
60 barbecue sauce recipes

author:Xinjiang chef Axi
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes

Korean spicy barbecue sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp minced onion, 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp mustard sauce, 1/3 tsp soy sauce, 1/2 tsp coarse black peppercorns, 1 tsp sugar, dark vinegar, olive oil, 1/3 tbsp chili paste, 1 tbsp Korean chili sauce.

  Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

  Usage: Suitable as a roast meat dip for beef, sheep, pigs and seafood, it tastes very delicious.

  Clear oil sauce

  Ingredients: Salt, minced red pepper, 1/2 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp fish sauce

  Directions: Combine all ingredients and add minced red pepper and minced garlic.

  Usage: Very suitable for a variety of vegetables, such as cabbage, beans, kelp can be, as long as the vegetables are blanched with sauce can be eaten.

  Pepper sauce

  Ingredients: 1/3 tsp ground sichuan peppercorns, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp chili oil, 1/3 tsp white vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil, a pinch of salt.

  Estimation: Stir all the above ingredients evenly, and you can use it cold.

  Usage: This cold sauce can be used for seafood, beef, and lamb to mix cold sauce.

  Fish sauce sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp rice wine, 1 tsp light soy sauce, 1/3 tsp oyster sauce, 1/2 tsp fresh chicken powder, 1/2 tsp rock sugar, a pinch of licorice powder (may not add), 1/2 cup water.

  Usage: This is the secret of steamed fish in many restaurants.

  Ume sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp ume juice, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 1 teaspoon brandy, 2 tbsp sugar

  Directions: Heat all ingredients in a container, simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely melted, let cool and serve.

  Usage: Suitable for cold tomatoes, fried vegetables and other dishes, the taste is very special, the sweet and sour is moderate, and the flavor is unique.

  Red wine sweet vinegar sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 cup red wine, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar

  Directions: Mix all the ingredients and mix well.

  Usage: This sauce has the mellow flavor of red wine, and the fresh vegetables and white seafood have a first-class taste.

  Ginger mother dipped in sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tsp spicy bean paste, 1 piece of tofu milk, 2 tsp sugar, 1/3 cup water, 1/2 tsp soy sauce, 18 g basil

  Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and beat into a uniform paste and serve.

  Usage: Suitable for all kinds of meat dipping.

  Garlic squid sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp tahini, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp fresh chicken essence, 1 tsp minced pepper, 1/3 garlic sprout, 10 g coriander, 2 cloves of garlic

  Directions: Stir the garlic sprouts, coriander, minced garlic and other ingredients together.

  Usage: It can be drizzled on the crispy squid, and can also be eaten with other seafood, which is very rich and delicious.

  White rice sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp glutinous rice flour, 2 tsp white pepper, 2 tbsp water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt

  Directions: Bring glutinous rice flour to a boil with other ingredients until it thickens.

  Usage: Meatballs, fried foods can be dipped and eaten. If you like to eat spicy, you can also add a teaspoon of paprika in it.

  Italian tomato meat sauce

  Ingredients: 200 g minced beef, 3 tomatoes, 3 tbsp tomato paste, 300 g onion, 30 g butter, black pepper, 1 tsp salt

  Directions: 1: Bring the butter to a boil and sauté the diced onion until fragrant

  2: Add the minced beef, change color and add the chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce

  3: Stir-fry to make a sauce and season

  To use: A sauce for spaghetti.

  Homemade sacha sauce

  Ingredients: A: 70 g dried flat fish, 30 g dried shrimp

  B: 2 cloves of fried garlic, 1 tsp peanut flour, 1/2 tsp minced shallots, salt and a pinch of white pepper

  C: 1 teaspoon sesame oil, 2 teaspoons peanut oil

  Directions: Put dried fish and dried shrimp in the oven, dry them, remove them, grind them into a fine powder with ingredient B, pour them into a large bowl and add C.

  Usage: Versatile, can be dipped, stir-fried or boiled in soup.

