
Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei. Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are more home-cooked foods for everyone's reference.

Sweet and sour carp is a traditional dish made of carp in Jinan, Shandong, one of the representative dishes of Lu cuisine, golden color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and sour, fragrant and delicious.

It is said that this dish originated in Luokou, Jinan, and gradually spread to Shanxi, Henan and other places. In Henan, the formation of sweet and sour fish, carp baked noodles and other dishes, according to the "Tokyo Dream Hualu" record: during the Northern Song Dynasty, carp baked noodles in the market has become popular, fish color jujube red, soft and tender and fragrant; baked noodles as fine as hair, fluffy and crisp.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

Carp protein content is not only high, but also good quality, human digestion and absorption rate of up to 96%, and can provide essential amino acids, minerals, vitamin A and vitamin D; carp fat is mostly unsaturated fatty acids, can reduce cholesterol very well.

Next, I will introduce you to the home-cooked practice of this sweet and sour carp, and learn that you will never have to go to a restaurant again!

【Sweet and sour carp】

1. First of all, we prepare a carp, knock the fish out, scrape off the scales, remove the internal organs, and clean it. Then cut a few knives on both sides of the fish, do not cut through when cutting, cut until the fish bones.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

2. Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 10 grams of cooking wine, a small piece of ginger into strips, a white section of green onion, cut into horseshoe slices, spread the sauce evenly on the fish, marinate for 10 minutes, and give the fish a fishy taste.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

3. A few grains of garlic, after vigorously patting, cut into minced garlic, a piece of ginger, cut into minced ginger and set aside.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

4. Prepare a large basin, beat in an egg white, grab two handfuls of starch, a handful of flour, the ratio of starch to flour is 2:1, add 5 grams of vegetable oil, a little water, water to add a small amount of many times, until the powder is stirred into a paste that can be drawn.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

5. Then take out the pickled carp, sprinkle with a layer of dry starch, dry powder can suck away the moisture on the fish, so that the paste should not be de-pulped, put into the prepared batter, so that the surface of the fish body and the cracks are evenly wrapped in the paste for later.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

6. After the ingredients are prepared, we start to fry the fish, add the appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot, the oil is heated to 50%, when the oil surface is slightly smokey, pinch the fish head and tail, put the fish body into the oil pot, soak and fry for 3 minutes, set the carp.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

After 7.3 minutes, the carp has been set, the carp is all immersed in the oil pan, and then fried for another 5 minutes, during which the fish is often turned over, and the hot oil is poured on the part where the oil surface is exposed, so that the carp is evenly heated and cooked consistently.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

After 8.5 minutes, the carp has been fried thoroughly, fried until the surface is golden brown, and the fish is removed from the pan to control the oil.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

9. Next, we mix the sweet and sour sauce, add a little water to the pot, add 20 grams of sugar, 10 grams of white vinegar, 20 grams of tomato sauce, stir quickly to dissolve the tomato sauce, and then add 1 gram of salt to the bottom taste.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

10. Pour in the chopped ginger and garlic, drizzle with a little water starch, turn on high heat to collect the soup, then add 5 grams of bright oil to brighten the color, turn well and then start the pot.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

11. Pour the sweet and sour sauce evenly over the fish, place it on the plate, add a little coriander garnish, and you can serve it.

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

Well, this crispy and tender, sweet and sour sweet and appetizing carp is ready, like friends hurry up and try it!

Homemade sweet and sour carp method, crispy on the outside and tender and sweet and appetizing, super under the rice

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical home-cooked dishes for your reference every day, we will see you in the next issue!

Copywriter: Wen Xiaonuan

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