
"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

author:Recipes for the gods
"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

The biggest shrimp bought at the wet market are like this, pretending they are big

< h2 class = "mini-title" > two ingredients for eating dry roasted prawns</h2>

Your favorite prawns 250 g, meat foam 20 g, wine stuffing to taste, 1/3 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 5 g of southern ginger, 6 cloves of garlic, black pepper powder to taste, pepper powder to taste, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of tomato paste, 1 spoon of pepper oil, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 1 slice of lemon leaf, 1 small kumquat

< h2 class = "mini-title" > eat two dried roasted prawns</h2>

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 1

Cut off the shrimp whiskers and feet, open the back to take the shrimp line, and coat the back with dry starch

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 2

Fry on low heat until golden brown on both sides, remember to press the head to squeeze out the shrimp paste (shrimp oil stir-fry fried rice can be fragrant)

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 3

Sauté the southern ginger and minced garlic in oil (why use the southern ginger?). Because I came back to find that I didn't have ordinary ginger, the painting style became more and more biased because of this. )

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 4

Add some meat foam and sauté (please ignore my rotten knife work)

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 5

Add my favorite black pepper and pepper powder, add dark and light soy sauce, salt

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 6

Add the flavor soul of this dried roasted prawn - sake brewing

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 7

Ketchup is saved by eating KFC, and I added a pack of my inventory

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 8

Sauté evenly under the prawns and continue to mix well

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 9

Cover and simmer for 5 minutes

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 10

Open the lid and add a little bit of white sugar to the soul of Shanghai cuisine

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 11

Add an appropriate amount of pepper oil to enhance the flavor

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 12

Finally, drizzle with an appropriate amount of aged vinegar to make the sweetness less greasy, stir-fry evenly to collect the juice out of the pot

"Dry roasted prawns" method + recipe, Southeast Asian flavor, dry roasted prawns are simply delicious

Step 13

Cut a lemon leaf and a small kumquat to decorate and use as a side dish, why do you want to do this? Because I bought too many materials, I had to find a way to use them up so as not to waste them

< h2 class= "mini-title" > two cooking techniques for eating dry roasted prawns</h2>

This Shanghai said authentic and not authentic Catalan style two eat dry roast prawns is simply delicious, you must try it when you have time!

Author: LRB

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