  Miso sauce

  Ingredients: 1/4 cup miso, 2 tbsp miso, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp sesame oil

  Directions: Pour miso into a container and mix well with other seasonings.

  Usage: Can be used to marinate salted and softened ingredients such as garlic, garlic sprouts, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, cabbage, cabbage hearts, etc. Pickled vegetables are very authentic Japanese pickles.

  barbecue sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, rice wine, rock sugar, 2 tsp bonito extract, dried kelp and ginger powder.

  Directions: Mix all ingredients well and you will be fine.

  Spicy sauce

  Ingredients: 1/4 cup lemon juice 2 tsp tomato paste 1 tsp chili oil, 1 tsp chili paste, 1 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp oyster sauce, minced chili pepper, rice wine and brown sugar, 1/2 tsp minced garlic.

  Sour plum sauce

  Ingredients: 3 sour plums, 2 teaspoons each of sour plum preserves and sugar, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar.

  Five-flavor sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tsp soy sauce, sesame oil, black vinegar, white vinegar, 3 tsp tomato paste, 1 tsp ginger, minced garlic and 1 tsp chili pepper. Directions: Mix all ingredients well and you will be fine.

  Garlic paste

  Ingredients: 2 tsp minced garlic, 3 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp each of monosodium glutamate, rice wine, white vinegar, 1 tsp caster sugar, pepper to taste.

  Black pepper sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp cream, 3 tbsp minced onion, 2 tbsp minced garlic, 3 tbsp fine black pepper, 1 tbsp whipped cream, 1 water

  Another 1/2 bowl, a pinch of salt, a glass of flour and water, 1 tbsp of whiskey.


  1. First heat and melt the cream, add minced garlic and minced onion to stir-fry, then add black pepper grains and stir-fry together;

  2. Bring water, whipped cream and salt to a boil, add 1 tbsp of whiskey before cooking.

  Garlic flavored eggplant sauce With Italian noodle sauce

  Ingredients: 1/4 onion, 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp canned boiled tomatoes, 1 tbsp bay leaf,

  2 tbsp white wine, a pinch of white pepper.

  1. Prepare the ingredients, dice the onion and set aside;

  2. Heat the olive oil first, then add the onion and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant;

  3. Pour the juice and grains in the tomato jar, and then add the remaining ingredients to the boil, that is, finish.

  Braised seafood sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp chili paste, 2 tbsp tomato juice, 3 tbsp water, 1 tbsp rice wine, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp minced ginger

  1 tbsp minced green onion

  Directions: Take a small pot, mix all the ingredients well and bring to a boil over low heat. When braising seafood, cut the ingredients and blanch them

  After draining, add the red braised seafood sauce and stir-fry to taste. Assorted seafood or meat dips or stir-fry sauces are available.

  Rice sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp rice noodles, 3 to 4 tbsp soy sauce, 2 to 3 tbsp sugar, 2 cups water, salt to taste, licorice and powder less


  Directions: Put all the ingredients in a pot, mix well and let cool. Can be used for stewed pork liver, hot pork liver or rice dumpling sauce.

  B.B.Q. Grilled meat sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp tomato sauce, 1/2 tbsp French mustard sauce, 1 tbsp hoisin sauce, 1/2 tbsp black vinegar 1/2 tbsp olive oil

  1/3 tbsp chili paste, 1/4 cup chopped onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tsp coarse black pepper, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar

  Directions: Mix all the materials and mix well.

  Mochi sauce noodle sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp tahini, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 3 to 4 tbsp cold boiled water

  1 tbsp, minced garlic.

  How to do it: Mix all the ingredients well, depending on your personal preference, you can add some cucumber shreds and red silk as ingredients, which can be used for danzai

  Noodles, dried noodles, pork rice sauce, or hot greens sauce.

  Salted chicken dip sauce

  Ingredients: 3 tbsp salt, 4 to 5 slices of ginger, 3 green onions, 1/2 bowl of rice wine, cinnamon, star anise for a total of 20 yuan, water.

