
Kelly Fox_Horoscope for January 10-16, 2022

Many people will be encouraged to be brave this week – but unfortunately, the difficult energy of the confrontation between Mars and Neptune will expose any such effort to manipulation, lies, deception, and secrecy. Since everything is not as it seems, choose carefully the risks you want to take.

Starting Friday, communication will be hampered when Mercury is retrograde in the rebellious sign Aquarius. If you want to change the world, first be honest with yourself, because the impact can also mislead us – especially when we think we're heroes, when in fact we're just selfish.


You're particularly vulnerable to scammers this week, so don't be gullible about everything you hear. Believe in yourself and only believe in yourself, especially on Tuesdays – someone might try to sell you. But if you don't buy it, they can't fool you.

As the weekend approaches, don't be surprised if you find yourself questioning your long-term goals. When Mercury is retrograde in your area, it's right to double-check your motivations. Slow down, think carefully, and adjust the route accordingly.


Well-meaning friends have a lot to say this week, Taurus, and they want you to take their advice. Do whatever it takes to listen — there's no harm in listening to someone else say it — but rely on your own common sense and intuition when making decisions.

Because on Tuesday, lies hover through the air, your best bet is to try to avoid making big choices. Wait until the energy is clearer. If you can't wait, you'll find it helpful to ignore the noise and listen to your own inner voice.

Mercury retrogrades in your career palace on Friday, which is a surprisingly beneficial effect that gives you time to reorganize your work and plan ahead.


This week you'll focus on the conflict between work and intimacy, a place where you often feel like you can't figure it out. No matter how you try, your partner or co-worker will hint that you let them down.

It's important not to think of this as being directed at you. You've done enough to keep going through this difficulty and the energy will soon settle down. Make a choice from the heart and you won't go wrong.

Stay home for a while when your guardian planet Mercury is retrograde on Friday; Travel and adventure can wait a few weeks.


Cancers, this week you feel constrained by responsibility or a bland job. It's as if life has been dragging you down, despite the best efforts you've done to find better options.

Don't be too yourself, especially on Tuesdays. You've done everything you can, and at this very moment, that's all of us can do. You may not achieve nearly impossible goals, but neither will others. Better days are yet to come.

When Mercury retrogrades in your mental house on Friday, you'll have a better understanding of your own worth and your self-worth will grow.


You like to be bold, but it's important to avoid over-risking this week, especially on Tuesdays. You're driven to take risks, but you really don't know what you're facing. Stop, step back, slow down, and try your luck another day.

Mercury retrogrades in your love palace on Friday, which doesn't sound bad – rather, it's your chance to communicate more sincerely with your partner without having to be noticed or "win" an argument. Keep talking, and the more open your soul is, the closer you two will be.


Your closest relationship this week is in some ways pitted against your extended family. It's hard to avoid being dragged into battle, but you know, deep down, the actions of all sides are ridiculous. Unfortunately, it depends on how you mediate in it.

Your guardian planet Mercury retrogrades in your health zone on Friday, however, this gives you the peace and quiet you need to relax and close. Let the world run without you for days, especially on weekends.


You're always in a hurry to get back to work this week, but being in too much of a hurry can cost you a lot. Be especially careful on Tuesdays, as covering up details or taking shortcuts can lead to a lot of confusion.

It's hard to be organized in the middle of the week because you don't have the information you need — but that won't stop you from improving your time management skills to prepare for the coming year.

On Fridays, Mercury retrogrades in your dating district, so if you're going to meet a new friend on the weekend, you may have to go the extra mile to get someone to understand your point.


Your obsessive-compulsive disorder is a real problem this week, especially when it comes to money management. You may feel driven to spend more money than you should, or conversely, you may deliberately deduct money from someone else as a punishment. You're not like that, Scorpio. Deal with this situation and solve it with your emotional intelligence.

When Mercury retrogrades in your home area on Friday, you may feel drawn back to your family or old friends from years ago. It's fun and healing, but remember that you live in the moment.


Mars is currently in your sign and can lead you into a variety of situations you don't want to face. On Tuesdays, discord may revolve around family or a situation that cannot or is unwilling to forgive and forget.

Tantrums are useless, so try to stay calm. This energy doesn't last long, but when it comes into play, the best thing to do is to distract yourself with your favorite hobbies, exercises, or pastimes. Don't give yourself a chance to get angry.

Mercury retrogrades in your communication area on Fridays, so the weekend isn't the perfect time for tough conversations either. Keep a low profile for the time being.


Don't be surprised if you're feeling a little vague and uncomfortable this week. Mars, currently in your spiritual region, is creating drama when you just want to enjoy your own company. Tuesday can be a particularly exhausting day, especially when a dramatic scene is being staged in your workplace. Hold on.

Overall, the more work you complete this week, the better, because if you have a lot of things that you haven't done, you'll start to feel guilty.

Mercury retrogrades in your values area on Fridays and you may encounter challenges of faith or values on weekends.


Your social life can have its ups and downs this week, and a farce on Tuesday can leave you feeling exhausted and rather strange — as if it all happened suddenly.

While you prefer to avoid conflict, you may not have many options this week and have to deal with some angry people. Stay calm and get emotionally detached. You're not the one causing the trouble.

When Mercury is retrograde in your sign on Friday, you'll be able to take a back seat, and until then, just smile, grit your teeth, and hold on.


You don't want to be the focus this week, but astrology shows that whether you like it or not, you will eventually be the focus. You may be pushed to the forefront in situations beyond your control, especially at work.

Although you will feel like a rabbit illuminated by the headlights, you are actually more capable than you realize. Don't panic when you're forced to take control, especially on Tuesdays. Do what you have to do and do it your way. You'll be productive and others will notice.

When Mercury retrogrades on Friday, the drama will disappear and you will be able to regain inner peace and sanity!

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