
The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

"Mang Yue: 'The ancients, set up eight houses in Lujing, one husband and one woman and one woman and one hundred acres of land, and tithe and tax, then the country will give the people rich and praise the sound.'" - Book of Han

When it comes to Wang Mang, most people will most likely think that he is the protagonist of the "Wang Mang usurpation" incident. Leaving aside the reason for this incident, let's say that after the han dynasty jianxin in December 8 AD, the series of new policies it implemented are indeed confusing.

Because of the implementation of a series of policies such as the nationalization of land, the prohibition of trade, the abolition of slavery, and the need to register private mining, posterity is familiar with the content of its restructuring. Judging from the content of his restructuring, he is simply a crosser who pursues state capitalism and has the concept of equality of all people. And this statement is not a one-person statement alone, but a view that many people agree with.

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

So, what did such an emperor do that was considered to be something that only a crosser could do?

It is hard to believe that Wang Mang once thought of inventing "airplanes" for armed struggle when dealing with xiongnu military affairs. However, limited to the sake of the times, "airplanes" were not invented.

1. Invention

After Wang Mang established the new one, in order to show that he was a different emperor, a series of restructuring measures were implemented. In addition, in order to be able to conquer the four seas, he also took the initiative to send troops to attack the Xiongnu, and even renamed the "Xiongnu Shan Yu" to "surrender to slaves", and reduced the "princes" of the kings of the Western Regions to "marquises". In order to cope with this situation, Wang Mang began to form a new army.

Just at this time, Wang Mang heard the news that someone could fly. Surprised, Wang Mang saw the man and ordered him to fly. As a result, the man, as Wang Mang wished, inserted the wings woven from feathers on either side of his body and really flew up. Affected by this, Wang Mang suddenly wanted to invent an "airplane" and wanted to form an air force to strike at the Xiongnu.

However, after Wang Mang invented the vernier caliper, he found that the structure of the "aircraft" was too complicated. Therefore, we can only retreat to the second place, borrow the way of inserting wings on both sides of the body, and begin to form an air force. However, because the flying troops were too dangerous, Wang Mang had to recruit prisoners to form a "death squad".

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

The Book of Han and the Chronicle of Food and Goods clearly records that Wang Mang recruited prisoners and human slaves from all over the world and formed a death squad capable of "flying" to fight against the invaders of the Xiongnu. He named the death squad that could "fly" "Pig Tom Yong".

Of course, the history books do not record that Wang Mang sent pig to fenyong, a flying death squad, to participate in actual combat, and the reason for this is unknown to us. But Wang Mang did think of the concept of "aircraft" and even thought of the way to strike the enemy with "air force" troops.

This method of warfare was proposed by Wang Mang, which is difficult for historians to explain. Therefore, Wang Mang's theory that he is a crosser naturally began to become popular.

So, but with this invention, can it be said that Wang Mang is a crosser?

In fact, after Wang Mang became emperor, the New Deal system was the main reason why people felt that he was a crosser.

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

Second, the New Deal system

After Wang Mang's han jianxin, the content of the restructuring carried out may seem familiar to people. For example, Wang Mang directly declared the public ownership of state land and prohibited the private sale and purchase of land. In addition to this, all the land was directly shuffled.

In addition, it is crucial that each landless couple will be given a hundred acres of land by the state. Moreover, whether rich or noble, if they exceed the per capita land of 100 acres, the extra land must be handed over to the poor and distributed.

If you think about it, is there some similarity between the content of this restructuring and the current policy? Because of this, a considerable number of people take this as evidence that Wang Mang is a crosser. In addition, Wang Mang also abolished the system of buying and selling slaves and slaves, and to some extent achieved the so-called "equality of all people".

In addition, in the reform of Wang Mang's new policy, the government also uniformly controlled prices and levied commercial taxes, and prohibited merchants from hoarding goods for speculation, and if tax evasion was discovered, they would be confiscated from labor and serve the government for one year.