  How to do it: Put all the ingredients into the pot and boil it, this seasoning can be used to make chicken, or it can be used to dip chicken to eat. change

  In other words, this recipe can be used as a juice or as a dipping sauce.

  Italian bread sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 kg of ground meat, 1/4 onion (cut into small cubes), 1 canned tomato paste, 1 can of red carrot butting (or minced carrot) 1 cup,

  2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp minced garlic 1 tbsp red pepper paste, 1 tsp ground white pepper, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water.

  1. Heat the pot, put the olive oil into the pot and heat it slightly, add the minced onion, red carrot and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant;

  2. Add the ground meat and stir-fry, then add the chili sauce, white pepper, cardamom powder and sugar and stir-fry together;

  3. Finally, add tomato paste and 1/2 cup of water and simmer over low heat for about 3 to 5 minutes to use in The Pasta, Dried Noodle Sauce, or

  It is cabbage stewed sauce.

  Tomato sauce

  Ingredients: 1 kg of cooked tomatoes, 1/2 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp perilla (or minced coriander), 1/2 tsp of sugar less pepper

  A little salt.

  1. Put the tomatoes in boiling water and blanch them, scoop them up and put them in cold water and peel them. Cut the tomato in half and squeeze the tomato seeds and juice

  Chop out.

  2. Stir well in a frying pan, add olive oil, minced tomatoes, perilla (or minced coriander) and sugar and cook until tomatoes

  Ripe. Season with salt and pepper, cool in the refrigerator and use as appropriate.

  Curry tomato sauce

  Ingredients: Ingredient A: 2 tbsp tomato paste, 1 tbsp curry powder, 1 cup water, 1 tsp salt, 1/3 tbsp sugar

  1/2 tbsp Material B: 1/3 tbsp white powder, 1 tbsp water.

  1. Bring water to a boil and add Ingredient A over low heat until it is dry for about half a cup.

  2. Add material B coriander, not too thick, an appropriate amount. (Not even the mustard can also be used in meat or vegetable stir-fry sauce

  Orange sauce pork rib sauce

  Ingredients: 1 orange, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp water

  1. 1 orange (or shangis) washed and drained into 0.5 cm slices.

  2. Bring the orange slices to a boil with other ingredients and reduce the heat to about 2/3 cups to turn off the heat and remove all the ingredients

  Drop off and the sauce is ready to use

  Cantonese oil chicken sauce

  Ingredients: 3 cups soy sauce, 3-4 tbsp maltose, 3 tbsp rock sugar, 1/2 cup rice wine, 2 tbsp salt, 10 cups water, fragrant

  Oil 1/2 cup sachet: wide tangerine peel, cinnamon, star anise, licorice

  Directions: Put all the ingredients in a pot and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, it's a fragrant oily chicken sauce

  Salad sauce with less oil content

  Ingredients: 1 cup water, 2 tbsp white vinegar, 3 tbsp caster sugar, 5 tbsp corn flour, 1.5 cup salad oil 1 tsp salt,

  2 whole eggs

  1. Mix water, white vinegar, fine sand sugar, corn flour and mix well

  2. Cook the mixture over medium heat until it is transparent and gelatinous

  3. Part (2) Mix the ingredients first and set aside

  4. Part I 1.2.Immediately after leaving the fire, add about a quarter of the part (2) material, quickly mix well, and so on

  After a total of 4 times of mixing, that is, the creamy salad sauce is based on this sauce, which can be changed in seasoning by itself, such as multi-addition

  The amount of sugar and vinegar such as vinegar or pepper may be adjusted slightly as needed

  Potato Salad (1)

  Ingredients: 4 pax, 4 potatoes, 4 green onions, 2 tbsp parsley crumbs, 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 minced garlic, salt

  1/2 tsp, pepper to taste, 6 tbsp olive oil

  1. Wash the potatoes and cook the skin in boiling water until cooked through (the water surface needs to be covered with potatoes). 2. After cooking, drain and let cool

  To the point where it doesn't get hot.

