
iPhone users beware! Malware can pretend to shut down and secretly monitor user privacy

As a benchmark for smartphones, the iPhone is not only unique in terms of hardware and software experience, but also trusted in terms of privacy and security, however, the latest news shows that the iPhone does not seem to be safe anymore!

iPhone users beware! Malware can pretend to shut down and secretly monitor user privacy

Foreign security personnel ZecOps recently demonstrated a technology called NoReboot developed on foreign social platforms, which can make the iPhone realize the disguised shutdown and steal user privacy.

This technology simulates the user shutdown/restart scenario, incoming call ringtones and information notifications, 3D Touch, vibration, screen, camera indicators and other physical feedback will also be disabled, while also fake Apple's classic switch animation to mislead the user that the operation has been completed, but is actually in the network state.

In a "fake shutdown" state, an attacker can quietly remotely access the user's phone's microphone and camera, or do almost anything they want without alerting the user.

iPhone users beware! Malware can pretend to shut down and secretly monitor user privacy

Normally, restarting your iPhone directly removes the hijacking code of malware. However, NoReboot technology can directly hijack when the iPhone is back on, so even if the user "really restarts", it will not help.

Notably, ZecOps said that this issue cannot be fixed with a patch and can run on any iOS version of the iPhone.


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