor to old age"? Is the ancients' skill of recognizing people accurate?

01 Enlightenment: Wisdom and Clever Exploration

The journey of pursuing wisdom may begin with knowing yourself. The ancients said: "The face is born from the heart", this wise saying has been used throughout the ages, profoundly explaining the subtle difference between wisdom and cleverness.

When we are able to see into our hearts, that is a sign of wisdom; And to understand others is to show the wisdom side. The two are intertwined, as bright as the stars, but each contains a profound mystery.

Introspection is the beginning of knowing oneself. But it wasn't an easy one, but a difficult one, full of fog and doubts. In ancient times, people used the mysterious "physiognomy" to peek into their hearts and try to solve their own mysteries.

Physiognomy is a complex and subtle art that reveals a person's character and destiny by observing the face, facial features, limbs, voice, mannerisms, etc. Although this method may seem supernatural today, it reflects the ancient desire for self-knowledge.

However, as time goes on, so does the way we get to know others. Ancient physiognomy has gradually evolved into modern "psychology". Psychology, as a science, explores the laws of human thinking, emotion, and behavior through systematic research and experiments, providing us with a more accurate and in-depth way to understand others.

From cognitive psychology to social psychology, the branch of psychology is like an encyclopedia that deciphers the hearts of others, helping us understand the complex bonds of emotions and revealing the underlying reasons behind human behavior.

In contrast to ancient physiognomy, modern psychology focuses on scientific methods and empirical research, which allows us to gain more precise insight into the inner world of others. By observing behavior, analyzing language, and probing emotions, we can gain a deeper understanding of other people's needs, desires, and motivations.

Why do you say "big face and small nose, poor to old age"? Is the ancients' skill of recognizing people accurate?

Moreover, psychology also emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships, teaching us how to better interact with others and build healthier, stronger relationships.

However, whether it is ancient physiognomy or modern psychology, the ultimate goal is the same: to help us better understand ourselves and others, and to improve our wisdom and intelligence. No matter how times change, this journey of self-awareness and insight into others will always continue, full of challenges and wonders.

Wisdom and cleverness are like twin sons, one for oneself and the other for others. Through self-reflection and psychology, we may be able to more deeply understand the philosophy of "face is born from the heart" in this long journey of life, and pursue true wisdom and wisdom as bright as chasing the stars.

02 Appearance and Destiny: The Inheritance of Folk Wisdom

Thousands of years have passed, and people's wisdom has been passed down through time. The folk elders, with their own life experience, summed up a unique set of skills to recognize people, with the motto "big face and small nose, poor to old age", in order to reveal people's wisdom, wealth, poverty, life expectancy and achievement and other destiny factors. This ancient and mysterious method, like the key of a wise man, unlocks the mystery of life.

The wisdom contained in "big face and small nose, poor to old age" is based on the observation and induction of people's physical characteristics, behavior, and life experience. In this art of recognizing people, physiognomy plays a key role. Facial features are believed to be able to reflect a person's inner qualities.

A large, broad face is often interpreted as a symbol of wisdom and cleverness, while a small nose is seen as a sign of ill-fated fortune. This intuitive and ancient way of observation embodies the accumulation of people's experience over many generations, and is the crystallization of the wisdom of wise men.

Why do you say "big face and small nose, poor to old age"? Is the ancients' skill of recognizing people accurate?

But this method is not limited to physiognomy observations. Elders are good at observing whether a person's behavior is confident, kind, and polite. These subtleties reveal information that can help them judge a person's character and conduct.

In addition, life experiences and achievements are also clues to people. Folk sages would trace a person's past and look for signs to infer their future. They believe that fate can sometimes be revealed through a person's experiences. Wealth and poverty, longevity and early death, achievements and setbacks are all seen as part of a life's journey, and a person's appearance and behavior serve as clues to this journey.

Although this approach may seem mysterious and implausible in the eyes of modern science, it represents the way of thinking of an era, containing deep insights into life and the accumulation of experience. It is a precious legacy of wisdom and tradition, reminding us that ancient wisdom is still worthy of our respect and exploration today.

03 Epilogue

This proverb "big face and small nose, poor to old age", like many ancient wisdom, does carry the life experience of people of past generations. However, as time flies and societies evolve, do these ancient wisdoms still apply and can still provide us with valuable insights?

In modern society, we are faced with unprecedented complexity and change. The rapid development of technology, the impact of globalization, and the diversity of cultures have all made life more diverse and uncertain. Therefore, a single physiognomy or demeanor can no longer fully predict a person's fate. We cannot judge a person's wisdom, wealth, longevity, or accomplishments based on their appearance alone.

Why do you say "big face and small nose, poor to old age"? Is the ancients' skill of recognizing people accurate?

However, despite the limitations of their application, these sayings still have value that cannot be ignored. They are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients and the cultural wealth left to us by past generations. These ancient wisdoms inherit the wisdom and history of mankind, and remind us that we can still find inspiration and think about the true meaning of life in different times.

Moreover, while colloquialisms and old sayings may not provide precise predictions, they can inspire us to think more deeply about others and ourselves. By reflecting on these ancient wisdoms, we may be able to better understand the nature of human beings, gain insight into the mysteries of life, and cultivate wisdom and discernment.

In short, despite the continuous advancement of time and the continuous evolution of society, those ancient sayings and wisdom still have profound connotations that deserve to be cherished and inherited. They are part of our culture, a testimony to our history, and a source of our wisdom.

In the modern world, we can combine this ancient wisdom with modern science to better understand the complexity and diversity of human beings and pursue more meaningful lives. No matter how time changes, wisdom and the pursuit of wisdom will always be with us and guide us forward.