  3. Leave the white and light green color of the onion less old, cut into green onions.

  4. Peel the potatoes, cut into thick slices of about half a centimeter, put them in a large bowl and add the green onion

  5. Mix with parsley.

  6. Take another small bowl and mix lemon juice, minced garlic and salt, sprinkle a little pepper and slowly add olives

  7. Oil, need to be stirred while adding.

  8. Drizzle the oil juice on the potatoes, mix and mix, so that the potatoes are evenly dipped in the oil juice.

  9. Taste the taste, if not salty enough, you can sprinkle a little salt and mix. Good for cold food.

  Potato Salad (II)

  Ingredients: 300 grams of potatoes, 1/3 cucumber, 1/3 red rube, 2 slices of ham, 1/4 of green onion

  A pinch of vinegar, salt to taste, a pinch of pepper, four tbsp salad paste

  1. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and boil them for 8 minutes with water and add the red rubies to cook (do not crush the potatoes)

  2. (1) Drain the water into a bowl and add salt, pepper and salad sauce and mix well

  3. Add diced ham, diced onion and cucumber slices and mix well

  Garlic grilled meat sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp rock sugar or maltose, 1/4 tsp allspice with a pinch of pepper, water

  3 1/2 cups, 1 tbsp wine, 12 garlic

  1. Put 2 tbsp oil in the pan, put the garlic in the pan and fry until slightly browned

  2. Prepare another pot, bring all the seasonings to a boil, add and fry

  3. Boil the garlic until it is thick, which is a good garlic barbecue sauce

  Miso grilled meat sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp miso (if you have a lower salt content), 1 tsp mirin (i.e. japanese sake vinegar), 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp water, garlic

  1 tsp minced, 1 tbsp chopped parsley, 1 tbsp freshly chopped green onion

  1. Mix the miso, miso, sugar and water carefully before adding the minced garlic

  2. Sprinkle with green onion and chopped coriander if you still feel that it is not salty enough, you can add the right amount of soy sauce. If you can't buy Wei Lin,

  Can be replaced with a little white vinegar

  Authentic Japanese tempura sauce

  Ingredients: White oyster, soy sauce

  Directions: Make the white worm into a puree, add soy sauce and mix well

  Curd sauce (chicken steak sauce)

  Ingredients: 60 g of red curd milk, 10 cc of rice wine, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp monosodium glutamate, 1 tbsp minced minced minced rice sauce 5

  Gram, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 50cc water, 20 g minced garlic

  Directions: Place all ingredients in the juicer and serve in a bowl for about 30 seconds

  Lemon sauce (chicken chop sauce recipe)

  Ingredients: 1 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1 tbsp 30cc water, rice wine

  Directions: Press the lemon juice, put it in the juicer with the remaining ingredients, and beat for about 30 seconds to serve in the bowl.

  Traditional chicken chop sauce

  Ingredients: 20 g minced green onion, 10 g minced ginger, 40 g minced garlic, 1/4 tsp allspice powder, 1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate 1 tsp soy sauce paste

  Spoon, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 50cc water, 1 tbsp rice wine

  Directions: Put all the ingredients in the juicer and beat the bowl for about 30 seconds, then add the chicken steak and dip both sides of it evenly with the sauce.

  Let stand for about 30 minutes

  Plum sauce

  Ingredients: 2 perilla plums, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp vegetarian oyster oil, 2 tbsp plum juice, a pinch of water

  1. Wash and finely chop the perilla plums.

  2. Take a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and stir well with water. spare.

  3. Heat the pan, pour in the sauce of recipe 2 and cook for about 3 to 5 minutes on low heat until rolling, then turn off the heat and serve the bowl.

