
"Dusk noise" can not hurt, three steps to soothe the crying baby!

For crying babies, it is often necessary to mobilize the whole family to move together, the father hugs the mother, the mother hugs the grandmother, the grandmother hugs the grandfather hug... The family was tossed and turned exhausted.

"Dusk noise" can not hurt, three steps to soothe the crying baby!

So today we will talk about some common ways to deal with your baby's crying.

What is Twilight Hustle?

Whether breastfeeding or formula-fed babies, many babies experience a period of regular crying in the first few months of life. This period usually occurs in the late afternoon or at night.

Usually, this period of crying and anxiety begins at 2-3 weeks of birth, peaks at about 6 weeks, and disappears around 3-4 months.

The day lasts about an average of 2-4 hours. Of course, it is normal to be greater or less than this average.

What causes your baby to cry

If you think your baby's crying is abnormal and different from usual, then trust your instincts and take your baby to the doctor to check if there is any disease.

One of the most common causes of crying in life is colic symptoms, which may be due to unbalanced milk intake (too much milk) or too strong a milk spray reflex. Another cause of crying includes diaper rash, diaper rash, thrush, sensitivity to food, nipple confusion, too little milk for the mother, and so on.

There are many other reasons why babies cry: being too tired, overstimulating, lonely, uncomfortable, etc. can all be reasons for them to cry. Babies also cry when they experience an accelerated period of growth.

Ways to soothe a crying baby

Before we can soothe a crying baby, we must first find out what is the reason for the baby to cry. Here you can make an exclusion according to the basic needs.


Basic needs

Hungry: Feed.

Hiccup: If the baby has not been able to discharge the gas in the stomach, and the stomach is swollen and uncomfortable, the parents can help him take a hiccup to let the gas come out.

Changing diapers: Many babies feel uncomfortable because their diapers are stained with urine.

Hot and cold discomfort: Check whether the clothes your baby is wearing are inappropriate, too cold or too hot will make your baby feel uncomfortable.

Undress your baby: Check if there's anything stuck in his clothes to make him uncomfortable. Or check to see if there are any threads like hair wrapped around his fingers.

In short, it is to check everything that makes the baby feel uncomfortable as much as possible, and then apply the soothing method to appease the baby.

Otherwise, until the root cause of the baby's crying is not solved, the best method of soothing is only temporarily effective

"Dusk noise" can not hurt, three steps to soothe the crying baby!



There are many ways to appease, and here are some common methods that many have proven to be effective. But whether it really works for you or not varies from person to person. You can try more to see which soothing method your baby prefers.

Holding the baby, it is often better to stand up and hold or walk around at this time.

You can feed while walking, carrying a scarf on your back.

Walking the steps, this kind of shaking up and down the stairs can make it easier for your baby to calm down and fall asleep.

Give him a bath. A warm and suitable bath can also make your baby feel very relaxed.

Dancing with your baby in your arms. The rhythm of the music makes everyone very relaxed.

Take your baby out for a walk. Lots of novelty when going out

Things will wait for him to send

Take your baby out for a walk. Many novelties will wait for him to find out when going out, and if it is not caused by crying for special reasons, it is likely that the baby will stop crying on his own.

Give your baby a touch massage

Let's have a "plane hug"

Carry your baby on your back with a backpack or other soft carrier and walk around the house or outside.

"Radish squat", rhythmically holding the baby for a slight squat

Drive out for a ride (remember to be sure to use a safety cradle/seat)

"Dusk noise" can not hurt, three steps to soothe the crying baby!


Reduces irritation

After talking about the comfort method above, let's talk about the usual care methods, try to make the baby more calm and not easy to cry from the beginning, and prevent the baby from crying excessively.

Wrapped in a towel, the baby feels safe because of being gently wrapped.

Dim the lights and reduce noise.

Sound soothing, turn on a little "white noise" (such as fans, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, etc., pay attention not to be too loud and not too long)

Play a little music that your baby likes (you can try different types of sounds to see which one your baby prefers)

Sing to your baby

An interesting phenomenon is that the baby is constantly changing, and today this method of reassurance has a miraculous effect on him, but it does not mean that it is better to use this method tomorrow. Therefore, parents need to try it slowly and adjust several strategies to cope.

It is recommended that you follow the above methods to check whether the baby's basic needs are met, and if the baby has not been pacified, then use the later comfort method.

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