
Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

"A strong backer is essential on the road to success." This sentence actually tells a rule that people have always tacitly agreed, in fact, since ancient times, if this person's backer is strong enough, then he is actually very easy to develop and promote.

In ancient times, it was actually a well-connected society, and many times, the family was powerful, and its own development would be smooth.

The protagonist we are going to talk about today, Bao Zheng, is a very well-known and honest official. But at the same time, incorruptibility will inevitably offend many people. Therefore, Bao Zheng actually offended a lot of people, but it was precisely because of the strength of his backer that he was able to be promoted 25 times in 26 years. So, backing up is actually very important sometimes.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

Who is the patron of The Bao Zheng? Why did he get promoted so many times in 26 years? What's going on here? If you want to understand, you still have to start with the history of the time.

Bao Qingtian's career path

We may be a little unfamiliar with Bao Zheng, but he also has a title that is actually well known to everyone, that is, Bao Qingtian.

Bao Zheng was very fond of learning when he was young, but for various reasons, he went to school late, so he only took the exam when he was 28 years old, so Bao Zheng was actually very old when he entered the career.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

However, because bao Zheng's place of work was too far from home at the beginning, and he considered the need to support his parents, he simply resigned and returned home. Although this is only a small matter, it can be seen that since Bao Zheng can resign from his official position at will, it proves that in fact, his family conditions should be relatively favorable.

Later, ten years later, his parents died one after another, and Bao Zheng, who was 38 years old at this time, was relieved and finally decided to continue to serve as an official. Therefore, at this time, the 38-year-old Bao Zheng was assigned to Anhui to do a small knowledge county.

When Bao Zheng was in Zhixian County, he was very conscientious and conscientious, for the sake of the people, and he was very clean. He always handles every case impartially. Later, in his forties, Bao Zheng was promoted to the capital and was appointed as the inspector of imperial history.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

The iron-faced selfless embrace

After Bao Zheng ushered in his first promotion, he entered the court in one fell swoop and became an official at the emperor's side.

At this time, Bao Zheng is still very iron-faced and selfless, will not favoritism, is very incorruptible, and does not have the slightest pride. In the palace, Bao Zheng's job is to supervise hundreds of officials, because of his own personality and position, in fact, there are many officials who want to pay bribes to Bao Zheng, but Bao Zheng all refuses, or will report the truth to the emperor word for word.

However, the official field is not a simple place, so Bao Zheng's incorruptible style of conduct has invisibly offended many officials, making them all remember and hate Bao Zheng.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

However, Bao Zheng was not afraid, or still adhered to his own style, loyal to the emperor at the same time will not be afraid of the head, but also bravely express his own views, to the emperor to give a lot of meaningful suggestions. Therefore, the emperor will also like to ask him a lot of questions, and Bao Zheng is also the emperor's trusted right hand.

Because Bao Zheng was very upright, he also offended many officials, and many of these officials even wanted to take revenge on Bao Zheng in secret. However, contrary to their wishes, the careful thinking of these officials did not succeed, but Bao Zheng continued to rise steadily, smoothly promoting many times, and even promoted 25 times in 26 years.

So what is the reason for this? What's going on here? Why is Bao Zheng's life still going so smoothly?

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

The "patron" behind Bao Zheng

Although, in the official arena, networking is very important, so many times, people will say that it is easy to survive if you deal with good connections. However, because Bao Zheng was just and righteous, in fact, many officials in the official arena did not like him, so why was he still able to rise to a higher level? In fact, there are other reasons, because Bao Zheng actually has his own backer.

Who is the patron of The Bao Zheng?

First of all, Bao Zheng participated in the imperial examination early, but became an official late, so many friends who went to the imperial examination at the same level as Bao Zheng have already been promoted, but Bao Zheng is still just an ordinary official. Even later, all of Bao Zheng's classmates had become prime ministers. Therefore, in fact, these people are to a certain extent Bao Zheng's backers, and they trust Bao Zheng's people, and naturally they will speak kindly in front of the emperor.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary

In addition to them, Bao Zheng also has a patron, that is, the people. Because Bao Zheng started from Zhi County, so when Bao Zheng was still only Zhi County, he was doing his best to do things for the people, therefore, he has always been very popular with the people, and these things, in fact, the emperor is also in the eyes, he knows through the reaction of the people that Bao Zheng is a good official, so he can make Bao Zheng's promotion so smooth.

In addition to these, in fact, another huge patron of Bao Zheng is the emperor. In fact, historically, there will be a lot of black-box operations in the official field, and the emperor must also see it in his eyes and keep it in mind. But many times, the emperor is also very helpless, can only open one eye, close one eye. At this time, Bao Zheng did not integrate into those dirty groups because of his clean self-love, in fact, the emperor was also clear, therefore, the emperor would not listen to rumors from the outside world, so he was still willing to let such a good official rise to the top.

Therefore, in the end, the reason why Bao Zheng can be promoted 25 times in 26 years is not only a backer, his biggest backer is actually his own innocence and integrity, after all, it is gold that will shine sooner or later, so Bao Zheng has achieved himself with strength.

Why is It that Bao Zheng offends people everywhere and still has 25 promotions in 26 years? His patrons are not ordinary


As we are familiar with as the saying goes: sooner or later gold will shine. Although Bao Zheng became an official late, in fact, he became a great instrument late, but because of his own talent, he adhered to his original intention, so although he became famous later than others, he still became a good official, and in history, he became a legendary figure praised by posterity.

Moreover, in order to commemorate Bao Zheng, later generations not only remade many film and television works, but also have special temples to commemorate him. It is precisely because of Bao Zheng's selflessness and integrity that he can become the representative of innocent and good officials.

We should take history as a mirror, don't care about the eyes of others, do the right thing, keep our original intentions, be able to do things down-to-earth, believe that as long as we adhere to the truth, different streams of pollution, we will certainly be able to have a good ending, will usher in their own success, now, we should let Bao Zheng's story always be remembered in mind, reminding us not to lose our own heart in the secular material society.

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