  4. Mix Recipe 1 and Recipe 3 together.

  Garlic paste

  Ingredients: 1 chili pepper, 1 garlic, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp soy sauce paste, a pinch of water

  1. Take a bowl and stir the sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce paste together with water.

  2. Heat the sauce in recipe 1 and cook over low heat for about 3 to 5 minutes until it thickens.

  3. Wash and finely chop the chili and garlic, and mix well with the sauce of recipe 2.

  Sweet and spicy sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 tbsp tomato paste, 2 tbsp chili paste, a pinch of water, 1 tbsp sugar

  1. Take a bowl, add all the ingredients and stir well with water.

  2. Heat the pan and pour in recipe 1 and cook over low heat for about 3 to 5 minutes until viscous.

  Fried sauce with noodle sauce

  Ingredients: 3 shrimp 2, shrimp skin 4 2, garlic 2 2, 1 kg of ground meat, 1/2 kg of dried tofu, 1 can of bean paste

  1/3 small can, 4 dried radish 2, water 1 and 1/2 bowl

  Mix the shrimp skin with the dried shrimp, put it in a pot, stir-fry with garlic, and add water, ground meat, dried tofu, and dried mushrooms

  Stir-fry, finally add sweet noodle sauce and bean paste and stir-fry well, add water to boil and put cold bottle.

  Pumpkin sauce

  Ingredients: 2 cups pumpkin, 1 cup stock, 1 cup milk, a pinch of salt, a little white pepper, a little cream of flour 1 large

  Spoons, 2 tbsp onion

  1. Wash and peel the pumpkin and cut the seeds into small pieces, put them in a pot with the broth and bring to a boil, change to medium heat, and then add the milk to cook together

  Turn off until cooked thoroughly.

  2. Heat and dissolve the cream in a pan, add the onion to stir-fry and reduce the heat, then pour in the noodle flour and stir-fry slightly, then put in the pumpkin

  Continue to cook in the broth, if the soup is not enough, add a little milk or stock.

  3. Cook the soup until thick, add salt and white pepper, stir well, put it in the juicer and whisk it evenly


  Dim sum dip or fried food dip can be used

  Tree seed hot sauce

  Ingredients: 1/3 cup tree seeds, 2 tsp paprika, 1 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp minced shallots 1 tbsp water

  Spoon, 1 tbsp red clams

  1. The tree has a grain and a round cake, if it is a whole piece, it should be divided into small pieces of grain.

  2. Mix all the ingredients well and cook over low heat until the taste is balanced, then you can use steamed fish and steamed meat hot pot to dip the sauce

  Mint sauce

  Ingredients: Mint leaves to taste, 1/2 cup water, a pinch of sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tbsp cream, a pinch of salt to taste,

  Water to taste, white pepper to taste

  1. Wash and beat the mint leaves into fine powders and boil them with water, then remove the dregs and heat them over low heat.

  2. Add cream, milk, salt, sugar, white pepper and other spices to the pot and mix well.

  3. In addition, use a small bowl to mix the flour with water, slowly add the flour water to the pot and cook until thick, then turn off the heat and set aside.

  Can be used as a noodle dip or lamb chop sauce

  Soy milk puree hot sauce

  Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu milk, 1 1/2 tbsp fructose, 1 tbsp chili oil, 2/3 cup water, 1/2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp garlic paste

  1 tbsp, minced green onion

  1. First press the tofu milk into a puree and set aside.

  2. Then fuse with water and add fructose, chili oil, soy sauce, etc. and bring to a boil over low heat.

  3. When you want to eat, add garlic puree and minced green onion to use. If you mix all the ingredients with boiled water, you can immediately make a dipping sauce.

  Kelp sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 kelp (dried kelp), 1/3 cup soy sauce, 3 cups water, 2 tbsp sugar, ground white pepper, a pinch of salt

  1. Wash and cut the konbu into segments and cook with 3 cups of water over medium heat for 15 minutes.

  2. Add soy sauce, white pepper, sugar, salt, reduce the heat and cook until it is about 1 cup dry, you can turn off the heat and filter off the kelp.

  Instantly into kelp sauce.

