
An advanced way of living a human life: slow

An advanced way of living a human life: slow
An advanced way of living a human life: slow

In the noisy city, the pace is hurried and crowded. We didn't have time to look back, we couldn't care less about our feet, and we weren't in the mood to enjoy the scenery around us.

We wanted too much and were on the road all the time.

What we didn't expect, however, is that sometimes the more you want, the more you lose. The direction is wrong, the opposite is true.

When we read the prosperity of the world, we don't have time to savor the taste. Along the way, panic, fly camp dog goo.

Our struggle seems to have begun long before we were born. The phrase "don't let the child lose at the starting line" makes people quickly and caught off guard.

The world has long forgotten that not being in a hurry is a comfortable state of existence.

There is a cloud in the "Western Rock Sayings": be cautious beforehand, and do not regret it afterwards.

Many things, we run to make decisions, look back, but we have to spend more time to regret and make up.

In fact, if you are willing to slow down, you will find that life is not deliberately difficult for you. "Slow" is an advanced way of human life.

An advanced way of living a human life: slow
An advanced way of living a human life: slow

Slowness has become a luxury in an impetuous society.

Mai Jia wrote in "Life Sea Sea": "Life is like the sea, ups and downs, suffering in life is the norm, and recognizing the essence and still living, that is the highest state of life." ”

The grass and trees are flourishing, and winter goes to spring. What was the original intention of the departure, and do you still vaguely remember it?

When we slow down our lives, the picture we see is no longer a fleeting cloud of smoke, no longer a blink of an eye, a parting of life and death, but a frame-by-frame picture.

Life is your own, everything on the outside is left to others to comment on, and only you know best whether it is good or bad inside. In their own living space, they have the right to choose and live a state of satisfaction.

Don't disrupt the rhythm of your life in order to chase things outside of you.

Remove impetuosity, when you no longer just focus on the surface, you will find that in fact, there will be all kinds of beauty hidden in the small details of life.

As long as you want, you can enjoy the scenery that others can't see, and listen to the beauty that others can't hear.

An advanced way of living a human life: slow
An advanced way of living a human life: slow

Leave a little time for yourself to embrace the sunshine

Milan Kundera said: Slow down, because life is in a hurry.

Too many people, who have seen the city sleeping and waking up, but can't feel its warmth.

Many times, we pass by the flower shop, but we are reluctant to go in and buy ourselves a bouquet of flowers; we carefully cook a dish, but we don't have time to taste it...

Do things slowly and come steadily.

Life is like a sponge, if you are willing to taste it carefully, it will not be boring.

Try to clean every dust in the house, listen carefully to the friends, and save more leisure time for your family and yourself.

The fireworks in the world are the most precious.

Leave a little time for yourself and slow down in the pursuit of true love

In the past, time was slow, cars, horses, and mail were very slow, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime.

The pace of life now is fast, so fast that you are willing to face your feelings; too fast to understand a person in depth, and you want to give up.

In fact, no matter what kind of situation, in the face of feelings, do not choose to be willing and perfunctory. Leave yourself a little more time to choose, and exchange the rest of your life for peace and smoothness.

Slow down, give yourself a little more time, and understand more what kind of person the other party is, which is the right process to protect yourself, and it is also a responsible attitude to the other party.

Don't rush to make a quick profit in everything, love is not a pass, but to learn to slowly feel each other, know each other and love each other.

An advanced way of living a human life: slow

Set aside a little time for yourself and empty yourself once in a while

For yourself who has a nerve every day, leave some time, life is really hard, why do you have to embarrass yourself.

Occasionally, I don't want to work, I don't think about life, I put aside my worries and concentrate on doing things that I expect to be interested in but don't have time to do.

Watch a movie, read a good book, enjoy a sumptuous dinner, and make an excursion.

Sometimes we really need to "pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely see the south mountain" to regulate life and soothe the heart.

As there is a famous Western proverb: "Slow down and let the soul keep up"


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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