
Hitler never touched these three things in his life, but modern people are very obsessed, and it is difficult not to touch one

For the evaluation of Hitler's life, I believe it has been conclusive! As the initiator of the Second World War, Hitler brought deep disasters to the world, hundreds of millions of people lost their lives in this war, and the entire human civilization regressed many years.

Especially for the Jews, the name Hitler is probably a nightmare and taboo.

Hitler never touched these three things in his life, but modern people are very obsessed, and it is difficult not to touch one

But although Hitler had one kind of personality defect or another, there were three things that he had never touched in his life, but many people in modern times are extremely obsessed with it, and it is difficult not to touch one.

One of the things Hitler never touched in his life: cigarettes

Cigarettes are one of the various tobacco products and the most popular one, which was originally popular in Turkey. When smoking was first popular in Turkey, locals liked to roll up cigarettes in newspapers and smoke them.

On June 25, 1843, France manufactured the first cigarettes in history for commercial sale. During the Crimean War, which took place from October 20 to 1856, British soldiers learned cigarettes from the Ottoman soldiers of the time, and then spread rapidly in their colonies to every corner of the world.

Hitler never touched such a thing as a cigarette in his life, which was mainly related to his health, and Hitler was poor when he was young, because his ambitions were very different from his father's arrangement, resulting in him not being supported by the family.

Especially after the death of his parents, Hitler even had to beg for a living. During this time, Hitler's health suffered a very serious blow.

Hitler never touched these three things in his life, but modern people are very obsessed, and it is difficult not to touch one

So he followed the doctor's advice and didn't smoke cigarettes to overwhelm his body. This habit remained until he became head of state and became a fascist dictator.

The second thing Hitler never touched in his life: fine wine

Grape wine luminous glasses, coupled with beautiful women, such a life enjoyment is the love of countless men. Many famous monarchs in history have delayed their future because of fine wine and beauty, and they have ended up with a sad end of death and destruction.

In Europe, alcoholism has a long tradition, and even on the battlefield, a few drinks are served.

In World War I, a large number of German soldiers drank and entertained on the front line, which made Hitler, who was a member of the German army at the time, very angry, believing that it was because of these people's drinking mistakes that Germany repeatedly failed in the war. From that time on, Hitler was determined not to drink alcohol again.

After he became head of state, he also remembered his original vows and rarely drank all kinds of fine wine. Alcoholism was also strictly forbidden in the SS loyal to him, and it was arguably fair that the bad habit of drinking in the army was well controlled during Hitler's rule.

Hitler never touched these three things in his life, but modern people are very obsessed, and it is difficult not to touch one

The third thing Hitler never touched in his life: eating meat

Westerners are very fond of meat, which has cultivated a strong physique of Westerners, and beef is a must-have in Western cuisine.

But in Hitler's recipes, meat was strictly forbidden. This made Hitler look less like a pure German.

As for the reason why Hitler did not eat meat, there are several speculations: First, it was influenced by the opera composer Richard Wagner.

Hitler once said: "Did you know that Wagner blamed the decline of our civilization on meat-eating?" "I don't stick to the flesh, mainly because Wagner talked about it," and he was quite right.

As a former artist, Hitler was a fanatic of art and obeyed everything said by his admirers.

Hitler never touched these three things in his life, but modern people are very obsessed, and it is difficult not to touch one

After he came to power, he once wanted to promote a vegetarian movement in the national and even military, which was opposed by most people at the time. After some deliberation, he overturned his original idea of not interfering with what the people and the army ate.

However, for his own eating habits, he consistently insisted on vegetarian food and refused to eat meat.

brief summary

Hitler's "three noes" habit has been with him throughout his life, although there are many stories and reasons for this. But for a normal person, rejecting these three things for a lifetime, such perseverance is indeed valuable.

Maybe every successful person is good at being "cruel" to themselves. In this way, Hitler built a vast military empire that conquered almost all of Europe and changed the course of human history. Regardless of his merits or demerits, this spirit is worth learning. Do you say yes?

Reference: Hitler Biography

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