  Dip in fried food, greens, or make a soup base.

  Steamed fish plum sauce

  Ingredients: 6 perilla plums, 1 tbsp plum paste, 1 tbsp rice wine, 2 tbsp water, a pinch of green onion and 1 small amount of salt

  1 tsp sesame oil

  Directions: 1. Wash and cut the green onion and ginger into strips and set aside. 2. Soak the wine, plum sauce, perilla plum, salt and sesame oil together for about 15

  Minute, wait for the flavor to fuse, then put the green onion and ginger into the mixture and use. When steaming seafood, add it to the pot together

  It can also be used as a dipping sauce to taste or cook the ingredients.

  Mushroom sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp cream, 4 tbsp minced onion, 4 to 5 mushroom slices, 3 tbsp whipped cream, 1 and 1/2 cups salt in water

  A pinch of flour water, 1 tbsp tomato paste (as needed)

  1. Heat and melt the cream, add the chopped onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then sauté with the mushroom slices

  2. In addition, put the water, whipped cream and salt together and boil, use the flour water to cook before cooking, and finally add the tomato sauce and mix well

  can. Cod or chicken steaks are great topped with mushroom sauce, as well as steaks or pork chops as Italian teppanyaki

  The sauce was also very nice

  Avocado sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 avocado (cooked thoroughly), 1 pudding (or 1 egg yolk), 1 tbsp whipped cream, 1 tbsp fructose milk 2


  1. Remove the pulp of the avocado and set aside.

  2. Stir all the ingredients together with an electric whisk or juicer to use. If to make a salty taste, the fruit will be

  Change the sugar and pudding to 1/3 tbsp paprika, 1/3 fine sugar and a pinch of salt and mix well. Dip vegetable strips as

  Red carrots, gherkins, celery or bread strips, tortillas.

  Goose flat dipping sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tsp chili paste, 1 tsp miso, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp dark vinegar, 1 tsp glutinous rice flour

  Directions: Mix all the ingredients well and bring to a boil.

  Goose flat sauce can also be used in general meat dip sauce, or as a seasoning for cooking steaks.

  Fried chicken nuggets with chutney

  Ingredients: 3 tbsp water, 1 tsp soy sauce, 2 tsp white vinegar (or apple cider vinegar), 1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp, in

  1 tsp rice flour, 1 tbsp onion powder, 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp syrup, 1 tbsp salt (1/8 tsp)

  Mix all the ingredients in the pot and cook over low heat until thick, stirring while cooking to avoid sticking to the pan and cooking until thick

  When it is conditioned, it can be turned off and let cool.

  In addition to the chicken nuggets, the chips, onion rings and meal bags are also delicious

  Oden dipped sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp fine miso, 1 tbsp sweet and spicy sauce, 1/2 tbsp caster sugar, 2 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp soy sauce, 2 tsp water

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp white powder, 1 and 1/2 tbsp water

  1. Bring the miso to a boil with a little water, then put it in a pot with all the other ingredients and heat it to a boil.

  2. Then use too white powder to make the watercress until the creaminess is enough to use. Sweet and not spicy, deep-fried with sauce.

  Sweet and sour sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp dark vinegar 3 to 4 tbsp water, too

  A little white powder, a little sesame oil

  Directions: Raise the oil pan and bring all the ingredients together to a boil. Sweet and sour sauce is very versatile, such as fried fish, fried pork ribs or fried meat

  Balls, drizzled with sweet and sour sauce and sprinkled with a little green onion, are a delicious dish.

  Steamed crab and shrimp sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 cup minced ginger, 3/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup water, a pinch of salt

  Bring the vinegar, sugar, water and salt together until the sugar is completely melted, add the minced ginger and continue to boil, then turn off the heat, let cool and bottle to cool

  Store and remove when eaten.

