
1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first food feige, pay attention to Ah Fei, there are more home-cooked dishes for your reference.

How to make the green onion cake is soft on the outside and soft on the inside can not run the green onion, today we will share a simple method, no noodles, a few shallots wash everything, a simple wrap, a few minutes to make a steamed basket of golden crispy green onion cake.

Friends who like to eat pasta, may wish to learn it, and it is better not to go out to eat at home.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

First prepare 500 grams of flour, add 2 grams of table salt, add some salt to increase the gluten of the dough. Slowly add the right amount of water, first stir into the dough, and then knead into a dough, use cool water in the summer, it is best to use warm water, and the water temperature of warm water is not more than 40 degrees.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

After kneading the dough, cover it with plastic wrap to wake up for a while, and the dough can be better shaped without retracting as soon as it is stretched. Waking up for 5 to 10 minutes is fine, it doesn't take too long.

At this time, let's make a little puff pastry: take a small basin and add 30 grams of flour, 2 grams of salt, and 3 grams of five-spice powder.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

Then burn the oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 70% hot, pour out the hot oil, pour on top of the flour, gently stir until even, the oil puff pastry is made.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

Take a handful of shallots, wash them, cut them into green onions and place them in a pot.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

After all these preparations, the dough is awake, apply a little vegetable oil to the top of the board to prevent the dough from sticking to the board and hands, knead the dough into long strips, and cut into several equal portions.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

Turn the dozant with both hands, then press it into a flat shape, take out a small dossier, and stretch the dough into a long slice.

Spread evenly over a layer of puff pastry and sprinkle with green onions.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

When rolled up from one side, roll the edge to the other. The layer of dough is thinner, the layering of the cake will be better and more crispy, and then roll up the long strips along one side, roll into a ball, pinch the two sides to prevent the green onion from leaking out, press into the dough, follow the above steps, and make the remaining green onion cake in turn.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

Pour oil into the pan, heat the pan, pour out the hot oil, put the appropriate amount of green onion cake into the pot, add less oil, and shake the pan to make the pan pan fry more evenly.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

After frying on one side, turn over and fry the other side, when frying, adjust to a medium-low heat, avoid too much fire, the outer skin is burned and the inside is not yet cooked, turn more and look more, appropriately smear some vegetable oil.

When both sides are fried, you can take out the green onion cake, follow the above method, and make other green onion cakes, and you can eat it.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

This very delicious crispy shallot cake is ready, it looks very tempting, delicious and beautiful, come and try it.

1 bowl of flour, a handful of shallots, no noodles, quickly make crispy shallot cakes, layer separation caramelized crispy

I am Ah Fei, thank you for your support of the first cuisine, we have several home-cooked dishes for your reference every day, friends who like to cook don't forget to pay attention to it, Ah Fei thank you for watching.

To watch the detailed video, please click: 1 handful of shallots, 1 bowl of noodles, no need to make noodles, quickly make green onion cakes, and solve the family breakfast in 10 minutes

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