In addition, in order to better take care of the interests of the people at the bottom, Wang Mang also sent people to build about 200 low-rent housing places in Chang'an, specifically for the poor to live.

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

Judging from the content of these New Deal systems, Wang Mang is simply a crosser who grew up in modern society and has the core values of socialism. Its system of unified prices and the system of not allowing the sale of slaves in the Han Dynasty seemed so "abrupt" that it did not look like something that ancient people could do. It seems that only the identity of the crosser can explain why Wang Mang was able to implement a policy that was far ahead of the times.

So, has such a "crosser" succeeded in his policy?

It is very regrettable that in the feudal society at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the policies pursued by Wang Mang were too advanced to conform to social development, and eventually failed.

Third, failure

Wang Mang wanted to implement the Wangtian system, controlling all land in the hands of the state in order to seek benefits for more poor people. From the point of view, this is undoubtedly a good policy for the welfare of the people. Unfortunately, however, the policies he pursued were inconsistent with the social developments of the time.

Because in the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, the population of Liu Han's clan had reached more than 100,000, and its generations of rich and gentry were deeply rooted in local power. Together with the slaves, servants, servants, and servants they controlled, they controlled as many as a quarter of the country's population and occupied more than half of the land.

Under these circumstances, Wang Mang's implementation of the Wang Tian system and the prohibition of buying and selling slaves and slaves were too "whimsical." Therefore, in the case of insufficient feasibility, Wang Mang did not implement a relatively strong safeguard measure, so that the local magnates rarely handed over the land to the state.

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

The state did not receive enough land, so naturally it could not distribute it to the ordinary people. In this way, it will naturally cause dissatisfaction among ordinary people. In desperation, the system pursued by Wang Mang was completely abolished three years later, and he had to restore the legitimacy of land trading and slave trading.

Not only that, after Wang Mang rudely implemented his new policy, he also caused irreparable losses to society in the process of local power and confrontation with the state, and even caused certain turmoil. As a result, "farmers and merchants are unemployed and food and goods are wasted", and some ordinary people are even "weeping on the city road", and some poor people are forced to become robbers because they have no way to survive because they have been reclaimed from their fields.

In the fourth year of Tianfeng, the famine of the people under Wang Mang's rule reached its peak, and because of the locust plague and flooding, the Hubei people Wang Kuang and Wang Feng revolted in the Green Forest Mountain, setting off a wave of rebellion against Wang Mang's rule. Among them, the people under the rule of powerful forces are the main force rebelling against Wang Mang's rule.

Because wang Mang had beaten the Xiongnu indiscriminately in those years, his army was vulnerable and was defeated in the face of many forces. Eventually, Wang Mang was killed by Liu Xuan's men who had invaded Chang'an. At this point, the ruler who had been emperor for fifteen years and was considered to be a crosser had passed away, and the new dynasty seen by Wang Mang had become one of the shortest-lived dynasties in history.


Speaking of which, although Wang Mang has pursued a series of policies that seem to be very advanced, he is actually a strange thing that makes people scratch their heads. He forced the Qiang to donate the area around Qinghai Lake in order to cobble together a so-called "Xihai County", which was then collectively known as the "Four Seas" along with Beihai County, Nanhai County, and Donghai County. In order to show that he can subdue the "four seas".

The only one suspected is the Emperor of the Crossers: he tried to invent the "airplane", which is still unexplained

And not only that, he also made a very strange decision. He sent his people to settle in the area around Qinghai Lake. If the people did not want to go, he would find a way to turn the people into "exiles" and then distribute them.

Judging from these behaviors, if Wang Mang is a crosser, then he is likely to be a "game man" crosser. Because in any case, some of his behaviors are too "casual", and even make people wonder whether he has a "insanity" disease.

However, the statement that Wang Mang is a crosser is the opinion of many netizens after all, and as to whether he is a real crosser, it is really impossible to confirm at present.

Reference: Book of Han

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