
People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

Zhao Yonghua was born in 1942, a native of Shaodong, Hunan Province, with the character Jing Song, and the lord of the Yiya Zhai, known as the "People's Artist". Recently, we learned during an interview that Zhao Yonghua, who has reached his old age, has an extremely legendary life experience, can cut hair, can carpentry, can repair, can carve, can heal, can invent, can sing flower drum drama, can magic and juggling, can take photos and portraits, can figure silhouettes and traditional paper-cutting. At first sight, people are immersed in it, but what is more eye-catching is Zhao Yonghua's love and study of calligraphy.

Calligraphy can make people indomitable, but also can make people not arrogant

People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

Zhao Yonghua has loved calligraphy since childhood and has taught himself. In school, although he was mischievous, the teachers often praised his writing well, and later when he dropped out of farming due to family reasons, he would involuntarily use the earth as paper and the hoe as a pen, and after becoming a doctor, he did not stop the study and study of calligraphy, sometimes seeing a doctor during the day, practicing words under the kerosene lamp at night, often unconsciously practicing words until late at night.

One day, Zhao Yonghua saw a farm calendar, and he did not expect that this unintentional farm calendar booklet would rewrite the trajectory of his life when he was over forty years old. "A lot of people spend their lives doing nothing, but some people are busy and don't know what they're best at, they like," he said. If people have their own strengths, they should use their own strengths to play, make greater contributions to this society, and exert the energy of life to the extreme. Such a life is meaningful, only in this way can we create miracles, and only in this way can we live more valuablely. This pamphlet uses extremely simple language, but it talks about the truth of life. ”

At that time, in the early 1980s, the national policy had been liberalized, people could rely on their own strengths and abilities to seek jobs and make a living in society, after careful consideration, 43-year-old Zhao Yonghua abandoned medical studies and resolutely went to the road of making friends with the art of calligraphy. For many years after that, Zhao Yonghua and his wife were selling words for a living, wandering the world. In his 12-year wandering career, he has traveled to more than 20 provinces and hundreds of large and small cities across the country, visiting calligraphy masters everywhere he went, observing the stone carvings of stele tablets, and touching the former sages and fa ti, which is to improve calligraphy.

People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

Zhao Yonghua's calligraphy has gradually been highly praised by experts and scholars in the field of calligraphy, and has also attracted wide attention at home and abroad, and since 1990, "Shaoyang Daily", "Daming Pao", "Taiwan Li Pao", "World Tribune" and other newspapers and periodicals have published his works for publicity, CCTV and "People's Daily" have also successively reported his life and calligraphy works. However, Zhao Yonghua did not seek fame and fortune, did not seek a career, and withdrew from the most brilliant time to precipitate his own art, not to let it be contaminated with too much worldliness.

Not related to the past, not to the future

"Not to erupt in silence, but to perish in silence". Zhao Yonghua is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, cursive, seal, Weibei, Hanjian, Banqiao, Mao, modern calligraphy, etc., and created the original "Yonghua style". At the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, "Yonghua Ti" won the first prize and was issued as a stamp by the General Administration of Post. The Chinese art master "Zhao Yonghua Calligraphy" on the world stamps in 2019 is a national gift treasure post made by the postal associations of the United States, France, Germany and other countries and issued to the world.

People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

Moreover, Zhao Yonghua created a writing crash course with his tenacity and understanding of calligraphy study day after day. He believes that the road is simple, soft pen and hard pen can be connected; each Chinese character can be split, and after cleverly combining Arabic numerals and some symbols, all the pen lines can be written. Zhao Yonghua wrote it into teaching materials, such as "Five-Minute Pen Writing Quick Method", "Magical Writing Rapid Method Tutorial", "Thirty Hour Brush Pen Character Rapid Method Tutorial", etc., and created a set of interesting teaching methods, some people called him "deciphering the Chinese character writing code". He also published the first simplified calligraphy in China, which greatly improved the learning efficiency of primary and secondary school students practicing calligraphy.

People's Artist Zhao Yonghua: Love is still the same, inheritance is eternal

These teaching materials and interesting teaching methods have been applied to the schools run by Zhao Yonghuaxing. Zhao Yonghua ran a school in his hometown of Shaodong County for ten years from 1995 to 2006, and later, Zhao Yonghua and Ms. Zhou Lin accepted the invitation of Wu Jiongsheng, chairman of Shenzhen Xinxihu Group Company, and founded the "Yonghua Calligraphy Art Training Center" in Shenzhen Yuanling New Village in 2006, and established the Shenzhen Yonghua Calligraphy Art Research Institute in 2011. He said that the purpose of running the school is to let students really understand the methods of writing and understand the magical charm of calligraphy, and to develop and inherit calligraphy, which is a traditional Chinese culture.

Zhao Yonghua's calligraphy teaching system is currently being carried forward and has become a major brand of calligraphy teaching. For the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture, there is still a long way to go, in this regard, Zhao Yonghua said that he will not forget the original intention, forge ahead, and better popularize the artistic achievements of his research and the teaching of the writing method, so as to better help young people absorb China's excellent traditional culture, strengthen cultural quality and aesthetic ability, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and carry forward the core values of socialism; it will also be promoted to the world along the Belt and Road, so that calligraphy, a cultural treasure, will shine in the treasure house of world culture and art. (Text/Dagong Hunan Shen Yu)

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