  The purpose of adding a little salt is to bring up the taste of sugar and white vinegar, so that the dipping material tastes more sweet, so salt can only be used

  A little (less than 1/4 tsp), not too much. Can be used as steamed seafood such as crab, fish or boiled shrimp dip

  Osmanthus sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp osmanthus flowers, 1/2 cup honey, 1/4 cup rock sugar, 1 and 1/2 cups water, a little cinnamon powder with osmanthus flavor

  A little salt

  Directions: Bring all ingredients together and reduce heat to low and cook until thick until thick. Can be made as honey lotus root or honey ham

  Dip in the sauce and add to the sweet rice balls

  Japanese teriyaki sauce

  Ingredients: A) 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/3 tbsp sesame oil, 1 and 1/2 water

  cup. B) 1 tbsp white powder, 1 tbsp water, a pinch of ground black pepper, a pinch of salt

  Directions: Bring 1 and 1/2 cups of water to a boil, add Ingredient A and mix well, then add Ingredient B to thicken to turn off the heat

  use. Raw meat sauce or cooked sauce is also available for grilling

  Mulberry vinegar sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp mulberry jam, 3 tbsp white vinegar, 1/2 tbsp fructose

  Directions: Mix well with all ingredients and use. Can be used as a lettuce salad or as a hot seafood dip

  Fried flower sticks dipped in sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp dark vinegar, 1 tbsp minced green onion, 1 tbsp minced garlic, a pinch of minced chili pepper, 1 tsp minced ginger, 1 tsp minced parsley

  1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp tomato paste, 1 tbsp sesame oil

  Directions: Mix all the materials and mix well. Can be used as a deep-fried seafood or vegetable dip

  Oyster sauce dry noodle sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tsp lard or sesame oil, 1 tsp dark vinegar, 1 tsp soy sauce, a pinch of sesame oil, 1 tsp of chopped green onion

  First cook the noodles, stir all the seasonings evenly, pour them into the cooked noodles, and mix well;

  If you use oil noodles, you can sprinkle some oil shallot crisp to increase the smooth taste of oil noodles. If the taste is heavier, it can be added 1/2 smaller

  Spoon of sweet and spicy sauce, taste better.

  Use to mix dry noodles or boiled greens

  Fork grilled meat sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 bowl of soy sauce, 1/2 cup of sugar (or honey), 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp of oyster sauce, 3 tbsp rice wine, 1/2 of water

  Cup, 1 tbsp allspice powder, 1 tbsp minced garlic, a little red pigment (may not add) 2 to 3 green onions, a few slices of ginger (pat flat)

  How to do it; mix all the ingredients together and mix well is fork grilled meat sauce. It can be used as a barbecue sauce or as a general sauce

  Eat or stir-fry the vegetables

  Nanyang style barbecue sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 tbsp curry powder, 1 tbsp peanut flour, 1 tbsp sacha paste, 1/2 tsp fennel powder 1/2 tbsp sugar,

  1/2 tbsp soy sauce

  Directions: Mix and stir all the ingredients well and use

  Lamb with sauce

  Ingredients: 1 piece of sesame oil tofu milk, 2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp Okayama chili paste, 1 tsp of tofu milk solution 1 tsp minced green onion

  1 tsp. minced parsley

  Place 1 piece of sesame oil tofu milk in a small bowl and pour in sugar, Okayama chili sauce and 1 tsp of sesame oil tofu milk (tofu milk

  The juice refers to the juice in the tofu bottle), mix well with a tablespoon, and sprinkle 1 small spoon of minced green onion and 1 small spoon before serving

  Chopped parsley.

  In addition to being used as lamb dip sauce, it can also be eaten as a barbecue sauce or a dipping sauce for sewage soup

  Thai sour vinegar sauce

  Ingredients: 3 tbsp white vinegar, 1/2 tbsp chili pepper, minced green onion, onion, coriander, garlic, 1/2 sugar

  1. Wash and cut the vegetables into finely chopped or diceed vegetables.

  2. Mix the white vinegar with the sugar, you can add the other cut materials, and you can use it after mixing well. Can be used for scalding branches or

  Sliced meat with sauce, boiled fish, sautéed greens, or hot pot soup base (double the amount)

  Shellfish seafood dip sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp soy sauce paste, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 1 tbsp dark vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp sweet and spicy sauce 1 tsp minced ginger

  1 tsp minced garlic, a pinch of sesame oil

  Directions: All ingredients can be turned apart and mixed well.

