
Artist who goes to the world - Pu Zhongkui

Artist who goes to the world - Pu Zhongkui

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Artist who goes to the world - Pu Zhongkui

This column adheres to the purpose of promoting traditional Chinese culture, launching contemporary masterpieces, guiding the global collection of calligraphy and paintings, truly recording the creative process and important works of Chinese contemporary artists, and recording the real life of famous artists with the lens; Infect the hearts of the masses with your works. So that the audience's appreciation and appreciation of calligraphy and painting works continue to improve, so that Chinese famous calligraphy and painting stride into the international market and step onto the world stage.

People in this issue:

Calligraphy and painting artist - Pu Zhongkui

Pu Zhongkui (now Li Pi) was born in Suzhou in 1948. National first-class artist; formerly employed: Vice Chairman of the National Art Association of China; Honorary Professor of the School of Calligraphy and Painting art of Tsinghua University. He is good at landscape painting and calligraphy. The paintings and calligraphies are elegant, rich in charm, full of interest and very attractive.

His works have been included in: "National Soul Art Everyone", "A Hundred Years of Chinese Art", "Introduction to Chinese Art", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting General Appreciation and Modern Volume", "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China 2020 (No. 40)" and other classics.

Inheriting Chinese culture, you and I walk side by side. CMETV, the first financial television station in Canada, launched a large-scale documentary "Artists To the World" column, which will be broadcast on The Canadian Finance One Television Station, so stay tuned.

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