
Classic poetry | Is especially interesting for everyone in the world

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Classic poetry | Is especially interesting for everyone in the world

Everyone in the world is very interesting


Everyone in the world is very interesting.

Their fate is like the history of the planets.

Each star has its own unique everything,

There is no such thing as a world in the stars.

If someone is ordinary all their life,

And get along with ordinary life,

Then his kind of unobtrusive

It is what makes him interesting in the human world.

Each person has his own mysterious world.

The world has its best times.

The world also has the most terrible moment,

But none of this will be known to us.

If a person dies, with eternity,

With him, died of his first snow,

His first kiss, his first battle...

It's all going to be taken with him.

Yes, left the bridge left the book,

Left the machine to leave the frame,

Yes, there are a lot of things left in the world,

But there's always something that never comes back!

That's the law of this brutal game.

It is not man who dies, but the world that dies.

We remember these mortals who have faults,

But how can we really know them?

How have we ever known brothers and confidants,

How have we ever known the only lover?

Even to our own fathers

Although we know everything, what we know is equal to nothing.

People leave one by one... Irretrievable.

Their mysterious worlds will never return.

Because all this is gone,

Every time it made me cry out.

Fei Bai translation

Yevtushenko (1933- ) Soviet Russian poet. He was a representative of the Soviet poets of the "Loud Voice" school in the late fifties and early sixties. His poems are broad in subject matter, known for their political and lyrical nature, writing about both domestic real life and intervening in international politics, and are known for their "bold" touching on "acute" social issues.

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