
Learn these dishes so that you can entertain guests at home with full face

author:Small grain delicacies
Learn these dishes so that you can entertain guests at home with full face

Garlic puree white meat shrimp

Ingredients: 300 grams of prawns, moderate pork belly, oyster sauce 5 grams, monosodium glutamate 3 grams, red oil 20 grams, cooking wine 10 grams, garlic 15 grams, salt 2 grams, chicken powder 5 grams, a little ginger, a little onion


1. When cleaning the shrimp, it is best to remove the shrimp feet and shrimp spouts, add some cooking wine, and pickle ginger powder and pepper for a while.

2. Peel the shrimp.

3. Remove and retain.

4. You can cook with pork belly chunks and cool and slice them, or you can buy ready-made meat chunks. The piece of meat I bought was easier.

5. Heat and cook in cold water.

6. Mix garlic, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, red oil and MSG into the juice

7. Arrange the meat and shrimp cut into thin slices and drizzle with hair to eat

Learn these dishes so that you can entertain guests at home with full face

Sweet and sour honey meat

Ingredients: Pork, honey, green onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, vinegar, dry starch, water starch.

Practice: 1. Cut the pork into slices and pour into a clean bowl. Marinate with soy sauce, salt, cooking wine. Chop the green onion, ginger and garlic into small pieces.

2. Immerse in pickled dry starch flakes. Prepare two small bowls, a bowl of water and a small amount of starch, so that the water becomes starch. Add honey, vinegar and chicken essence to another bowl of honey sauce.

3. Fry in a pan until the surface turns golden, remove the oil. Put a little oil in the pan and add the green onion, ginger, minced garlic and fragrant. Add the fried slices of meat and stir-fry. First pour in the prepared honey juice, then pour in the water starch to thicken the syrup and pour in sesame oil

Learn these dishes so that you can entertain guests at home with full face

Soaked in white meat

Ingredients: pork belly, a pinch of salt, chili peppers, garlic, coriander, soy sauce, gravy.

Practice: 1, the pork belly slightly rinsed, and on both sides of the pork belly with salt, put into the electric pot steaming.

2. After steaming the pork belly, remove it from the electric pot to cool, and start making the seasoning before waiting for the pork belly to cool.

3. Cut the chili, garlic and coriander in the seasoning, add the soy sauce, then add half a tablespoon of pork belly gravy. The pork belly is steamed and the juice that flows out is mixed evenly.

4. When the sauce is ready, the pork belly is not as hot as when it is just steamed. At this time, cut the pork belly.

5. Place the thinly sliced pork belly slices on a plate and drizzle with the prepared sauce.

Learn these dishes so that you can entertain guests at home with full face

Almond shrimp

Ingredients: 10 prawns, 100 g sliced almonds, 1 box of alfalfa sprouts, 1 crab stick, 1/2 cucumber, salad dressing to taste, flour to taste, a little water, a little pepper and a pinch of salt.

Practice: 1, the shrimp to the head and shell, leaving a small section of the tail. Cut the shrimp in half from the back, do not cut it, and go to the shrimp line.

2. Grasp the treated shrimp and marinade and let stand for 10 minutes. It doesn't need to be too thick to mix flour with water.

3. After marinating the pickled shrimp evenly, wrap them in sliced almonds. Fry from the pan until golden and crispy.

4. Take a plate and put the alfalfa buds, crab sticks cut into strips, cucumber sticks and squeezed salad.

5. Place the fried shrimp on a plate. Scoop up the slices of almonds that fell off when fried, drain, crush and place on top of the salad.

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