  Braised sauce

  Ingredients: 1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp black vinegar, 3 tbsp water, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/3 tbsp sesame oil 2 tbsp chopped green onion

  1 tbsp, 1 tbsp minced ginger, 1/3 tbsp rice wine

  Directions: Mix all the materials and mix well to use.

  Red oil copy hand sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp red oil, 1/2 tsp bonito MONOSG or MSG, a pinch of sesame oil, a pinch of peppercorns, green onion

  1 tsp minced garlic, 1/2 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp minced coriander 1 handful of bean sprouts (grasp a handful in the palm of your hand)

  Directions: Add soy sauce, peppercorns, minced garlic and bonito MSG to a bowl and gently mix well. Next, cook the dumplings with water

  Put it in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onion, chopped coriander and slightly blanched bean sprouts, and drizzle with red oil and sesame oil before eating

  Spray red oil scribble hands! It is used for boiling dry sauce, or dry noodles and dry slats sauce.

  Sichuan cold noodle sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 tbsp tahini, 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp chili oil, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 1/2 minced garlic

  1/3 tbsp rice wine, 1 tbsp cold boiled water, 1/2 tbsp peanut flour, 1 tbsp white vinegar, 1/2 tbsp sugar

  1. Mix the garlic puree with water first. Then add the tahini sauce to the black soy sauce and bring it to a boiling water.

  2. Mix all the ingredients well, and then according to personal preference, add some cucumber shreds and red silk

  Meat balls, bowls dipped in sauce

  Ingredients: 2 tbsp soy sauce paste, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp minced garlic

  Directions: Stir in soy sauce paste, sugar and water, then add the garlic paste and stir gently. Can be used as a meat ball and bowl dipper

  Sauce, or hot slices of meat dipped in sauce.

  Kyo sauce beef stir-fried sauce

  Ingredients: 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce paste, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tsp pepper powder


  How to do it: Mix all the ingredients together and stir well, you can make more and put them in the refrigerator for later. Raw meat pickle sauce or meat

  Stir-fry or stew can be used

  Red wine mushroom sauce

  Ingredients: 1/2 pound of fresh white ground mushroom slices, 1 clove of garlic chopped, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion, 1 tablespoon of 1/2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2 soups

  Spoon cream, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1/2 cup of beef stock, 1/4 cup of non-sweet red wine, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, a pinch

  White pepper powder

  1. Heat the cream in a pan, then add the mushroom slices, garlic paste and chopped onion, and sauté over medium-high heat until the mushrooms are soft and fragrant

  When, add the flour and tomato paste and stir-fry well.

  2. Then add red wine and beef stock to the pot, stir and cook often until boiling, then reduce to medium heat, cook for another minute without lid

  However, season with salt and pepper and drizzle over the prepared steaks while hot

  Korean bbq pickled gravy

  Ingredients: 1/2 cup soy sauce, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 1/

  2 tbsp minced ginger, 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp chopped green onion, 1 tsp chopped red pepper

  Directions: Mix all the ingredients evenly. Note: You can prepare a clean glass bottle with a lid and put all the materials

  Shake evenly, pour out as much as you need, and the remaining sauce can be sealed tightly and refrigerated within a few days

  use up. Angela often uses this pickled gravy to marinate the beef steak for more than four hours, and then fry or grill the beef steak

  Cook to your preferred ripeness and sprinkle with sautéed white sesame seeds and green onions. Also Angela felt mixed with this

  It's also nice to have a cold sauce, but if you want to eat raw, pay attention to hygiene! Because this pickled gravy is added more

60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes
60 barbecue sauce recipes

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