
The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

In August 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. With japan's defeat, many Japanese families in China fled and went into exile. Once free of food and clothing, they became very miserable, and even begged along the street for food. The Japanese young master I want to talk about today also became a cattle herding doll of the Chinese landlord because of his defeat in the war and exile.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

The Young Master of Japan was defeated and exiled, and became a Chinese landlord herding cattle doll

Born in 1933 in a Japanese samurai family, the young Japanese young master was born into a samurai family in Japan, but his father was not keen on Japanese Bushido and turned to the railway technology industry. Later, because his father was commissioned by the Japanese Railway Group, the family moved to puppet Manchukuo. At that time, Kei Sahara received a Japanese education, and she would not say a word Chinese.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

In 1945, on the eve of Japan's defeat, Kei Sahara's father died at home in Liaoning, and a month later Japan surrendered. Kei Sahara's mother had to flee with her son, and all of a sudden, the young Japanese young master suddenly became a displaced Japanese refugee.

At that time, many Japanese families began to sell, but today the "pseudo-Manchu currency" that was sold to be exchanged for back was declared unusable tomorrow. Many are in a state of hunger and cold. In this case, Sahara's mother had to rely on mending clothes for a living, while Sahara worked as a pig in a landlord's house.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

Because of His cleverness, He was quickly "promoted" to the landlord's house, and in 1946 he was responsible for herding the landlord's cattle and receiving nine buckets and six liters of sorghum per year as wages. Although these sorghum do not seem to be much today, they were already a considerable annual salary at that time.

Sahara is deeply liked by the landlord and enjoys the advanced treatment of Shangkang dinner

In July 2013, Kei Sahara returned to the small village she had brought with her as a teenager. After getting out of the car, an old lady who was watching recognized him at a glance and affectionately called him "Little Sanyuan". This was his nickname at that time, and now that he had returned to his homeland after many years of absence, Sahara sighed in his heart, not expecting that anyone would remember him.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

Later, Kei Sahara talked about the things he had done in the landlord's house...

As mentioned earlier, Sahara has always been educated in Japan, and even though he has been in China for many years, he cannot read and write Chinese, so the old man asked him to learn some basic Chinese characters to ensure that he could make a living. Sahara is ready to do the same, but it takes a lot of time to learn Chinese characters, so he has no way to herd cattle, so what should he do?

Sahara thought about it and finally thought of a solution. Sometimes, before herding the cattle, he would steal some melons and fruits from the landlord's yard and distribute them to his friends who were herding the cattle together. In exchange, his friends would take turns to help him take care of the cattle, and Sakihara could take the opportunity to run to the school and secretly lie on the window to learn Chinese.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

Sometimes, Kei Sahara also uses a little cleverness to save time herding cattle. He noticed that the cattle in the landlord's house had a characteristic, that is, they liked to lick the salt oozing from the edge of the big sauce tank, and they would drink water hard after licking. So, Kei Sahara took advantage of this, and when he couldn't find the fresh grass, he secretly brought two handfuls of salt, let the cow lick it clean, and then drove the cow to the river, and the cow would drink water "crazy" until it was drunk.

The Japanese young master was reduced to a Chinese cattle herder, 90 kilograms of rice was an annual salary, and eating on kang became a senior treatment

Every time the landlord saw Sahara herding cattle, the cow's stomach was very bulging, and his heart was very happy. Although he knew these little tricks of Kei Sahara, he was still not angry, on the contrary, he used Kei Sahara more and more, and sometimes let Kei Sahara enjoy the "advanced treatment" of eating on Kang.

Years later, Kei Sahara recalls her childhood and says that she will never forget the simplicity of the Chinese villagers for their family in that black land.

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