
The peak number of people online on the Steam platform has now exceeded 28 million

Recently, Steam officially released a new news on the social platform, announcing that after the number of Steam online users exceeded the 27 million mark on January 3, the peak number of online people on the Steam platform reached a new high, and has now exceeded 28 million people. At present, judging by this trend, the number of peak online people on the Steam platform may increase significantly again at the end of this month.

The peak number of people online on the Steam platform has now exceeded 28 million

According to Steam statistics, the top four games of the peak are "CS:GO", "DOTA2", "PUBG", and "Apex Heroes". Among them, the online number of single-player games "The Witcher 3" stood out from many online games, even surpassing "Destiny 2", reaching 78592 people.

The peak number of people online on the Steam platform has now exceeded 28 million
The peak number of people online on the Steam platform has now exceeded 28 million

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