
Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital was rated as a national neonatal health care specialty construction unit

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily January 10 news (reporter Wang Hongxu intern Yin Tianshu) Recently, the Department of Maternal and Child Affairs of the National Health Commission issued a notice announcing the list of the second batch of national neonatal health care specialty construction units. Among them, the Department of Neonatology of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital is on the list, and has been approved to become a national neonatal health care specialty construction unit, and it is also the only unit in Hainan in 2021. It will greatly improve the level of neonatology diagnosis and treatment in Haikou and escort the critically ill newborns in Haikou and even the whole province.

Multidisciplinary collaborative treatment escorts newborns

What are the requirements for the construction of the national neonatal health care specialty, and why can the neonatology department of the hospital be approved? What are the benefits for a newborn baby?

In this regard, Jia Yanping, director of the Department of Neonatology of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that the national neonatal health care specialty focused on the closed-loop management level of the hospital for the whole cycle of newborn babies, especially the treatment and management of premature babies and high-risk newborns, involving obstetrics, delivery room, neonatology, rehabilitation, pediatrics and other multidisciplinary coordination, escorting the ability of mothers and newborns, and has very high requirements for the team.

Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital was rated as a national neonatal health care specialty construction unit

Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital held a training course on "Neonatal Resuscitation Simulation Training". Hospital provided

"The approval of the National Neonatal Health Care Specialty is a recognition of our department, and it is also a responsibility." Jia Yanping said that the neonatology team of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital was established in 2004 and became the Haikou Critical Newborn Treatment Center in 2015, responsible for the transport and treatment of critically ill newborns in Haikou and surrounding areas, and was rated as a key clinical discipline in Hainan Province in 2018.

The treatment of critically ill newborns must race against the clock and race against time.

"Ringing bells..." At more than 6 p.m. on July 15, 2021, the phone of the Neonatology Department of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital rang, and a very premature baby with a gestational age of only 27+ 1 weeks and a birth weight of only 770 grams was born, and the baby's spontaneous breathing after birth was extremely weak and the skin color was bruised. At that time, the hospital's newborn transport vehicle immediately set off, escorted by the on-board transport ventilator, the premature baby was quickly transported back to the neonatal department of the hospital, and immediate rescue was carried out, and treatment such as ventilator-assisted ventilation, supplementation of pulmonary surfactant, and intravenous nutritional support under PICC catheters was given. Subsequently, under the meticulous treatment and careful care of all the medical staff of the department, after 90 days and nights of hard work, the baby finally withdrew from the ventilator and successfully got rid of oxygen therapy.

On October 13 last year, the baby was successfully discharged from the hospital. The baby's mother, Ms. Yan, sent a pennant and a letter of thanks, "Thank you for your meticulous care and treatment of the child, you are the patron saint of the premature baby, giving the baby another chance to live." ”

The "Practical Training Program" cultivates neonatology talents and lights up hope for more families

"Every baby is the hope of a family, and one more baby saves one more family." Jia Yanping said that in the past three years, the neonatology department of the hospital has treated about 2,500 hospitalized newborns every year, including about 300 critically ill newborns rescued and more than 100 newborns transported out, with a rescue success rate of 98.5% and above, and professional newborn transport vehicles and teams can meet the province's remote transport and treatment.

Up to now, the hospital has rescued the minimum gestational age baby for 26 weeks, with a minimum weight of 700 grams; it can treat premature babies, ultra-low weight babies, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal asphyxia and other diseases. At present, the Department of Neonatology of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital has 20 doctors and 42 nurses, with 65 beds, including 13 beds in neonatal intensive care.

Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital was rated as a national neonatal health care specialty construction unit

Neonatology team of Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Hospital provided

In order to cultivate neonatology medical and nursing talents, Haikou Maternal and Child Health Hospital took the lead in introducing the "Neonatal Resuscitation Simulation Training" project in 2018, establishing a simulated real case scenario for participants in the province, simulating and practicing problems in clinical work. For example, through the simulation of newborn asphyxia by simulating babies, the doctor performs resuscitation and treatment, and the teacher guides and evaluates the doctor's operation, and comprehensively improves the diagnosis and treatment ability of the neonatology department.

Today, the "Neonatal Resuscitation Simulation Training" project has been held for 5 consecutive sessions, and more than 300 neonatology medical personnel in the province have been trained. According to the survey results, in 2020, the incidence of severe neonatal asphyxia in 3 midwifery medical institutions at the second level and above in Qiongshan District, Haikou City, according to the neonatal resuscitation simulation training, decreased from the original 0.14% to 0.03%, and the effect was obvious, which could effectively reduce the incidence of severe neonatal asphyxia in Haikou City.

"Training more doctors for the treatment of critically ill newborns through practical training classes has brought hope to more families." Jia Yanping said that through the construction of specialties for newborn health care, the treatment and health care of newborns have been more refined, contributing to the health care of every newborn throughout the life cycle and to the health of Hainan.

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